djmaze dca0ff02ed Use jQuery.slim
Underscore.js _.uniq(_.compact( to native Array.filter((value, index, self) => !!value && self.indexOf(value) == index)
Underscore.js _.compact to native Array.filter(value => !!value)
Underscore.js _.uniq to native Array.filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) == index)
Underscore.js _.values to native Object.values
Underscore.js _.flatten to native Array.flat
Underscore.js _.union to native Array.concat + unique filter
Underscore.js _.reduce to native Array.reduce
Underscore.js _.escape replaced with advanced htmlspecialchars()
Underscore.js _.memoize replaced
Now Underscore.js is a slim custom version (only _.debounce, _.defer & _.throttle)
2020-07-23 16:06:16 +02:00

593 lines
9.6 KiB

/* eslint quote-props: 0 */
* @enum {string}
export const FileType = {
'Unknown': 'unknown',
'Text': 'text',
'Html': 'html',
'Code': 'code',
'Eml': 'eml',
'WordText': 'word-text',
'Pdf': 'pdf',
'Image': 'image',
'Audio': 'audio',
'Video': 'video',
'Sheet': 'sheet',
'Presentation': 'presentation',
'Certificate': 'certificate',
'CertificateBin': 'certificate-bin',
'Archive': 'archive',
getIconClass: function(type) {
let result = ['icon-file', ''];
switch (type) {
case this.Text:
case this.Eml:
case this.WordText:
result[0] += '-text';
case this.Html:
case this.Code:
result[0] += '-code';
case this.Image:
result[0] += '-image';
case this.Audio:
result[0] += '-music';
case this.Video:
result[0] += '-movie';
case this.Archive:
result[0] += '-zip';
case this.Certificate:
case this.CertificateBin:
result[0] += '-certificate';
case this.Sheet:
result[0] += '-excel';
case this.Presentation:
result[0] += '-chart-graph';
case this.Pdf:
result['icon-none', 'pdf'];
// no default
return result;
* @enum {string}
export const StorageResultType = {
'Success': 'success',
'Abort': 'abort',
'Error': 'error',
'Unload': 'unload'
* @enum {string}
export const Focused = {
'None': 'none',
'MessageList': 'message-list',
'MessageView': 'message-view',
'FolderList': 'folder-list'
* @enum {number}
export const State = {
'Empty': 10,
'Login': 20,
'Auth': 30
* @enum {number}
export const StateType = {
'Webmail': 0,
'Admin': 1
* @enum {string}
export const Capa = {
'TwoFactor': 'TWO_FACTOR',
'TwoFactorForce': 'TWO_FACTOR_FORCE',
'OpenPGP': 'OPEN_PGP',
'Prefetch': 'PREFETCH',
'Gravatar': 'GRAVATAR',
'Folders': 'FOLDERS',
'Composer': 'COMPOSER',
'Contacts': 'CONTACTS',
'Reload': 'RELOAD',
'Search': 'SEARCH',
'SearchAdv': 'SEARCH_ADV',
'MessageActions': 'MESSAGE_ACTIONS',
'MessageListActions': 'MESSAGELIST_ACTIONS',
'AttachmentsActions': 'ATTACHMENTS_ACTIONS',
'DangerousActions': 'DANGEROUS_ACTIONS',
'Settings': 'SETTINGS',
'Help': 'HELP',
'Themes': 'THEMES',
'UserBackground': 'USER_BACKGROUND',
'Sieve': 'SIEVE',
'Filters': 'FILTERS',
'AttachmentThumbnails': 'ATTACHMENT_THUMBNAILS',
'Templates': 'TEMPLATES',
'AutoLogout': 'AUTOLOGOUT',
'AdditionalAccounts': 'ADDITIONAL_ACCOUNTS',
'Identities': 'IDENTITIES'
* @enum {string}
export const KeyState = {
'All': 'all',
'None': 'none',
'ContactList': 'contact-list',
'MessageList': 'message-list',
'FolderList': 'folder-list',
'MessageView': 'message-view',
'Compose': 'compose',
'Settings': 'settings',
'Menu': 'menu',
'PopupComposeOpenPGP': 'compose-open-pgp',
'PopupMessageOpenPGP': 'message-open-pgp',
'PopupViewOpenPGP': 'view-open-pgp',
'PopupKeyboardShortcutsHelp': 'popup-keyboard-shortcuts-help',
'PopupAsk': 'popup-ask'
* @enum {number}
export const FolderType = {
'Inbox': 10,
'SentItems': 11,
'Draft': 12,
'Trash': 13,
'Spam': 14,
'Archive': 15,
'NotSpam': 80,
'User': 99
* @enum {number}
export const ServerFolderType = {
'USER': 0,
'INBOX': 1,
'SENT': 2,
'DRAFTS': 3,
'JUNK': 4,
'TRASH': 5,
'FLAGGED': 11,
'ALL': 12
* @enum {string}
export const LoginSignMeTypeAsString = {
'DefaultOff': 'defaultoff',
'DefaultOn': 'defaulton',
'Unused': 'unused'
* @enum {number}
export const LoginSignMeType = {
'DefaultOff': 0,
'DefaultOn': 1,
'Unused': 2
* @enum {string}
export const ComposeType = {
'Empty': 'empty',
'Reply': 'reply',
'ReplyAll': 'replyall',
'Forward': 'forward',
'ForwardAsAttachment': 'forward-as-attachment',
'Draft': 'draft',
'EditAsNew': 'editasnew'
* @enum {number}
export const UploadErrorCode = {
'Normal': 0,
'FileIsTooBig': 1,
'FilePartiallyUploaded': 2,
'FileNoUploaded': 3,
'MissingTempFolder': 4,
'FileOnSaveingError': 5,
'FileType': 98,
'Unknown': 99
* @enum {number}
export const SetSystemFoldersNotification = {
'None': 0,
'Sent': 1,
'Draft': 2,
'Spam': 3,
'Trash': 4,
'Archive': 5
* @enum {number}
export const ClientSideKeyName = {
'FoldersLashHash': 0,
'MessagesInboxLastHash': 1,
'MailBoxListSize': 2,
'ExpandedFolders': 3,
'FolderListSize': 4,
'MessageListSize': 5,
'LastReplyAction': 6,
'LastSignMe': 7,
'ComposeLastIdentityID': 8,
'MessageHeaderFullInfo': 9,
'MessageAttachmnetControls': 10
* @enum {number}
export const EventKeyCode = {
'Backspace': 8,
'Tab': 9,
'Enter': 13,
'Esc': 27,
'PageUp': 33,
'PageDown': 34,
'Left': 37,
'Right': 39,
'Up': 38,
'Down': 40,
'End': 35,
'Home': 36,
'Space': 32,
'Insert': 45,
'Delete': 46,
'A': 65,
'S': 83
* @enum {number}
export const MessageSetAction = {
'SetSeen': 0,
'UnsetSeen': 1,
'SetFlag': 2,
'UnsetFlag': 3
* @enum {number}
export const MessageSelectAction = {
'All': 0,
'None': 1,
'Invert': 2,
'Unseen': 3,
'Seen': 4,
'Flagged': 5,
'Unflagged': 6
* @enum {number}
export const DesktopNotification = {
'Allowed': 0,
'NotAllowed': 1,
'Denied': 2,
'NotSupported': 9
* @enum {number}
export const MessagePriority = {
'Low': 5,
'Normal': 3,
'High': 1
* @enum {string}
export const EditorDefaultType = {
'Html': 'Html',
'Plain': 'Plain',
'HtmlForced': 'HtmlForced',
'PlainForced': 'PlainForced'
* @enum {number}
export const ServerSecure = {
'None': 0,
'SSL': 1,
'TLS': 2
* @enum {number}
export const SearchDateType = {
'All': -1,
'Days3': 3,
'Days7': 7,
'Month': 30
* @enum {number}
export const SaveSettingsStep = {
'Animate': -2,
'Idle': -1,
'TrueResult': 1,
'FalseResult': 0
* @enum {number}
export const Layout = {
'NoPreview': 0,
'SidePreview': 1,
'BottomPreview': 2
* @enum {string}
export const FilterConditionField = {
'From': 'From',
'Recipient': 'Recipient',
'Subject': 'Subject',
'Header': 'Header',
'Size': 'Size'
* @enum {string}
export const FilterConditionType = {
'Contains': 'Contains',
'NotContains': 'NotContains',
'EqualTo': 'EqualTo',
'NotEqualTo': 'NotEqualTo',
'Regex': 'Regex',
'Over': 'Over',
'Under': 'Under'
* @enum {string}
export const FiltersAction = {
'None': 'None',
'MoveTo': 'MoveTo',
'Discard': 'Discard',
'Vacation': 'Vacation',
'Reject': 'Reject',
'Forward': 'Forward'
* @enum {string}
export const FilterRulesType = {
'All': 'All',
'Any': 'Any'
* @enum {number}
export const SignedVerifyStatus = {
'UnknownPublicKeys': -4,
'UnknownPrivateKey': -3,
'Unverified': -2,
'Error': -1,
'None': 0,
'Success': 1
* @enum {number}
export const ContactPropertyType = {
'Unknown': 0,
'FullName': 10,
'FirstName': 15,
'LastName': 16,
'MiddleName': 16,
'Nick': 18,
'NamePrefix': 20,
'NameSuffix': 21,
'Email': 30,
'Phone': 31,
'Web': 32,
'Birthday': 40,
'Facebook': 90,
'Skype': 91,
'GitHub': 92,
'Note': 110,
'Custom': 250
* @enum {number}
export const Magics = {
'EventWhichMouseMiddle': 3,
'ifvisibleIdle10s': 10,
'BitLength2048': 2048,
'BitLength1024': 1024,
'Size350px': 350,
'Size50px': 50,
'Size20px': 20,
'Size1px': 1,
'Time30mInMin': 30,
'Time60m': 60000 * 60,
'Time30m': 60000 * 30,
'Time20m': 60000 * 20,
'Time15m': 60000 * 15,
'Time10m': 60000 * 10,
'Time5m': 60000 * 5,
'Time3m': 60000 * 3,
'Time2m': 60000 * 2,
'Time1m': 60000,
'Time30s': 30000,
'Time10s': 10000,
'Time7s': 7000,
'Time5s': 5000,
'Time3s': 3000,
'Time1s': 1000,
'Time500ms': 500,
'Time350ms': 350,
'Time250ms': 250,
'Time200ms': 200,
'Time100ms': 100,
'Time50ms': 50,
'Time20ms': 20,
'Time10ms': 10,
'Time1ms': 1
* @enum {number}
export const Ports = {
'Imap': 143,
'ImapSsl': 993,
'Smtp': 25,
'SmtpSsl': 465,
'SmtpStartTls': 587
* @enum {number}
export const Notification = {
'InvalidToken': 101,
'AuthError': 102,
'AccessError': 103,
'ConnectionError': 104,
'CaptchaError': 105,
'SocialFacebookLoginAccessDisable': 106,
'SocialTwitterLoginAccessDisable': 107,
'SocialGoogleLoginAccessDisable': 108,
'DomainNotAllowed': 109,
'AccountNotAllowed': 110,
'AccountTwoFactorAuthRequired': 120,
'AccountTwoFactorAuthError': 121,
'CouldNotSaveNewPassword': 130,
'CurrentPasswordIncorrect': 131,
'NewPasswordShort': 132,
'NewPasswordWeak': 133,
'NewPasswordForbidden': 134,
'ContactsSyncError': 140,
'CantGetMessageList': 201,
'CantGetMessage': 202,
'CantDeleteMessage': 203,
'CantMoveMessage': 204,
'CantCopyMessage': 205,
'CantSaveMessage': 301,
'CantSendMessage': 302,
'InvalidRecipients': 303,
'CantSaveFilters': 351,
'CantGetFilters': 352,
'FiltersAreNotCorrect': 355,
'CantCreateFolder': 400,
'CantRenameFolder': 401,
'CantDeleteFolder': 402,
'CantSubscribeFolder': 403,
'CantUnsubscribeFolder': 404,
'CantDeleteNonEmptyFolder': 405,
'CantSaveSettings': 501,
'CantSavePluginSettings': 502,
'DomainAlreadyExists': 601,
'CantInstallPackage': 701,
'CantDeletePackage': 702,
'InvalidPluginPackage': 703,
'UnsupportedPluginPackage': 704,
'LicensingServerIsUnavailable': 710,
'LicensingExpired': 711,
'LicensingBanned': 712,
'DemoSendMessageError': 750,
'DemoAccountError': 751,
'AccountAlreadyExists': 801,
'AccountDoesNotExist': 802,
'MailServerError': 901,
'ClientViewError': 902,
'InvalidInputArgument': 903,
'AjaxFalse': 950,
'AjaxAbort': 951,
'AjaxParse': 952,
'AjaxTimeout': 953,
'UnknownNotification': 999,
'UnknownError': 999
,getKeyByValue: function(v) { return Object.keys(this).find(key => this[key] === v); }