2022-10-15 17:39:49 +02:00

209 lines
7.3 KiB

class ExamplePlugin extends \RainLoop\Plugins\AbstractPlugin
NAME = 'Example',
AUTHOR = 'SnappyMail',
URL = '',
VERSION = '0.0',
RELEASE = '2022-03-29',
REQUIRED = '2.14.0',
CATEGORY = 'General',
public function Init() : void
$this->addHook('main.fabrica', 'MainFabrica');
$this->addCss(string $sFile, bool $bAdminScope = false);
$this->addJs(string $sFile, bool $bAdminScope = false);
$this->addHook(string $sHookName, string $sFunctionName);
$this->addJsonHook(string $sActionName, string $sFunctionName);
$this->aAdditionalJson['DoPlugin'.$sActionName] = $mCallback;
To have your own callback on a json URI, like '/?/Json/&q[]=/0/Example'
$this->addPartHook(string $sActionName, string $sFunctionName);
To use your own service URI, like '/example'
$this->addTemplate(string $sFile, bool $bAdminScope = false);
$this->addTemplateHook(string $sName, string $sPlace, string $sLocalTemplateName, bool $bPrepend = false);
// $this->addHook('login.credentials', 'FilterLoginCredentials');
$this->UseLangs(true); // start use langs folder
// User Settings tab
$this->addJs('js/ExampleUserSettings.js'); // add js file
$this->addJsonHook('JsonGetExampleUserData', 'JsonGetExampleUserData');
$this->addJsonHook('JsonSaveExampleUserData', 'JsonSaveExampleUserData');
// Admin Settings tab
$this->addJs('js/ExampleAdminSettings.js', true); // add js file
$this->addJsonHook('JsonAdminGetData', 'JsonAdminGetData');
$this->addTemplate('templates/ExampleAdminSettingsTab.html', true);
* @param mixed $mResult
public function MainFabrica(string $sName, &$mResult)
switch ($sName) {
case 'files':
case 'storage':
case 'storage-local':
case 'settings':
case 'settings-local':
case 'login':
case 'domain':
case 'filters':
case 'address-book':
case 'identities':
case 'suggestions':
if (!\is_array($mResult)) {
$mResult = array();
require_once __DIR__ . '/ContactsSuggestions.php';
$mResult[] = new \Plugins\Example\ContactSuggestions();
public function JsonAdminGetData()
return $this->jsonResponse(__FUNCTION__, array(
'PHP' => \phpversion()
* @param string $sEmail
* @param string $sLogin
* @param string $sPassword
* @throws \RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException
public function FilterLoginCredentials(&$sEmail, &$sLogin, &$sPassword)
// Your custom php logic
// You may change login credentials
if ('' === $sEmail)
$sEmail = '';
$sLogin = '';
$sPassword = 'super-duper-password';
// or throw auth exeption
throw new \RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException(\RainLoop\Notifications::AuthError);
// or
throw new \RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException(\RainLoop\Notifications::AccountNotAllowed);
// or
throw new \RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException(\RainLoop\Notifications::DomainNotAllowed);
* @return array
public function JsonGetExampleUserData()
$aSettings = $this->getUserSettings();
$sUserFacebook = isset($aSettings['UserFacebook']) ? $aSettings['UserFacebook'] : '';
$sUserSkype = isset($aSettings['UserSkype']) ? $aSettings['UserSkype'] : '';
// or get user's data from your custom storage ( DB / LDAP / ... ).
return $this->jsonResponse(__FUNCTION__, array(
'UserFacebook' => $sUserFacebook,
'UserSkype' => $sUserSkype
* @return array
public function JsonSaveExampleUserData()
$sUserFacebook = $this->jsonParam('UserFacebook');
$sUserSkype = $this->jsonParam('UserSkype');
// or put user's data to your custom storage ( DB / LDAP / ... ).
return $this->jsonResponse(__FUNCTION__, $this->saveUserSettings(array(
'UserFacebook' => $sUserFacebook,
'UserSkype' => $sUserSkype
public function Config() : \RainLoop\Config\Plugin
public function Description() : string
public function FilterAppDataPluginSection(bool $bAdmin, bool $bAuth, array &$aConfig) : void
public function Hash() : string
public function Manager() : \RainLoop\Plugins\Manager
public function Name() : string
public function Path() : string
public function SetName(string $sName) : self
public function SetPath(string $sPath) : self
public function SetPluginConfig(\RainLoop\Config\Plugin $oPluginConfig) : self
public function SetPluginManager(\RainLoop\Plugins\Manager $oPluginManager) : self
public function SetVersion(string $sVersion) : self
public function Supported() : string
public function UseLangs(?bool $bLangs = null) : bool
public function getUserSettings() : array
public function jsonParam(string $sKey, $mDefault = null)
public function saveUserSettings(array $aSettings) : bool
protected function configMapping() : array
protected function jsonResponse(string $sFunctionName, $mData)
protected function replaceTemplate(string $sFile, bool $bAdminScope = false) : self
$this->Manager()->CreatePluginByName(string $sName) : ?\RainLoop\Plugins\AbstractPlugin
$this->Manager()->InstalledPlugins() : array
$this->Manager()->convertPluginFolderNameToClassName(string $sFolderName) : string
$this->Manager()->loadPluginByName(string $sName) : ?string
$this->Manager()->Actions() : \RainLoop\Actions
$this->Manager()->Hash() : string
$this->Manager()->HaveJs(bool $bAdminScope = false) : bool
$this->Manager()->CompileCss(bool $bAdminScope = false) : string
$this->Manager()->CompileJs(bool $bAdminScope = false) : string
$this->Manager()->CompileTemplate(array &$aList, bool $bAdminScope = false) : void
$this->Manager()->InitAppData(bool $bAdmin, array &$aAppData, ?\RainLoop\Model\Account $oAccount = null) : self
$this->Manager()->AddHook(string $sHookName, $mCallbak) : self
$this->Manager()->AddCss(string $sFile, bool $bAdminScope = false) : self
$this->Manager()->AddJs(string $sFile, bool $bAdminScope = false) : self
$this->Manager()->AddTemplate(string $sFile, bool $bAdminScope = false) : self
$this->Manager()->RunHook(string $sHookName, array $aArg = array(), bool $bLogHook = true) : self
$this->Manager()->AddAdditionalPartAction(string $sActionName, $mCallbak) : self
$this->Manager()->RunAdditionalPart(string $sActionName, array $aParts = array()) : bool
$this->Manager()->AddProcessTemplateAction(string $sName, string $sPlace, string $sHtml, bool $bPrepend = false) : self
$this->Manager()->AddAdditionalJsonAction(string $sActionName, $mCallback) : self
$this->Manager()->HasAdditionalJson(string $sActionName) : bool
$this->Manager()->RunAdditionalJson(string $sActionName)
$this->Manager()->JsonResponseHelper(string $sFunctionName, $mData) : array
$this->Manager()->GetUserPluginSettings(string $sPluginName) : array
$this->Manager()->SaveUserPluginSettings(string $sPluginName, array $aSettings) : bool
$this->Manager()->ReadLang(string $sLang, array &$aLang) : self
$this->Manager()->IsEnabled() : bool
$this->Manager()->Count() : int
$this->Manager()->SetLogger(\MailSo\Log\Logger $oLogger) : self
$this->Manager()->WriteLog(string $sDesc, int $iType = \LOG_INFO) : void
$this->Manager()->WriteException(string $sDesc, int $iType = \LOG_INFO) : void