RainLoop Team 4cc2207513 Uploading and preparing the repository to the dev version.
Original unminified source code (dev folder - js, css, less) (fixes #6)
Grunt build system
Multiple identities correction (fixes #9)
Compose html editor (fixes #12)
New general settings - Loading Description
New warning about default admin password
Split general and login screen settings
2013-11-16 02:21:12 +04:00

71 lines
861 B

'use strict';
* @type {Object}
Consts = {},
* @type {Object}
Enums = {},
* @type {Object}
NotificationI18N = {},
* @type {Object.<Function>}
Utils = {},
* @type {Object.<Function>}
Plugins = {},
* @type {Object.<Function>}
Base64 = {},
* @type {Object}
Globals = {},
* @type {Object}
ViewModels = {
'settings': [],
'settings-removed': [],
'settings-disabled': []
* @type {*}
kn = null,
* @type {Object}
AppData = window['rainloopAppData'] || {},
* @type {Object}
I18n = window['rainloopI18N'] || {},
$html = $('html'),
$window = $(window),
$document = $(window.document),
NotificationClass = window.Notification && window.Notification.requestPermission ? window.Notification : null