RainLoop Team 4cc2207513 Uploading and preparing the repository to the dev version.
Original unminified source code (dev folder - js, css, less) (fixes #6)
Grunt build system
Multiple identities correction (fixes #9)
Compose html editor (fixes #12)
New general settings - Loading Description
New warning about default admin password
Split general and login screen settings
2013-11-16 02:21:12 +04:00

409 lines
9 KiB

namespace RainLoop;
class Utils
static $Cookies = null;
* @return void
private function __construct()
* @param string $sString
* @param string $sKey
* @return string
static public function EncryptString($sString, $sKey)
return \MailSo\Base\Crypt::XxteaEncrypt($sString, $sKey);
* @param string $sEncriptedString
* @param string $sKey
* @return string
static public function DecryptString($sEncriptedString, $sKey)
return \MailSo\Base\Crypt::XxteaDecrypt($sEncriptedString, $sKey);
* @param array $aValues
* @param string $sCustomKey = ''
* @return string
static public function EncodeKeyValues(array $aValues, $sCustomKey = '')
return \MailSo\Base\Utils::UrlSafeBase64Encode(
\RainLoop\Utils::EncryptString(\serialize($aValues), \md5(APP_SALT.$sCustomKey)));
* @param string $sEncodedValues
* @param string $sCustomKey = ''
* @return array
static public function DecodeKeyValues($sEncodedValues, $sCustomKey = '')
$aResult = \unserialize(
\MailSo\Base\Utils::UrlSafeBase64Decode($sEncodedValues), \md5(APP_SALT.$sCustomKey)));
return \is_array($aResult) ? $aResult : array();
* @return string
static public function GetConnectionToken()
$sKey = 'rltoken';
$sToken = \RainLoop\Utils::GetCookie($sKey, null);
if (null === $sToken)
$sToken = \md5(\rand(10000, 99999).\microtime(true).APP_SALT);
\RainLoop\Utils::SetCookie($sKey, $sToken, \time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, '/', null, null, true);
return \md5('Connection'.APP_SALT.$sToken.'Token'.APP_SALT);
* @return string
static public function GetShortToken()
$sKey = 'rlsession';
$sToken = \RainLoop\Utils::GetCookie($sKey, null);
if (null === $sToken)
$sToken = \md5(\rand(10000, 99999).\microtime(true).APP_SALT);
\RainLoop\Utils::SetCookie($sKey, $sToken, 0, '/', null, null, true);
return \md5('Session'.APP_SALT.$sToken.'Token'.APP_SALT);
* @return void
static public function UpdateConnectionToken()
$sKey = 'rltoken';
$sToken = \RainLoop\Utils::GetCookie($sKey, '');
if (!empty($sToken))
\RainLoop\Utils::SetCookie($sKey, $sToken, \time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, '/', null, null, true);
* @return string
static public function GetCsrfToken()
return \md5('Csrf'.APP_SALT.self::GetConnectionToken().'Token'.APP_SALT);
* @param string $sPath
* @return string
public static function PathMD5($sPath)
$sResult = '';
if (@\is_dir($sPath))
$oDirIterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($sPath);
$oIterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($oDirIterator, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
foreach ($oIterator as $oFile)
$sResult = \md5($sResult.($oFile->isFile() ? \md5_file($oFile) : $oFile));
return $sResult;
* @param string $FileName
* @param array $aResultLang
* @return void
public static function ReadAndAddLang($FileName, &$aResultLang)
if (\file_exists($FileName))
$aLang = @\parse_ini_file($FileName, true);
if (\is_array($aLang))
foreach ($aLang as $sKey => $mValue)
if (\is_array($mValue))
foreach ($mValue as $sSecKey => $mSecValue)
$aResultLang[$sKey.'/'.$sSecKey] = $mSecValue;
$aResultLang[$sKey] = $mValue;
* @param string $sDir
* @param string $sType = ''
* @return array
public static function FolderFiles($sDir, $sType = '')
$aResult = array();
if (@\is_dir($sDir))
if (false !== ($rDirHandle = @\opendir($sDir)))
while (false !== ($sFile = @\readdir($rDirHandle)))
if (empty($sType) || $sType === \substr($sFile, -\strlen($sType)))
if (\is_file($sDir.'/'.$sFile))
$aResult[] = $sFile;
return $aResult;
* @param string $sHtml
* @return string
public static function ClearHtmlOutput($sHtml)
// return $sHtml;
return \str_replace('> <', '><',
\preg_replace('/[\s]+&nbsp;/i', '&nbsp;',
\preg_replace('/&nbsp;[\s]+/i', '&nbsp;',
\preg_replace('/[\r\n\t]+/', ' ',
* @param string $sKey
* @return bool
public static function FastCheck($sKey)
$bResult = false;
$aMatches = array();
if (!empty($sKey) && 0 < \strlen($sKey) && \preg_match('/^(RL[\d]+)\-(.+)\-([^\-]+)$/', $sKey, $aMatches) && 3 === \count($aMatches))
$bResult = $aMatches[3] === \strtoupper(\base_convert(\crc32(\md5(
$aMatches[1].'-'.$aMatches[2].'-')), 10, 32));
return $bResult;
* @param string $sDirName
* @return string
public static function CompileTemplates($sDirName, $oAction)
$sResult = '';
if (\file_exists($sDirName))
$aList = \RainLoop\Utils::FolderFiles($sDirName, '.html');
foreach ($aList as $sName)
$sTemplateName = \substr($sName, 0, -5);
$sResult .= '<script id="'.\preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $sTemplateName).'" type="text/html">'.
$oAction->ProcessTemplate($sTemplateName, \file_get_contents($sDirName.'/'.$sName)).'</script>';
$sResult = \trim($sResult);
return $sResult;
* @param string $sName
* @param mixed $mDefault = null
* @return mixed
public static function GetCookie($sName, $mDefault = null)
if (null === self::$Cookies)
self::$Cookies = is_array($_COOKIE) ? $_COOKIE : array();
return isset(self::$Cookies[$sName]) ? self::$Cookies[$sName] : $mDefault;
public static function SetCookie($sName, $sValue = '', $iExpire = 0, $sPath = '/', $sDomain = '', $sSecure = false, $bHttpOnly = false)
if (null === self::$Cookies)
self::$Cookies = is_array($_COOKIE) ? $_COOKIE : array();
self::$Cookies[$sName] = $sValue;
@\setcookie($sName, $sValue, $iExpire, $sPath, $sDomain, $sSecure, $bHttpOnly);
public static function ClearCookie($sName)
if (null === self::$Cookies)
self::$Cookies = is_array($_COOKIE) ? $_COOKIE : array();
@\setcookie($sName, '', \time() - 3600 * 24 * 30, '/');
* @return array
public static function ServicesPics()
return array(
'' => 'ebay.jpg',
'' => 'ebay.jpg',
'' => 'ebay.jpg',
'' => 'ebay.jpg',
'' => 'ebay.jpg',
'' => 'facebook.png',
'' => 'facebook.png',
'' => 'cnet.jpg',
'' => 'github.png',
'' => 'steam.png',
'' => 'myspace.png',
'' => 'myspace.png',
'' => 'youtube.gif',
'' => 'amazon.png',
'' => 'ted.png',
'' => 'icloud.jpg',
'' => 'google.png',
'' => 'google-plus.png',
'' => 'microsoft.jpg',
'' => 'microsoft.jpg',
'' => 'microsoft.jpg',
'' => 'paypal.jpg',
'' => 'paypal.jpg',
'' => 'paypal.jpg',
'' => 'ea.png',
'' => 'ea.png',
'' => 'ea.png',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => 'twitter.jpg',
'' => 'twitter.jpg',
'' => 'skype.png',
'' => 'skype.png',
'' => 'apple.jpg',
'' => 'apple.jpg',
'' => 'onlive.png',
'' => 'onlive.png',
'' => 'asana.png',
'' => 'asana.png',
public static function CustomBaseConvert($sNumberInput, $sFromBaseInput = '0123456789', $sToBaseInput = '0123456789')
if ($sFromBaseInput === $sToBaseInput)
return $sNumberInput;
$mFromBase = \str_split($sFromBaseInput, 1);
$mToBase = \str_split($sToBaseInput, 1);
$aNumber = \str_split($sNumberInput, 1);
$iFromLen = \strlen($sFromBaseInput);
$iToLen = \strlen($sToBaseInput);
$numberLen = \strlen($sNumberInput);
$mRetVal = '';
if ($sToBaseInput === '0123456789')
$mRetVal = 0;
for ($iIndex = 1; $iIndex <= $numberLen; $iIndex++)
$mRetVal = \bcadd($mRetVal, \bcmul(\array_search($aNumber[$iIndex - 1], $mFromBase), \bcpow($iFromLen, $numberLen - $iIndex)));
return $mRetVal;
if ($sFromBaseInput != '0123456789')
$sBase10 = \RainLoop\Utils::CustomBaseConvert($sNumberInput, $sFromBaseInput, '0123456789');
$sBase10 = $sNumberInput;
if ($sBase10 < \strlen($sToBaseInput))
return $mToBase[$sBase10];
while ($sBase10 !== '0')
$mRetVal = $mToBase[\bcmod($sBase10, $iToLen)].$mRetVal;
$sBase10 = \bcdiv($sBase10, $iToLen, 0);
return $mRetVal;