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class NextcloudPlugin extends \RainLoop\Plugins\AbstractPlugin
NAME = 'Nextcloud',
VERSION = '2.2',
RELEASE = '2022-10-13',
CATEGORY = 'Integrations',
DESCRIPTION = 'Integrate with Nextcloud v20+',
REQUIRED = '2.18.6';
public function Init() : void
if (static::IsIntegrated()) {
$this->addHook('main.fabrica', 'MainFabrica');
$this->addHook('filter.app-data', 'FilterAppData');
$this->addHook('json.attachments', 'DoAttachmentsActions');
$this->addJsonHook('NextcloudSaveMsg', 'NextcloudSaveMsg');
public function Supported() : string
return static::IsIntegrated() ? '' : 'Nextcloud not found to use this plugin';
public static function IsIntegrated()
return !empty($_ENV['SNAPPYMAIL_NEXTCLOUD']) && \class_exists('OC') && isset(\OC::$server);
public static function IsLoggedIn()
return static::IsIntegrated() && \OC::$server->getUserSession()->isLoggedIn();
$oFiles = \OCP\Files::getStorage('files');
if ($oFiles and $oFiles->is_dir('/')) {
$dh = $oFiles->opendir('/');
if (\is_resource($dh)) {
while (($file = \readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
public function NextcloudSaveMsg() : array
$aValues = \RainLoop\Utils::DecodeKeyValuesQ($this->jsonParam('msgHash', ''));
if (!empty($aValues['Folder']) && !empty($aValues['Uid'])) {
$oActions = \RainLoop\Api::Actions();
$oMailClient = $oActions->MailClient();
if (!$oMailClient->IsLoggined()) {
$oAccount = $oActions->getAccountFromToken();
$oAccount->ImapConnectAndLoginHelper($oActions->Plugins(), $oMailClient, $oActions->Config());
$sSaveFolder = $this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'save_folder', '') ?: 'Emails';
$oFiles = \OCP\Files::getStorage('files');
if ($oFiles && \method_exists($oFiles, 'file_put_contents')) {
$oFiles->is_dir($sSaveFolder) || $oFiles->mkdir($sSaveFolder);
$sFilename = $sSaveFolder . '/' . ($this->jsonParam('filename', '') ?: \date('YmdHis')) . '.eml';
function ($rResource) use ($oFiles, $sFilename) {
if (\is_resource($rResource)) {
$oFiles->file_put_contents($sFilename, $rResource);
(string) $aValues['Folder'],
(int) $aValues['Uid'],
isset($aValues['MimeIndex']) ? (string) $aValues['MimeIndex'] : ''
return $this->jsonResponse(__FUNCTION__, true);
public function DoAttachmentsActions(\SnappyMail\AttachmentsAction $data)
if (static::isLoggedIn() && 'nextcloud' === $data->action) {
$oFiles = \OCP\Files::getStorage('files');
if ($oFiles && \method_exists($oFiles, 'file_put_contents')) {
$sSaveFolder = $this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'save_folder', '') ?: 'Attachments';
$oFiles->is_dir($sSaveFolder) || $oFiles->mkdir($sSaveFolder);
$data->result = true;
foreach ($data->items as $aItem) {
$sSavedFileName = isset($aItem['FileName']) ? $aItem['FileName'] : 'file.dat';
$sSavedFileHash = !empty($aItem['FileHash']) ? $aItem['FileHash'] : '';
if (!empty($sSavedFileHash)) {
$fFile = $data->filesProvider->GetFile($data->account, $sSavedFileHash, 'rb');
if (\is_resource($fFile)) {
$sSavedFileNameFull = \MailSo\Base\Utils::SmartFileExists($sSaveFolder.'/'.$sSavedFileName, function ($sPath) use ($oFiles) {
return $oFiles->file_exists($sPath);
if (!$oFiles->file_put_contents($sSavedFileNameFull, $fFile)) {
$data->result = false;
if (\is_resource($fFile)) {
foreach ($data->items as $aItem) {
$sFileHash = (string) (isset($aItem['FileHash']) ? $aItem['FileHash'] : '');
if (!empty($sFileHash)) {
$data->filesProvider->Clear($data->account, $sFileHash);
public function FilterAppData($bAdmin, &$aResult) : void
if (!$bAdmin && \is_array($aResult)) {
if (isset($aResult['Capa']) && \is_array($aResult['Capa'])) {
$key = \array_search(\RainLoop\Enumerations\Capa::AUTOLOGOUT, $aResult['Capa']);
if (false !== $key) {
$sUID = \OC::$server->getUserSession()->getUser()->getUID();
$sWebDAV = \OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkTo('', 'remote.php') . '/dav/';
// $sWebDAV = \OCP\Util::linkToRemote('dav');
$aResult['Nextcloud'] = [
'UID' => $sUID,
'WebDAV' => $sWebDAV
// 'WebDAV_files' => $sWebDAV . '/files/' . $sUID
if (empty($aResult['Auth'])) {
$config = \OC::$server->getConfig();
// Only store the user's password in the current session if they have
// enabled auto-login using Nextcloud username or email address.
if ($config->getAppValue('snappymail', 'snappymail-autologin', false)) {
$sEmail = $sUID;
} else if ($config->getAppValue('snappymail', 'snappymail-autologin-with-email', false)) {
$sEmail = $config->getUserValue($sUID, 'settings', 'email', '');
// If the user has set credentials for SnappyMail in their personal
// settings, override everything before and use those instead.
$sCustomEmail = $config->getUserValue($sUID, 'snappymail', 'snappymail-email', '');
if ($sCustomEmail) {
$sEmail = $sCustomEmail;
$aResult['DevEmail'] = $sEmail ?: '';
* @param mixed $mResult
public function MainFabrica(string $sName, &$mResult)
if (static::isLoggedIn()) {
if ('suggestions' === $sName && $this->Config()->Get('plugin', 'suggestions', true)) {
if (!\is_array($mResult)) {
$mResult = array();
include_once __DIR__ . '/NextcloudContactsSuggestions.php';
$mResult[] = new NextcloudContactsSuggestions();
protected function configMapping() : array
return array(
\RainLoop\Plugins\Property::NewInstance('save_folder')->SetLabel('Save Folder')