djmaze d0f686c657 Rename basefolder 'rainloop' to 'snappymail'
this prevents conflicts with original rainloop
2020-10-15 16:21:52 +02:00

135 lines
2.9 KiB

const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
const devPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dev');
const devPathJoin = path.join(__dirname, 'dev');
const externalPathJoin = path.join(__dirname, 'dev', 'External');
const loose = true;
//npm install closure-webpack-plugin google-closure-compiler
//const ClosurePlugin = require('closure-webpack-plugin');
const babelLoaderOptions = function() {
return {
ignore: [/\/core-js/],
cacheDirectory: true,
overrides: [
test: './node_modules/',
sourceType: 'unambiguous'
presets: [
targets: {"chrome": "60"},
// useBuiltIns: 'usage',
// corejs: { version: 3, proposals: true },
loose: loose,
modules: false
plugins: [
legacy: true
process.noDeprecation = true;
module.exports = function(publicPath, pro, mode) {
return {
// mode: 'production',
mode: mode || 'development',
devtool: 'inline-source-map',
entry: {
'js/app': path.join(devPathJoin, 'app.js'),
'js/admin': path.join(devPathJoin, 'admin.js')
output: {
pathinfo: true,
path: path.join(__dirname, 'snappymail', 'v', '0.0.0', 'static'),
filename: '[name].js',
publicPath: publicPath || 'snappymail/v/0.0.0/static/'
performance: {
hints: false
optimization: {
concatenateModules: false,
minimize: false
,minimizer: [
new ClosurePlugin({mode: 'STANDARD'}, {
compilation_level: 'ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS'
// compiler flags here
// for debugging help, try these:
// formatting: 'PRETTY_PRINT'
// debug: true,
// renaming: false
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production'),
'process.env': {
NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify('production')
new webpack.DefinePlugin({}),
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
{ from: 'node_modules/openpgp/dist/openpgp.min.js', to: 'js/min/openpgp.min.js' },
{ from: 'node_modules/openpgp/dist/openpgp.worker.min.js', to: 'js/min/openpgp.worker.min.js' }
resolve: {
modules: [devPath, 'node_modules'],
extensions: ['.js'],
alias: {
'ko$': path.join(externalPathJoin, 'ko.js')
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'babel-loader',
include: [devPath],
options: babelLoaderOptions()
test: /\.html$/,
loader: 'raw-loader',
include: [devPath]
test: /\.css/,
loaders: ['style-loader', 'css-loader'],
include: [devPath]
test: /\.json$/,
loader: 'json-loader',
include: [devPath]
externals: {