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* OpenPGP.js
import ko from 'ko';
import { arrayLength } from 'Common/Utils';
import Remote from 'Remote/User/Fetch';
import { showScreenPopup } from 'Knoin/Knoin';
import { OpenPgpKeyPopupView } from 'View/Popup/OpenPgpKey';
import { AskPopupView } from 'View/Popup/Ask';
findOpenPGPKey = (keys, query/*, sign*/) =>
keys.find(key =>
key.emails.includes(query) || query == key.id || query == key.fingerprint
askPassphrase = async (privateKey, btnTxt = 'LABEL_SIGN') =>
await AskPopupView.password('OpenPGP.js key<br>' + privateKey.id + ' ' + privateKey.emails[0], 'OPENPGP/'+btnTxt),
* OpenPGP.js v5 removed the localStorage (keyring)
* This should be compatible with the old OpenPGP.js v2
publicKeysItem = 'openpgp-public-keys',
privateKeysItem = 'openpgp-private-keys',
storage = window.localStorage,
loadOpenPgpKeys = async itemname => {
let keys = [], key,
armoredKeys = JSON.parse(storage.getItem(itemname)),
i = arrayLength(armoredKeys);
while (i--) {
key = await openpgp.readKey({armoredKey:armoredKeys[i]});
if (!key.err) {
keys.push(new OpenPgpKeyModel(armoredKeys[i], key));
return keys;
storeOpenPgpKeys = (keys, section) => {
let armoredKeys = keys.map(item => item.armor);
if (armoredKeys.length) {
storage.setItem(section, JSON.stringify(armoredKeys));
} else {
class OpenPgpKeyModel {
constructor(armor, key) {
this.key = key;
const aEmails = [];
if (key.users) {
key.users.forEach(user => user.userID.email && aEmails.push(user.userID.email));
this.id = key.getKeyID().toHex().toUpperCase();
this.fingerprint = key.getFingerprint();
this.can_encrypt = !!key.getEncryptionKey();
this.can_sign = !!key.getSigningKey();
this.emails = aEmails;
this.armor = armor;
this.askDelete = ko.observable(false);
this.openForDeletion = ko.observable(null).askDeleteHelper();
// key.getUserIDs()
// key.getPrimaryUser()
view() {
showScreenPopup(OpenPgpKeyPopupView, [this]);
remove() {
if (this.askDelete()) {
if (this.key.isPrivate()) {
storeOpenPgpKeys(OpenPGPUserStore.privateKeys, privateKeysItem);
} else {
storeOpenPgpKeys(OpenPGPUserStore.publicKeys, publicKeysItem);
toJSON() {
return this.armor;
export const OpenPGPUserStore = new class {
constructor() {
this.publicKeys = ko.observableArray();
this.privateKeys = ko.observableArray();
loadKeyrings() {
loadOpenPgpKeys(publicKeysItem).then(keys => {
this.publicKeys(keys || []);
console.log('openpgp.js public keys loaded');
loadOpenPgpKeys(privateKeysItem).then(keys => {
this.privateKeys(keys || [])
console.log('openpgp.js private keys loaded');
* @returns {boolean}
isSupported() {
return !!window.openpgp;
importKey(armoredKey) {
openpgp.readKey({armoredKey:armoredKey}).then(key => {
if (!key.err) {
if (key.isPrivate()) {
this.privateKeys.push(new OpenPgpKeyModel(armoredKey, key));
storeOpenPgpKeys(this.privateKeys, privateKeysItem);
} else {
this.publicKeys.push(new OpenPgpKeyModel(armoredKey, key));
storeOpenPgpKeys(this.publicKeys, publicKeysItem);
storeKeyPair(keyPair) {
openpgp.readKey({armoredKey:keyPair.publicKey}).then(key => {
this.publicKeys.push(new OpenPgpKeyModel(keyPair.publicKey, key));
storeOpenPgpKeys(this.publicKeys, publicKeysItem);
openpgp.readKey({armoredKey:keyPair.privateKey}).then(key => {
this.privateKeys.push(new OpenPgpKeyModel(keyPair.privateKey, key));
storeOpenPgpKeys(this.privateKeys, privateKeysItem);
* Checks if verifying/encrypting a message is possible with given email addresses.
hasPublicKeyForEmails(recipients) {
const count = recipients.length,
length = count ? recipients.filter(email =>
this.publicKeys().find(key => key.emails.includes(email))
).length : 0;
return length && length === count;
getPrivateKeyFor(query/*, sign*/) {
return findOpenPGPKey(this.privateKeys, query/*, sign*/);
* https://docs.openpgpjs.org/#encrypt-and-decrypt-string-data-with-pgp-keys
async decrypt(armoredText, sender)
const message = await openpgp.readMessage({ armoredMessage: armoredText }),
privateKeys = this.privateKeys(),
msgEncryptionKeyIDs = message.getEncryptionKeyIDs().map(key => key.bytes);
// Find private key that can decrypt message
let i = privateKeys.length, privateKey;
while (i--) {
if ((await privateKeys[i].key.getDecryptionKeys()).find(
key => msgEncryptionKeyIDs.includes(key.getKeyID().bytes)
)) {
privateKey = privateKeys[i];
if (privateKey) try {
const passphrase = await askPassphrase(privateKey, 'BUTTON_DECRYPT');
if (null !== passphrase) {
publicKey = findOpenPGPKey(this.publicKeys, sender/*, sign*/),
decryptedKey = await openpgp.decryptKey({
privateKey: privateKey.key,
return await openpgp.decrypt({
verificationKeys: publicKey && publicKey.key,
// expectSigned: true,
// signature: '', // Detached signature
decryptionKeys: decryptedKey
} catch (err) {
* https://docs.openpgpjs.org/#sign-and-verify-cleartext-messages
async verify(message) {
const data = message.pgpSigned(), // { BodyPartId: "1", SigPartId: "2", MicAlg: "pgp-sha256" }
publicKey = this.publicKeys().find(key => key.emails.includes(message.from[0].email));
if (data && publicKey) {
data.Folder = message.folder;
data.Uid = message.uid;
data.GnuPG = 0;
let response;
if (data.SigPartId) {
response = await Remote.post('MessagePgpVerify', null, data);
} else if (data.BodyPart) {
response = { Result: { text: data.BodyPart.raw, signature: data.SigPart.body } };
} else {
response = { Result: { text: message.plain(), signature: null } };
if (response) {
const signature = response.Result.signature
? await openpgp.readSignature({ armoredSignature: response.Result.signature })
: null;
const signedMessage = signature
? await openpgp.createMessage({ text: response.Result.text })
: await openpgp.readCleartextMessage({ cleartextMessage: response.Result.text });
// (signature||signedMessage).getSigningKeyIDs();
let result = await openpgp.verify({
message: signedMessage,
verificationKeys: publicKey.key,
// expectSigned: true, // !!detachedSignature
signature: signature
return {
fingerprint: publicKey.fingerprint,
success: result && !!result.signatures.length
* https://docs.openpgpjs.org/global.html#sign
async sign(text, privateKey, detached) {
const passphrase = await askPassphrase(privateKey);
if (null !== passphrase) {
privateKey = await openpgp.decryptKey({
privateKey: privateKey.key,
const message = detached
? await openpgp.createMessage({ text: text })
: await openpgp.createCleartextMessage({ text: text });
return await openpgp.sign({
message: message,
signingKeys: privateKey,
detached: !!detached
throw 'Sign cancelled';
* https://docs.openpgpjs.org/global.html#encrypt
async encrypt(text, recipients, signPrivateKey) {
const count = recipients.length;
recipients = recipients.map(email => this.publicKeys().find(key => key.emails.includes(email))).filter(key => key);
if (count === recipients.length) {
if (signPrivateKey) {
const passphrase = await askPassphrase(signPrivateKey);
if (null === passphrase) {
signPrivateKey = await openpgp.decryptKey({
privateKey: signPrivateKey.key,
return await openpgp.encrypt({
message: await openpgp.createMessage({ text: text }),
encryptionKeys: recipients.map(pkey => pkey.key),
signingKeys: signPrivateKey
// signature
throw 'Encrypt failed';