RainLoop Team 87f10aecd6 v1.3.2.446
2013-10-19 02:30:10 +04:00

684 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

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namespace MailSo\Base;
* @category MailSo
* @package Base
class HtmlUtils
* @access private
private function __construct()
* @param string $sText
* @return \DOMDocument | bool
public static function GetDomFromText($sText)
static $bOnce = true;
if ($bOnce)
$bOnce = false;
if (\MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('libxml_use_internal_errors'))
$oDom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
// @$oDom->loadHTML('<'.'?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?'.'>'.
// '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body>'.$sText.'</body></html>');
@$oDom->loadHTML('<'.'?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?'.'>'.$sText);
return $oDom;
* @param string $sHtml
* @param bool $bSetupBody = false
* @return string
public static function ClearBodyAndHtmlTag($sHtml, $bSetupBody = false)
$sHtml = \preg_replace('/<body([^>]*)>/im', '<div'.($bSetupBody ? ' class="mailso-body" ' : '').'\\1>', $sHtml);
$sHtml = \preg_replace('/<\/body>/im', '</div>', $sHtml);
$sHtml = \preg_replace('/<html([^>]*)>/im', '<div\\1>', $sHtml);
$sHtml = \preg_replace('/<\/html>/im', '</div>', $sHtml);
return $sHtml;
* @param string $sHtml
* @return string
public static function ClearTags($sHtml)
$aRemoveTags = array(
'head', 'link', 'base', 'meta', 'title', 'style', 'script', 'bgsound',
'object', 'embed', 'applet', 'mocha', 'iframe', 'frame', 'frameset'
$aToRemove = array(
'/<\?xml [^>]*\?>/msi'
foreach ($aRemoveTags as $sTag)
$aToRemove[] = '\'<'.$sTag.'[^>]*>.*?</[\s]*'.$sTag.'>\'msi';
$aToRemove[] = '\'<'.$sTag.'[^>]*>\'msi';
$aToRemove[] = '\'</[\s]*'.$sTag.'[^>]*>\'msi';
return \preg_replace($aToRemove, '', $sHtml);
* @param string $sHtml
* @return string
public static function ClearOn($sHtml)
$aToReplace = array(
return \preg_replace($aToReplace, 'оn\\1', $sHtml);
* @param string $sStyle
* @param \DOMElement $oElement
* @param bool $bHasExternals
* @param array $aFoundCIDs
* @return string
public static function ClearStyle($sStyle, $oElement, &$bHasExternals, &$aFoundCIDs)
$sStyle = \trim($sStyle);
$aOutStyles = array();
$aStyles = \explode(';', $sStyle);
$aMatch = array();
foreach ($aStyles as $sStyleItem)
$aStyleValue = \explode(':', $sStyleItem, 2);
$sName = \trim(\strtolower($aStyleValue[0]));
$sValue = isset($aStyleValue[1]) ? \trim($aStyleValue[1]) : '';
if ('position' === $sName && 'fixed' === \strtolower($sValue))
$sValue = 'absolute';
if (0 === \strlen($sName) || 0 === \strlen($sValue))
$sStyleItem = $sName.': '.$sValue;
$aStyleValue = array($sName, $sValue);
/*if (\in_array($sName, array('position', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'behavior', 'cursor')))
// skip
else */if (\in_array($sName, array('behavior', 'cursor')) ||
('display' === $sName && 'none' === \strtolower($sValue)) ||
\preg_match('/expression/i', $sValue) ||
('text-indent' === $sName && '-' === \substr(trim($sValue), 0, 1))
// skip
else if (\in_array($sName, array('background-image', 'background', 'list-style-image', 'content'))
&& \preg_match('/url[\s]?\(([^)]+)\)/im', $sValue, $aMatch) && !empty($aMatch[1]))
$sFullUrl = \trim($aMatch[0], '"\' ');
$sUrl = \trim($aMatch[1], '"\' ');
$sStyleValue = \trim(\preg_replace('/[\s]+/', ' ', \str_replace($sFullUrl, '', $sValue)));
$sStyleItem = empty($sStyleValue) ? '' : $sName.': '.$sStyleValue;
if ('cid:' === \strtolower(\substr($sUrl, 0, 4)))
if ($oElement)
'background' === $sName ? 'background-image' : $sName);
$oElement->setAttribute('data-x-style-cid', \substr($sUrl, 4));
$aFoundCIDs[] = \substr($sUrl, 4);
if ($oElement)
if (\preg_match('/http[s]?:\/\//i', $sUrl))
$bHasExternals = true;
if (\in_array($sName, array('background-image', 'list-style-image', 'content')))
$sStyleItem = '';
$sTemp = '';
if ($oElement->hasAttribute('data-x-style-url'))
$sTemp = \trim($oElement->getAttribute('data-x-style-url'));
$sTemp = empty($sTemp) ? '' : (';' === \substr($sTemp, -1) ? $sTemp.' ' : $sTemp.'; ');
$oElement->setAttribute('data-x-style-url', \trim($sTemp.
('background' === $sName ? 'background-image' : $sName).': '.$sFullUrl, ' ;'));
else if ('data:image/' !== \strtolower(\substr(\trim($sUrl), 0, 11)))
$oElement->setAttribute('data-x-broken-style-src', $sFullUrl);
if (!empty($sStyleItem))
$aOutStyles[] = $sStyleItem;
else if ('height' === $sName)
// $aOutStyles[] = 'min-'.ltrim($sStyleItem);
$aOutStyles[] = $sStyleItem;
$aOutStyles[] = $sStyleItem;
return \implode(';', $aOutStyles);
* @param string $sHtml
* @param bool $bHasExternals
* @param array $aFoundCIDs
* @return string
public static function ClearHtml($sHtml, &$bHasExternals = false, &$aFoundCIDs = array())
$sHtml = null === $sHtml ? '' : (string) $sHtml;
$sHtml = \trim($sHtml);
if (0 === \strlen($sHtml))
return '';
$bHasExternals = false;
$sHtml = \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::ClearTags($sHtml);
$sHtml = \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::ClearOn($sHtml);
// $sHtml = \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::ClearBodyAndHtmlTag($sHtml);
// Dom Part
$oDom = \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::GetDomFromText($sHtml);
if ($oDom)
$aNodes = $oDom->getElementsByTagName('*');
foreach ($aNodes as /* @var $oElement \DOMElement */ $oElement)
$sTagNameLower = \strtolower($oElement->tagName);
if ('iframe' === $sTagNameLower || 'frame' === $sTagNameLower)
$oElement->setAttribute('src', 'javascript:false');
if (\in_array($sTagNameLower, array('a', 'form', 'area')))
$oElement->setAttribute('target', '_blank');
if (\in_array($sTagNameLower, array('a', 'form', 'area', 'input', 'button', 'textarea')))
$oElement->setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
// if ('blockquote' === $sTagNameLower)
// {
// $oElement->removeAttribute('style');
// }
if ($oElement->hasAttribute('src'))
$sSrc = \trim($oElement->getAttribute('src'));
if ('cid:' === \strtolower(\substr($sSrc, 0, 4)))
$oElement->setAttribute('data-x-src-cid', \substr($sSrc, 4));
$aFoundCIDs[] = \substr($sSrc, 4);
if (\preg_match('/http[s]?:\/\//i', $sSrc))
$oElement->setAttribute('data-x-src', $sSrc);
$bHasExternals = true;
else if ('data:image/' === \strtolower(\substr(\trim($sSrc), 0, 11)))
$oElement->setAttribute('src', $sSrc);
$oElement->setAttribute('data-x-broken-src', $sSrc);
$sBackground = $oElement->hasAttribute('background')
? \trim($oElement->getAttribute('background')) : '';
$sBackgroundColor = $oElement->hasAttribute('bgcolor')
? \trim($oElement->getAttribute('bgcolor')) : '';
if (!empty($sBackground) || !empty($sBackgroundColor))
$aStyles = array();
$sStyles = $oElement->hasAttribute('style')
? $oElement->getAttribute('style') : '';
if (!empty($sBackground))
$aStyles[] = 'background-image: url(\''.$sBackground.'\')';
if (!empty($sBackgroundColor))
$aStyles[] = 'background-color: '.$sBackgroundColor;
$oElement->setAttribute('style', (empty($sStyles) ? '' : $sStyles.'; ').\implode('; ', $aStyles));
if ($oElement->hasAttribute('style'))
\MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::ClearStyle($oElement->getAttribute('style'), $oElement, $bHasExternals, $aFoundCIDs));
$sResult = $oDom->saveHTML();
$sResult = \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::ClearTags($sResult);
$sResult = \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::ClearBodyAndHtmlTag($sResult, true);
return \trim($sResult);
* @param string $sHtml
* @param array $aFoundCids = array()
* @param array|null $mFoundDataURL = null
* @return string
public static function BuildHtml($sHtml, &$aFoundCids = array(), &$mFoundDataURL = null)
$oDom = \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::GetDomFromText($sHtml);
$aNodes = $oDom->getElementsByTagName('*');
foreach ($aNodes as /* @var $oElement \DOMElement */ $oElement)
$sTagNameLower = \strtolower($oElement->tagName);
if ($oElement->hasAttribute('data-x-src-cid'))
$sCid = $oElement->getAttribute('data-x-src-cid');
if (!empty($sCid))
$aFoundCids[] = $sCid;
$oElement->setAttribute('src', 'cid:'.$sCid);
if ($oElement->hasAttribute('data-x-broken-src'))
$oElement->setAttribute('src', $oElement->getAttribute('data-x-broken-src'));
if ($oElement->hasAttribute('data-x-src'))
$oElement->setAttribute('src', $oElement->getAttribute('data-x-src'));
if ($oElement->hasAttribute('data-x-href'))
$oElement->setAttribute('href', $oElement->getAttribute('data-x-href'));
if ($oElement->hasAttribute('data-x-style-cid-name') && $oElement->hasAttribute('data-x-style-cid'))
$sCidName = $oElement->getAttribute('data-x-style-cid-name');
$sCid = $oElement->getAttribute('data-x-style-cid');
if (!empty($sCidName) && !empty($sCid) && \in_array($sCidName,
array('background-image', 'background', 'list-style-image', 'content')))
$sStyles = '';
if ($oElement->hasAttribute('style'))
$sStyles = \trim(\trim($oElement->getAttribute('style')), ';');
$sBack = $sCidName.': url(cid:'.$sCid.')';
$sStyles = \preg_replace('/'.\preg_quote($sCidName, '/').':\s?[^;]+/i', $sBack, $sStyles);
if (false === \strpos($sStyles, $sBack))
$sStyles .= empty($sStyles) ? '': '; ';
$sStyles .= $sBack;
$oElement->setAttribute('style', $sStyles);
$aFoundCids[] = $sCid;
if ($oElement->hasAttribute('data-x-style-url'))
$sAddStyles = $oElement->getAttribute('data-x-style-url');
if (!empty($sAddStyles))
$sStyles = '';
if ($oElement->hasAttribute('style'))
$sStyles = \trim(\trim($oElement->getAttribute('style')), ';');
$oElement->setAttribute('style', (empty($sStyles) ? '' : $sStyles.'; ').$sAddStyles);
if ('img' === $sTagNameLower && \is_array($mFoundDataURL))
$sSrc = $oElement->getAttribute('src');
if ('data:image/' === \strtolower(\substr($sSrc, 0, 11)))
$sHash = \md5($sSrc);
$mFoundDataURL[$sHash] = $sSrc;
$oElement->setAttribute('src', 'cid:'.$sHash);
$sResult = $oDom->saveHTML();
$sResult = \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::ClearTags($sResult);
$sResult = \MailSo\Base\HtmlUtils::ClearBodyAndHtmlTag($sResult);
return '<!DOCTYPE html><html'.(\MailSo\Base\Utils::IsRTL($sResult) ? ' dir="rtl"' : ' dir="ltr"').'><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><head>'.
* @param string $sText
* @param bool $bLinksWithTargetBlank = true
* @return string
public static function ConvertPlainToHtml($sText, $bLinksWithTargetBlank = true)
$sText = \trim($sText);
if (0 === \strlen($sText))
return '';
$sText = \MailSo\Base\LinkFinder::NewInstance()
// ->CompileText(true, false);
->CompileText(true, true);
$sText = \str_replace("\r", '', $sText);
$aText = \explode("\n", $sText);
$bIn = false;
$bDo = true;
$bDo = false;
$aNextText = array();
foreach ($aText as $sTextLine)
$bStart = 0 === \strpos(\ltrim($sTextLine), '&gt;');
if ($bStart && !$bIn)
$bDo = true;
$bIn = true;
$aNextText[] = '<blockquote>';
$aNextText[] = \substr(\ltrim($sTextLine), 4);
else if (!$bStart && $bIn)
$bIn = false;
$aNextText[] = '</blockquote>';
$aNextText[] = $sTextLine;
else if ($bStart && $bIn)
$aNextText[] = \substr(\ltrim($sTextLine), 4);
$aNextText[] = $sTextLine;
if ($bIn)
$bIn = false;
$aNextText[] = '</blockquote>';
$aText = $aNextText;
while ($bDo);
$sText = \join("\n", $aText);
$sText = \preg_replace('/[\n][ ]+/', "\n", $sText);
// $sText = \preg_replace('/[\s]+([\s])/', '\\1', $sText);
$sText = \preg_replace('/<blockquote>[\s]+/i', '<blockquote>', $sText);
$sText = \preg_replace('/[\s]+<\/blockquote>/i', '</blockquote>', $sText);
$sText = \preg_replace('/<\/blockquote>([\n]{0,2})<blockquote>/i', '\\1', $sText);
$sText = \preg_replace('/[\n]{3,}/', "\n\n", $sText);
$sText = \strtr($sText, array(
"\n" => "<br />",
"\t" => '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;',
' ' => '&nbsp;&nbsp;'
return $sText;
* @param string $sText
* @return string
public static function ConvertHtmlToPlain($sText)
$sText = trim(stripslashes($sText));
$sText = preg_replace('/[\s]+/', ' ', $sText);
$sText = preg_replace(array(
), array(
' ',
"\n\t* ",
'\\2 (\\1)',
' ',
), $sText);
$sText = str_ireplace('<div>',"\n<div>", $sText);
$sText = strip_tags($sText, '');
$sText = preg_replace("/\n\\s+\n/", "\n", $sText);
$sText = preg_replace("/[\n]{3,}/", "\n\n", $sText);
return trim($sText);