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* Autolinker.js
* 0.11.2
* Copyright(c) 2014 Gregory Jacobs <greg@greg-jacobs.com>
* MIT Licensed. http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* https://github.com/gregjacobs/Autolinker.js
/*global define, module */
( function( root, factory ) {
if( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
define( factory ); // Define as AMD module if an AMD loader is present (ex: RequireJS).
} else if( typeof exports !== 'undefined' ) {
module.exports = factory(); // Define as CommonJS module for Node.js, if available.
} else {
root.Autolinker = factory(); // Finally, define as a browser global if no module loader.
}( this, function() {
* @class Autolinker
* @extends Object
* Utility class used to process a given string of text, and wrap the URLs, email addresses, and Twitter handles in
* the appropriate anchor (<a>) tags to turn them into links.
* Any of the configuration options may be provided in an Object (map) provided to the Autolinker constructor, which
* will configure how the {@link #link link()} method will process the links.
* For example:
* var autolinker = new Autolinker( {
* newWindow : false,
* truncate : 30
* } );
* var html = autolinker.link( "Joe went to www.yahoo.com" );
* // produces: 'Joe went to <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">yahoo.com</a>'
* The {@link #static-link static link()} method may also be used to inline options into a single call, which may
* be more convenient for one-off uses. For example:
* var html = Autolinker.link( "Joe went to www.yahoo.com", {
* newWindow : false,
* truncate : 30
* } );
* // produces: 'Joe went to <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">yahoo.com</a>'
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [config] The configuration options for the Autolinker instance, specified in an Object (map).
var Autolinker = function( cfg ) {
Autolinker.Util.assign( this, cfg ); // assign the properties of `cfg` onto the Autolinker instance. Prototype properties will be used for missing configs.
Autolinker.prototype = {
constructor : Autolinker, // fix constructor property
* @cfg {Boolean} urls
* `true` if miscellaneous URLs should be automatically linked, `false` if they should not be.
urls : true,
* @cfg {Boolean} email
* `true` if email addresses should be automatically linked, `false` if they should not be.
email : true,
* @cfg {Boolean} twitter
* `true` if Twitter handles ("@example") should be automatically linked, `false` if they should not be.
twitter : true,
* @cfg {Boolean} newWindow
* `true` if the links should open in a new window, `false` otherwise.
newWindow : true,
* @cfg {Boolean} stripPrefix
* `true` if 'http://' or 'https://' and/or the 'www.' should be stripped from the beginning of URL links' text,
* `false` otherwise.
stripPrefix : true,
* @cfg {Number} truncate
* A number for how many characters long URLs/emails/twitter handles should be truncated to inside the text of
* a link. If the URL/email/twitter is over this number of characters, it will be truncated to this length by
* adding a two period ellipsis ('..') to the end of the string.
* For example: A url like 'http://www.yahoo.com/some/long/path/to/a/file' truncated to 25 characters might look
* something like this: 'yahoo.com/some/long/pat..'
* @cfg {String} className
* A CSS class name to add to the generated links. This class will be added to all links, as well as this class
* plus url/email/twitter suffixes for styling url/email/twitter links differently.
* For example, if this config is provided as "myLink", then:
* 1) URL links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-url"
* 2) Email links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-email", and
* 3) Twitter links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-twitter"
className : "",
* @private
* @property {RegExp} htmlRegex
* The regular expression used to pull out HTML tags from a string. Handles namespaced HTML tags and
* attribute names, as specified by http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/syntax.html.
* Capturing groups:
* 1. If it is an end tag, this group will have the '/'.
* 2. The tag name.
htmlRegex : (function() {
var tagNameRegex = /[0-9a-zA-Z:]+/,
attrNameRegex = /[^\s\0"'>\/=\x01-\x1F\x7F]+/, // the unicode range accounts for excluding control chars, and the delete char
attrValueRegex = /(?:".*?"|'.*?'|[^'"=<>`\s]+)/, // double quoted, single quoted, or unquoted attribute values
nameEqualsValueRegex = attrNameRegex.source + '(?:\\s*=\\s*' + attrValueRegex.source + ')?'; // optional '=[value]'
return new RegExp( [
'<(?:!|(/))?', // Beginning of a tag. Either '<' for a start tag, '</' for an end tag, or <! for the <!DOCTYPE ...> tag. The slash or an empty string is Capturing Group 1.
// The tag name (Capturing Group 2)
'(' + tagNameRegex.source + ')',
// Zero or more attributes following the tag name
'\\s+', // one or more whitespace chars before an attribute
// Either:
// A. tag="value", or
// B. "value" alone (for <!DOCTYPE> tag. Ex: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">)
'(?:', nameEqualsValueRegex, '|', attrValueRegex.source + ')',
'\\s*/?', // any trailing spaces and optional '/' before the closing '>'
].join( "" ), 'g' );
} )(),
* @private
* @property {RegExp} matcherRegex
* The regular expression that matches URLs, email addresses, and Twitter handles.
* This regular expression has the following capturing groups:
* 1. Group that is used to determine if there is a Twitter handle match (i.e. @someTwitterUser). Simply check for its
* existence to determine if there is a Twitter handle match. The next couple of capturing groups give information
* about the Twitter handle match.
* 2. The whitespace character before the @sign in a Twitter handle. This is needed because there are no lookbehinds in
* JS regular expressions, and can be used to reconstruct the original string in a replace().
* 3. The Twitter handle itself in a Twitter match. If the match is '@someTwitterUser', the handle is 'someTwitterUser'.
* 4. Group that matches an email address. Used to determine if the match is an email address, as well as holding the full
* address. Ex: 'me@my.com'
* 5. Group that matches a URL in the input text. Ex: 'http://google.com', 'www.google.com', or just 'google.com'.
* This also includes a path, url parameters, or hash anchors. Ex: google.com/path/to/file?q1=1&q2=2#myAnchor
* 6. A protocol-relative ('//') match for the case of a 'www.' prefixed URL. Will be an empty string if it is not a
* protocol-relative match. We need to know the character before the '//' in order to determine if it is a valid match
* or the // was in a string we don't want to auto-link.
* 7. A protocol-relative ('//') match for the case of a known TLD prefixed URL. Will be an empty string if it is not a
* protocol-relative match. See #6 for more info.
matcherRegex : (function() {
var twitterRegex = /(^|[^\w])@(\w{1,15})/, // For matching a twitter handle. Ex: @gregory_jacobs
emailRegex = /(?:[\-;:&=\+\$,\w\.]+@)/, // something@ for email addresses (a.k.a. local-part)
protocolRegex = /(?:[A-Za-z]{3,9}:(?:\/\/)?)/, // match protocol, allow in format http:// or mailto:
wwwRegex = /(?:www\.)/, // starting with 'www.'
domainNameRegex = /[A-Za-z0-9\.\-]*[A-Za-z0-9\-]/, // anything looking at all like a domain, non-unicode domains, not ending in a period
tldRegex = /\.(?:international|construction|contractors|enterprises|photography|productions|foundation|immobilien|industries|management|properties|technology|christmas|community|directory|education|equipment|institute|marketing|solutions|vacations|bargains|boutique|builders|catering|cleaning|clothing|computer|democrat|diamonds|graphics|holdings|lighting|partners|plumbing|supplies|training|ventures|academy|careers|company|cruises|domains|exposed|flights|florist|gallery|guitars|holiday|kitchen|neustar|okinawa|recipes|rentals|reviews|shiksha|singles|support|systems|agency|berlin|camera|center|coffee|condos|dating|estate|events|expert|futbol|kaufen|luxury|maison|monash|museum|nagoya|photos|repair|report|social|supply|tattoo|tienda|travel|viajes|villas|vision|voting|voyage|actor|build|cards|cheap|codes|dance|email|glass|house|mango|ninja|parts|photo|shoes|solar|today|tokyo|tools|watch|works|aero|arpa|asia|best|bike|blue|buzz|camp|club|cool|coop|farm|fish|gift|guru|info|jobs|kiwi|kred|land|limo|link|menu|mobi|moda|name|pics|pink|post|qpon|rich|ruhr|sexy|tips|vote|voto|wang|wien|wiki|zone|bar|bid|biz|cab|cat|ceo|com|edu|gov|int|kim|mil|net|onl|org|pro|pub|red|tel|uno|wed|xxx|xyz|ac|ad|ae|af|ag|ai|al|am|an|ao|aq|ar|as|at|au|aw|ax|az|ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|bj|bm|bn|bo|br|bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|ca|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|cr|cu|cv|cw|cx|cy|cz|de|dj|dk|dm|do|dz|ec|ee|eg|er|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fk|fm|fo|fr|ga|gb|gd|ge|gf|gg|gh|gi|gl|gm|gn|gp|gq|gr|gs|gt|gu|gw|gy|hk|hm|hn|hr|ht|hu|id|ie|il|im|in|io|iq|ir|is|it|je|jm|jo|jp|ke|kg|kh|ki|km|kn|kp|kr|kw|ky|kz|la|lb|lc|li|lk|lr|ls|lt|lu|lv|ly|ma|mc|md|me|mg|mh|mk|ml|mm|mn|mo|mp|mq|mr|ms|mt|mu|mv|mw|mx|my|mz|na|nc|ne|nf|ng|ni|nl|no|np|nr|nu|nz|om|pa|pe|pf|pg|ph|pk|pl|pm|pn|pr|ps|pt|pw|py|qa|re|ro|rs|ru|rw|sa|sb|sc|sd|se|sg|sh|si|sj|sk|sl|sm|sn|so|sr|st|su|sv|sx|sy|sz|tc|td|tf|tg|th|tj|tk|tl|tm|tn|to|tp|tr|tt|tv|tw|tz|ua|ug|uk|us|uy|uz|va|vc|ve|vg|vi|vn|vu|wf|ws|ye|yt|za|zm|zw)\b/, // match our known top level domains (TLDs)
// Allow optional path, query string, and hash anchor, not ending in the following characters: "!:,.;"
// http://blog.codinghorror.com/the-problem-with-urls/
urlSuffixRegex = /(?:[\-A-Za-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_()|!:,.;]*[\-A-Za-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_()|])?/; // note: optional part of the full regex
return new RegExp( [
'(', // *** Capturing group $1, which can be used to check for a twitter handle match. Use group $3 for the actual twitter handle though. $2 may be used to reconstruct the original string in a replace()
// *** Capturing group $2, which matches the whitespace character before the '@' sign (needed because of no lookbehinds), and
// *** Capturing group $3, which matches the actual twitter handle
'(', // *** Capturing group $4, which is used to determine an email match
'(', // *** Capturing group $5, which is used to match a URL
'(?:', // parens to cover match for protocol (optional), and domain
'(?:', // non-capturing paren for a protocol-prefixed url (ex: http://google.com)
'(?:', // non-capturing paren for a 'www.' prefixed url (ex: www.google.com)
'(.?//)?', // *** Capturing group $6 for an optional protocol-relative URL. Must be at the beginning of the string or start with a non-word character
'(?:', // non-capturing paren for known a TLD url (ex: google.com)
'(.?//)?', // *** Capturing group $7 for an optional protocol-relative URL. Must be at the beginning of the string or start with a non-word character
urlSuffixRegex.source, // match for path, query string, and/or hash anchor
].join( "" ), 'gi' );
} )(),
* @private
* @property {RegExp} invalidProtocolRelMatchRegex
* The regular expression used to check a potential protocol-relative URL match, coming from the {@link #matcherRegex}.
* A protocol-relative URL is, for example, "//yahoo.com"
* This regular expression is used in conjunction with the {@link #matcherRegex}, and checks to see if there is a word character
* before the '//' in order to determine if we should actually autolink a protocol-relative URL. This is needed because there
* is no negative look-behind in JavaScript regular expressions.
* For instance, we want to autolink something like "//google.com", but we don't want to autolink something
* like "abc//google.com"
invalidProtocolRelMatchRegex : /^[\w]\/\//,
* @private
* @property {RegExp} charBeforeProtocolRelMatchRegex
* The regular expression used to retrieve the character before a protocol-relative URL match.
* This is used in conjunction with the {@link #matcherRegex}, which needs to grab the character before a protocol-relative
* '//' due to the lack of a negative look-behind in JavaScript regular expressions. The character before the match is stripped
* from the URL.
charBeforeProtocolRelMatchRegex : /^(.)?\/\//,
* Automatically links URLs, email addresses, and Twitter handles found in the given chunk of HTML.
* Does not link URLs found within HTML tags.
* For instance, if given the text: `You should go to http://www.yahoo.com`, then the result
* will be `You should go to <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">http://www.yahoo.com</a>`
* @method link
* @param {String} textOrHtml The HTML or text to link URLs, email addresses, and Twitter handles within.
* @return {String} The HTML, with URLs/emails/twitter handles automatically linked.
link : function( textOrHtml ) {
return this.processHtml( textOrHtml );
* Lazily instantiates and returns the {@link #anchorTagBuilder} instance for this Autolinker instance.
* @return {Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder}
getAnchorTagBuilder : function() {
var anchorTagBuilder = this.anchorTagBuilder;
if( !anchorTagBuilder ) {
anchorTagBuilder = this.anchorTagBuilder = new Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder( {
newWindow : this.newWindow,
stripPrefix : this.stripPrefix,
truncate : this.truncate,
className : this.className
} );
return anchorTagBuilder;
* Processes the given HTML to auto-link URLs/emails/Twitter handles.
* Finds the text around any HTML elements in the input `html`, which will be the text that is processed.
* Any original HTML elements will be left as-is, as well as the text that is already wrapped in anchor tags.
* @private
* @method processHtml
* @param {String} html The input text or HTML to process in order to auto-link.
* @return {String}
processHtml : function( html ) {
// Loop over the HTML string, ignoring HTML tags, and processing the text that lies between them,
// wrapping the URLs in anchor tags
var htmlRegex = this.htmlRegex,
lastIndex = 0,
anchorTagStackCount = 0,
resultHtml = [];
while( ( currentResult = htmlRegex.exec( html ) ) !== null ) {
var tagText = currentResult[ 0 ],
tagName = currentResult[ 2 ],
isClosingTag = !!currentResult[ 1 ];
inBetweenTagsText = html.substring( lastIndex, currentResult.index );
lastIndex = currentResult.index + tagText.length;
// Process around anchor tags, and any inner text / html they may have
if( tagName === 'a' ) {
if( !isClosingTag ) { // it's the start <a> tag
resultHtml.push( this.processTextNode( inBetweenTagsText ) );
} else { // it's the end </a> tag
anchorTagStackCount = Math.max( anchorTagStackCount - 1, 0 ); // attempt to handle extraneous </a> tags by making sure the stack count never goes below 0
if( anchorTagStackCount === 0 ) {
resultHtml.push( inBetweenTagsText ); // We hit the matching </a> tag, simply add all of the text from the start <a> tag to the end </a> tag without linking it
} else if( anchorTagStackCount === 0 ) { // not within an anchor tag, link the "in between" text
resultHtml.push( this.processTextNode( inBetweenTagsText ) );
} else {
// if we have a tag that is in between anchor tags (ex: <a href="..."><b>google.com</b></a>),
// just append the inner text
resultHtml.push( inBetweenTagsText );
resultHtml.push( tagText ); // now add the text of the tag itself verbatim
// Process any remaining text after the last HTML element. Will process all of the text if there were no HTML elements.
if( lastIndex < html.length ) {
var processedTextNode = this.processTextNode( html.substring( lastIndex ) );
resultHtml.push( processedTextNode );
return resultHtml.join( "" );
* Process the text that lies inbetween HTML tags. This method does the actual wrapping of URLs with
* anchor tags.
* @private
* @param {String} text The text to auto-link.
* @return {String} The text with anchor tags auto-filled.
processTextNode : function( text ) {
var me = this, // for closure
invalidProtocolRelMatchRegex = this.invalidProtocolRelMatchRegex,
charBeforeProtocolRelMatchRegex = this.charBeforeProtocolRelMatchRegex,
anchorTagBuilder = this.getAnchorTagBuilder();
return text.replace( this.matcherRegex, function( matchStr, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7 ) {
var twitterMatch = $1,
twitterHandlePrefixWhitespaceChar = $2, // The whitespace char before the @ sign in a Twitter handle match. This is needed because of no lookbehinds in JS regexes
twitterHandle = $3, // The actual twitterUser (i.e the word after the @ sign in a Twitter handle match)
emailAddressMatch = $4, // For both determining if it is an email address, and stores the actual email address
urlMatch = $5, // The matched URL string
protocolRelativeMatch = $6 || $7, // The '//' for a protocol-relative match, with the character that comes before the '//'
prefixStr = "", // A string to use to prefix the anchor tag that is created. This is needed for the Twitter handle match
suffixStr = "", // A string to suffix the anchor tag that is created. This is used if there is a trailing parenthesis that should not be auto-linked.
match; // Will be an Autolinker.Match object
// Return out with no changes for match types that are disabled (url, email, twitter), or for matches
// that are invalid.
if( !me.isValidMatch( twitterMatch, emailAddressMatch, urlMatch, protocolRelativeMatch ) ) {
return matchStr;
// Handle a closing parenthesis at the end of the match, and exclude it if there is not a matching open parenthesis
// in the match. This handles cases like the string "wikipedia.com/something_(disambiguation)" (which should be auto-
// linked, and when it is enclosed in parenthesis itself, such as: "(wikipedia.com/something_(disambiguation))" (in
// which the outer parens should *not* be auto-linked.
var lastChar = matchStr.charAt( matchStr.length - 1 );
if( lastChar === ')' ) {
var openParensMatch = matchStr.match( /\(/g ),
closeParensMatch = matchStr.match( /\)/g ),
numOpenParens = ( openParensMatch && openParensMatch.length ) || 0,
numCloseParens = ( closeParensMatch && closeParensMatch.length ) || 0;
if( numOpenParens < numCloseParens ) {
matchStr = matchStr.substr( 0, matchStr.length - 1 ); // remove the trailing ")"
suffixStr = ")"; // this will be added after the <a> tag
if( twitterMatch ) {
prefixStr = twitterHandlePrefixWhitespaceChar;
match = new Autolinker.TwitterMatch( { twitterHandle: twitterHandle } );
} else if( emailAddressMatch ) {
match = new Autolinker.EmailMatch( { emailAddress: emailAddressMatch } );
} else { // url match
// If it's a protocol-relative '//' match, remove the character before the '//' (which the matcherRegex needed
// to match due to the lack of a negative look-behind in JavaScript regular expressions)
if( protocolRelativeMatch ) {
var charBeforeMatch = protocolRelativeMatch.match( charBeforeProtocolRelMatchRegex )[ 1 ] || "";
if( charBeforeMatch ) {
prefixStr = charBeforeMatch; // re-add the character before the '//' to what will be placed before the generated <a> tag
matchStr = matchStr.slice( 1 );
match = new Autolinker.UrlMatch( { url: matchStr, protocolRelativeMatch: protocolRelativeMatch } );
// wrap the match in an anchor tag
var anchorTag = anchorTagBuilder.createAnchorTag( match.getType(), match.getAnchorHref(), match.getAnchorText() );
return prefixStr + anchorTag + suffixStr;
} );
* Determines if a given match found by {@link #processTextNode} is valid. Will return `false` for:
* 1) Disabled link types (i.e. having a Twitter match, but {@link #twitter} matching is disabled)
* 2) URL matches which do not have at least have one period ('.') in the domain name (effectively skipping over
* matches like "abc:def")
* 3) A protocol-relative url match (a URL beginning with '//') whose previous character is a word character
* (effectively skipping over strings like "abc//google.com")
* Otherwise, returns `true`.
* @private
* @param {String} twitterMatch The matched Twitter handle, if there was one. Will be empty string if the match is not a
* Twitter match.
* @param {String} emailAddressMatch The matched Email address, if there was one. Will be empty string if the match is not
* an Email address match.
* @param {String} urlMatch The matched URL, if there was one. Will be an empty string if the match is not a URL match.
* @param {String} protocolRelativeMatch The protocol-relative string for a URL match (i.e. '//'), possibly with a preceding
* character (ex, a space, such as: ' //', or a letter, such as: 'a//'). The match is invalid if there is a word character
* preceding the '//'.
* @return {Boolean} `true` if the match given is valid and should be processed, or `false` if the match is invalid and/or
* should just not be processed (such as, if it's a Twitter match, but {@link #twitter} matching is disabled}.
isValidMatch : function( twitterMatch, emailAddressMatch, urlMatch, protocolRelativeMatch ) {
( twitterMatch && !this.twitter ) || ( emailAddressMatch && !this.email ) || ( urlMatch && !this.urls ) ||
( urlMatch && urlMatch.indexOf( '.' ) === -1 ) || // At least one period ('.') must exist in the URL match for us to consider it an actual URL
( urlMatch && /^[A-Za-z]{3,9}:/.test( urlMatch ) && !/:.*?[A-Za-z]/.test( urlMatch ) ) || // At least one letter character must exist in the domain name after a protocol match. Ex: skip over something like "git:1.0"
( protocolRelativeMatch && this.invalidProtocolRelMatchRegex.test( protocolRelativeMatch ) ) // a protocol-relative match which has a word character in front of it (so we can skip something like "abc//google.com")
) {
return false;
return true;
* Automatically links URLs, email addresses, and Twitter handles found in the given chunk of HTML.
* Does not link URLs found within HTML tags.
* For instance, if given the text: `You should go to http://www.yahoo.com`, then the result
* will be `You should go to <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">http://www.yahoo.com</a>`
* Example:
* var linkedText = Autolinker.link( "Go to google.com", { newWindow: false } );
* // Produces: "Go to <a href="http://google.com">google.com</a>"
* @static
* @method link
* @param {String} html The HTML text to link URLs within.
* @param {Object} [options] Any of the configuration options for the Autolinker class, specified in an Object (map).
* See the class description for an example call.
* @return {String} The HTML text, with URLs automatically linked
Autolinker.link = function( text, options ) {
var autolinker = new Autolinker( options );
return autolinker.link( text );
* @class Autolinker.Util
* @singleton
* A few utility methods for Autolinker.
Autolinker.Util = {
* @property {Function} abstractMethod
* A function object which represents an abstract method.
abstractMethod : function() { throw "abstract"; },
* Assigns (shallow copies) the properties of `src` onto `dest`.
* @param {Object} dest The destination object.
* @param {Object} src The source object.
* @return {Object} The destination object.
assign : function( dest, src ) {
for( var prop in src ) {
if( src.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
dest[ prop ] = src[ prop ];
return dest;
* Extends `superclass` to create a new subclass, adding the `protoProps` to the new subclass's prototype.
* @param {Function} superclass The constructor function for the superclass.
* @param {Object} protoProps The methods/properties to add to the subclass's prototype. This may contain the
* special property `constructor`, which will be used as the new subclass's constructor function.
* @return {Function} The new subclass function.
extend : function( superclass, protoProps ) {
var superclassProto = superclass.prototype;
var F = function() {};
F.prototype = superclassProto;
var subclass;
if( protoProps.hasOwnProperty( 'constructor' ) ) {
subclass = protoProps.constructor;
} else {
subclass = function() { superclassProto.constructor.apply( this, arguments ); };
var subclassProto = subclass.prototype = new F(); // set up prototype chain
subclassProto.constructor = subclass; // fix constructor property
subclassProto.superclass = superclassProto;
delete protoProps.constructor; // don't re-assign constructor property to the prototype, since a new function may have been created (`subclass`), which is now already there
Autolinker.Util.assign( subclassProto, protoProps );
return subclass;
* @private
* @class Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder
* @extends Object
* Builds the anchor (<a>) tags for the Autolinker utility when a match is found.
Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
* @cfg {Boolean} newWindow
* See {@link Autolinker#newWindow} for details.
* @cfg {Boolean} stripPrefix
* See {@link Autolinker#stripPrefix} for details.
* @cfg {Number} truncate
* See {@link Autolinker#truncate} for details.
* @cfg {String} className
* See {@link Autolinker#className} for details.
* @private
* @property {RegExp} urlPrefixRegex
* A regular expression used to remove the 'http://' or 'https://' and/or the 'www.' from URLs.
urlPrefixRegex: /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?/i,
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [cfg] The configuration options for the AnchorTagBuilder instance, specified in an Object (map).
constructor : function( cfg ) {
Autolinker.Util.assign( this, cfg );
* Generates the actual anchor (<a>) tag to use in place of a source url/email/twitter link.
* @param {"url"/"email"/"twitter"} matchType The type of match that an anchor tag is being generated for.
* @param {String} anchorHref The href for the anchor tag.
* @param {String} anchorText The anchor tag's text (i.e. what will be displayed).
* @return {String} The full HTML for the anchor tag.
createAnchorTag : function( matchType, anchorHref, anchorText ) {
var attributesStr = this.createAnchorAttrsStr( matchType, anchorHref );
anchorText = this.processAnchorText( anchorText );
return '<a ' + attributesStr + '>' + anchorText + '</a>';
* Creates the string which will be the HTML attributes for the anchor (<a>) tag being generated.
* @private
* @param {"url"/"email"/"twitter"} matchType The type of match that an anchor tag is being generated for.
* @param {String} href The href for the anchor tag.
* @return {String} The anchor tag's attribute. Ex: `href="http://google.com" class="myLink myLink-url" target="_blank"`
createAnchorAttrsStr : function( matchType, anchorHref ) {
var attrs = [ 'href="' + anchorHref + '"' ]; // we'll always have the `href` attribute
var cssClass = this.createCssClass( matchType );
if( cssClass ) {
attrs.push( 'class="' + cssClass + '"' );
if( this.newWindow ) {
attrs.push( 'target="_blank"' );
return attrs.join( " " );
* Creates the CSS class that will be used for a given anchor tag, based on the `matchType` and the {@link #className}
* config.
* @private
* @param {"url"/"email"/"twitter"} matchType The type of match that an anchor tag is being generated for.
* @return {String} The CSS class string for the link. Example return: "myLink myLink-url". If no {@link #className}
* was configured, returns an empty string.
createCssClass : function( matchType ) {
var className = this.className;
if( !className )
return "";
return className + " " + className + "-" + matchType; // ex: "myLink myLink-url", "myLink myLink-email", or "myLink myLink-twitter"
* Processes the `anchorText` by stripping the URL prefix (if {@link #stripPrefix} is `true`), removing
* any trailing slash, and truncating the text according to the {@link #truncate} config.
* @private
* @param {String} anchorText The anchor tag's text (i.e. what will be displayed).
* @return {String} The processed `anchorText`.
processAnchorText : function( anchorText ) {
if( this.stripPrefix ) {
anchorText = this.stripUrlPrefix( anchorText );
anchorText = this.removeTrailingSlash( anchorText ); // remove trailing slash, if there is one
anchorText = this.doTruncate( anchorText );
return anchorText;
* Strips the URL prefix (such as "http://" or "https://") from the given text.
* @private
* @param {String} text The text of the anchor that is being generated, for which to strip off the
* url prefix (such as stripping off "http://")
* @return {String} The `anchorText`, with the prefix stripped.
stripUrlPrefix : function( text ) {
return text.replace( this.urlPrefixRegex, '' );
* Removes any trailing slash from the given `anchorText`, in preparation for the text to be displayed.
* @private
* @param {String} anchorText The text of the anchor that is being generated, for which to remove any trailing
* slash ('/') that may exist.
* @return {String} The `anchorText`, with the trailing slash removed.
removeTrailingSlash : function( anchorText ) {
if( anchorText.charAt( anchorText.length - 1 ) === '/' ) {
anchorText = anchorText.slice( 0, -1 );
return anchorText;
* Performs the truncation of the `anchorText`, if the `anchorText` is longer than the {@link #truncate} option.
* Truncates the text to 2 characters fewer than the {@link #truncate} option, and adds ".." to the end.
* @private
* @param {String} text The anchor tag's text (i.e. what will be displayed).
* @return {String} The truncated anchor text.
doTruncate : function( anchorText ) {
var truncateLen = this.truncate;
// Truncate the anchor text if it is longer than the provided 'truncate' option
if( truncateLen && anchorText.length > truncateLen ) {
anchorText = anchorText.substring( 0, truncateLen - 2 ) + '..';
return anchorText;
} );
* @private
* @abstract
* @class Autolinker.Match
* Represents a match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.
Autolinker.Match = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
* @constructor
* @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match instance, specified in an Object (map).
constructor : function( cfg ) {
Autolinker.Util.assign( this, cfg );
* Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents.
* @abstract
* @return {String}
getType : Autolinker.Util.abstractMethod,
* Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
* @abstract
* @return {String}
getAnchorHref : Autolinker.Util.abstractMethod,
* Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
* @abstract
* @return {String}
getAnchorText : Autolinker.Util.abstractMethod
} );
* @private
* @class Autolinker.EmailMatch
* Represents a Email match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.
Autolinker.EmailMatch = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.Match, {
* @cfg {String} emailAddress (required)
* The email address that was matched.
* Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents.
* @return {String}
getType : function() {
return 'email';
* Returns the email address that was matched.
* @return {String}
getEmailAddress : function() {
return this.emailAddress;
* Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
* @return {String}
getAnchorHref : function() {
return 'mailto:' + this.emailAddress;
* Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
* @return {String}
getAnchorText : function() {
return this.emailAddress;
} );
* @private
* @class Autolinker.TwitterMatch
* Represents a Twitter match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.
Autolinker.TwitterMatch = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.Match, {
* @cfg {String} twitterHandle (required)
* The Twitter handle that was matched.
* Returns the type of match that this class represents.
* @return {String}
getType : function() {
return 'twitter';
* Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents.
* @return {String}
getTwitterHandle : function() {
return this.twitterHandle;
* Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
* @return {String}
getAnchorHref : function() {
return 'https://twitter.com/' + this.twitterHandle;
* Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
* @return {String}
getAnchorText : function() {
return '@' + this.twitterHandle;
} );
* @private
* @class Autolinker.TwitterMatch
* Represents a Url match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.
Autolinker.UrlMatch = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.Match, {
* @cfg {String} url (required)
* The url that was matched.
* @cfg {Boolean} protocolRelativeMatch (required)
* `true` if the URL is a protocol-relative match. A protocol-relative match is a URL that starts with '//',
* and will be either http:// or https:// based on the protocol that the site is loaded under.
* @private
* @property {RegExp} protocolRelativeRegex
* The regular expression used to remove the protocol-relative '//' from the {@link #url} string, for purposes
* of {@link #getAnchorText}. A protocol-relative URL is, for example, "//yahoo.com"
protocolRelativeRegex : /^\/\//,
* @protected
* @property {RegExp} checkForProtocolRegex
* A regular expression used to check if the {@link #url} is missing a protocol (in which case, 'http://'
* will be added).
checkForProtocolRegex: /^[A-Za-z]{3,9}:/,
* Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents.
* @return {String}
getType : function() {
return 'url';
* Returns the url that was matched, assuming the protocol to be 'http://' if the match
* was missing a protocol.
* @return {String}
getUrl : function() {
var url = this.url;
// if the url string doesn't begin with a protocol, assume http://
if( !this.protocolRelativeMatch && !this.checkForProtocolRegex.test( url ) ) {
url = this.url = 'http://' + url;
return url;
* Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
* @return {String}
getAnchorHref : function() {
return this.getUrl();
* Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
* @return {String}
getAnchorText : function() {
var url = this.getUrl();
if( this.protocolRelativeMatch ) {
// Strip off any protocol-relative '//' from the anchor text
url = url.replace( this.protocolRelativeRegex, '' );
return url;
} );
return Autolinker;
} ) ); |