mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 22:42:25 +08:00
Signature plugin fixes Add view decorator A large number of fixes
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273 lines
5.6 KiB
/* global RL_COMMUNITY */
import window from 'window';
import _ from '_';
import $ from '$';
import key from 'key';
import ko from 'ko';
import {KeyState} from 'Common/Enums';
const $win = $(window);
$win.__sizes = [0, 0];
export {$win};
export const $doc = $(window.document);
export const $html = $('html');
export const $body = $('body');
export const $div = $('<div></div>');
export const startMicrotime = (new window.Date()).getTime();
* @type {boolean}
export const community = RL_COMMUNITY;
* @type {?}
export const dropdownVisibility = ko.observable(false).extend({rateLimit: 0});
* @type {boolean}
export const useKeyboardShortcuts = ko.observable(true);
* @type {string}
export const sUserAgent = 'navigator' in window && 'userAgent' in window.navigator &&
window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() || '';
* @type {boolean}
export const bIE = -1 < sUserAgent.indexOf('msie');
* @type {boolean}
export const bChrome = -1 < sUserAgent.indexOf('chrome');
* @type {boolean}
export const bSafari = !bChrome && -1 < sUserAgent.indexOf('safari');
* @type {boolean}
export const bMobileDevice =
(/android/i).test(sUserAgent) ||
(/iphone/i).test(sUserAgent) ||
(/ipod/i).test(sUserAgent) ||
(/ipad/i).test(sUserAgent) ||
* @type {boolean}
export const bDisableNanoScroll = bMobileDevice;
* @type {boolean}
export const bAnimationSupported = !bMobileDevice && $html.hasClass('csstransitions') && $html.hasClass('cssanimations');
* @type {boolean}
export const bXMLHttpRequestSupported = !!window.XMLHttpRequest;
* @type {boolean}
export const bIsHttps = window.document && window.document.location ? 'https:' === window.document.location.protocol : false;
* @type {Object}
export const htmlEditorDefaultConfig = {
'title': false,
'stylesSet': false,
'customConfig': '',
'contentsCss': '',
'toolbarGroups': [
{name: 'spec'},
{name: 'styles'},
{name: 'basicstyles', groups: ['basicstyles', 'cleanup', 'bidi']},
{name: 'colors'},
bMobileDevice ? {} : {name: 'paragraph', groups: ['list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align']},
{name: 'links'},
{name: 'insert'},
{name: 'document', groups: ['mode', 'document', 'doctools']},
{name: 'others'}
'removePlugins': 'liststyle',
'removeButtons': 'Format,Undo,Redo,Cut,Copy,Paste,Anchor,Strike,Subscript,Superscript,Image,SelectAll,Source',
'removeDialogTabs': 'link:advanced;link:target;image:advanced;images:advanced',
'extraPlugins': 'plain,signature',
'allowedContent': true,
'extraAllowedContent': true,
'fillEmptyBlocks': false,
'ignoreEmptyParagraph': true,
'disableNativeSpellChecker': false,
'font_defaultLabel': 'Arial',
'fontSize_defaultLabel': '13',
'fontSize_sizes': '10/10px;12/12px;13/13px;14/14px;16/16px;18/18px;20/20px;24/24px;28/28px;36/36px;48/48px'
* @type {Object}
export const htmlEditorLangsMap = {
'ar_sa': 'ar-sa',
'bg_bg': 'bg',
'cs_CZ': 'cs',
'de_de': 'de',
'el_gr': 'el',
'es_es': 'es',
'et_ee': 'et',
'fr_fr': 'fr',
'hu_hu': 'hu',
'is_is': 'is',
'it_it': 'it',
'ja_jp': 'ja',
'ko_kr': 'ko',
'lt_lt': 'lt',
'lv_lv': 'lv',
'nb_no': 'nb',
'nl_nl': 'nl',
'pl_pl': 'pl',
'pt_br': 'pt-br',
'pt_pt': 'pt',
'ro_ro': 'ro',
'ru_ru': 'ru',
'sk_sk': 'sk',
'sl_si': 'sl',
'sv_se': 'sv',
'tr_tr': 'tr',
'uk_ua': 'uk',
'zh_cn': 'zh-cn',
'zh_tw': 'zh'
* @type {boolean}
let bAllowPdfPreview = !bMobileDevice;
if (bAllowPdfPreview && window.navigator && window.navigator.mimeTypes)
bAllowPdfPreview = !!_.find(window.navigator.mimeTypes, (type) => type && 'application/pdf' === type.type);
if (!bAllowPdfPreview)
bAllowPdfPreview = 'undefined' !== typeof window.navigator.mimeTypes['application/pdf'];
export {bAllowPdfPreview};
export const aViewModels = {
settings: [],
'settings-removed': [],
'settings-disabled': []
export const leftPanelDisabled = ko.observable(false);
export const leftPanelType = ko.observable('');
export const leftPanelWidth = ko.observable(0);
// popups
export const popupVisibilityNames = ko.observableArray([]);
export const popupVisibility = ko.computed(() => 0 < popupVisibilityNames().length);
popupVisibility.subscribe((bValue) => {
$html.toggleClass('rl-modal', bValue);
// keys
export const keyScopeReal = ko.observable(KeyState.All);
export const keyScopeFake = ko.observable(KeyState.All);
export const keyScope = ko.computed({
read: () => keyScopeFake(),
write: (value) => {
if (KeyState.Menu !== value)
if (KeyState.Compose === value)
// disableKeyFilter
key.filter = () => useKeyboardShortcuts();
// restoreKeyFilter
key.filter = (event) => {
if (useKeyboardShortcuts())
el = event.target || event.srcElement,
tagName = el ? el.tagName.toUpperCase() : '';
return !('INPUT' === tagName || 'SELECT' === tagName || 'TEXTAREA' === tagName ||
(el && 'DIV' === tagName && ('editorHtmlArea' === el.className || 'true' === '' + el.contentEditable))
return false;
if (dropdownVisibility())
value = KeyState.Menu;
keyScopeReal.subscribe((value) => {
// window.console.log('keyScope=' + sValue); // DEBUG
dropdownVisibility.subscribe((value) => {
if (value)
else if (KeyState.Menu === key.getScope())
* @type {*}
export const data = {
__APP__: null,
iAjaxErrorCount: 0,
iTokenErrorCount: 0,
aBootstrapDropdowns: [],
iMessageBodyCacheCount: 0,
bUnload: false