RainLoop Team 4cc2207513 Uploading and preparing the repository to the dev version.
Original unminified source code (dev folder - js, css, less) (fixes #6)
Grunt build system
Multiple identities correction (fixes #9)
Compose html editor (fixes #12)
New general settings - Loading Description
New warning about default admin password
Split general and login screen settings
2013-11-16 02:21:12 +04:00

237 lines
5.3 KiB

/* RainLoop Webmail (c) RainLoop Team | Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 */
* @constructor
* @extends AbstractAjaxRemoteStorage
function AdminAjaxRemoteStorage()
this.oRequests = {};
_.extend(AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype, AbstractAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype);
* @param {?Function} fCallback
* @param {string} sLogin
* @param {string} sPassword
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.adminLogin = function (fCallback, sLogin, sPassword)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminLogin', {
'Login': sLogin,
'Password': sPassword
* @param {?Function} fCallback
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.adminLogout = function (fCallback)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminLogout');
* @param {?Function} fCallback
* @param {?} oData
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.saveAdminConfig = function (fCallback, oData)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminSettingsUpdate', oData);
* @param {?Function} fCallback
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.domainList = function (fCallback)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminDomainList');
* @param {?Function} fCallback
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.pluginList = function (fCallback)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminPluginList');
* @param {?Function} fCallback
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.packagesList = function (fCallback)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminPackagesList');
* @param {?Function} fCallback
* @param {Object} oPackage
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.packageInstall = function (fCallback, oPackage)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminPackageInstall', {
'Type': oPackage.type,
'File': oPackage.file
}, 60000);
* @param {?Function} fCallback
* @param {Object} oPackage
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.packageDelete = function (fCallback, oPackage)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminPackageDelete', {
* @param {?Function} fCallback
* @param {string} sName
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.domain = function (fCallback, sName)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminDomainLoad', {
'Name': sName
* @param {?Function} fCallback
* @param {string} sName
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.plugin = function (fCallback, sName)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminPluginLoad', {
'Name': sName
* @param {?Function} fCallback
* @param {string} sName
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.domainDelete = function (fCallback, sName)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminDomainDelete', {
'Name': sName
* @param {?Function} fCallback
* @param {string} sName
* @param {boolean} bDisabled
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.domainDisable = function (fCallback, sName, bDisabled)
return this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminDomainDisable', {
'Name': sName,
'Disabled': !!bDisabled ? '1' : '0'
* @param {?Function} fCallback
* @param {Object} oConfig
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.pluginSettingsUpdate = function (fCallback, oConfig)
return this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminPluginSettingsUpdate', oConfig);
* @param {?Function} fCallback
* @param {boolean} bForce
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.licensing = function (fCallback, bForce)
return this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminLicensing', {
'Force' : bForce ? '1' : '0'
* @param {?Function} fCallback
* @param {string} sDomain
* @param {string} sKey
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.licensingActivate = function (fCallback, sDomain, sKey)
return this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminLicensingActivate', {
'Domain' : sDomain,
'Key' : sKey
* @param {?Function} fCallback
* @param {string} sName
* @param {boolean} bDisabled
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.pluginDisable = function (fCallback, sName, bDisabled)
return this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminPluginDisable', {
'Name': sName,
'Disabled': !!bDisabled ? '1' : '0'
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.createOrUpdateDomain = function (fCallback,
bCreate, sName, sIncHost, iIncPort, sIncSecure, bIncShortLogin,
sOutHost, iOutPort, sOutSecure, bOutShortLogin, bOutAuth, sWhiteList)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminDomainSave', {
'Create': bCreate ? '1' : '0',
'Name': sName,
'IncHost': sIncHost,
'IncPort': iIncPort,
'IncSecure': sIncSecure,
'IncShortLogin': bIncShortLogin ? '1' : '0',
'OutHost': sOutHost,
'OutPort': iOutPort,
'OutSecure': sOutSecure,
'OutShortLogin': bOutShortLogin ? '1' : '0',
'OutAuth': bOutAuth ? '1' : '0',
'WhiteList': sWhiteList
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.testConnectionForDomain = function (fCallback,
sIncHost, iIncPort, sIncSecure,
sOutHost, iOutPort, sOutSecure, bOutAuth)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminDomainTest', {
'IncHost': sIncHost,
'IncPort': iIncPort,
'IncSecure': sIncSecure,
'OutHost': sOutHost,
'OutPort': iOutPort,
'OutSecure': sOutSecure,
'OutAuth': bOutAuth ? '1' : '0'
* @param {?Function} fCallback
* @param {?} oData
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.saveNewAdminPassword = function (fCallback, oData)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminPasswordUpdate', oData);
* @param {?Function} fCallback
AdminAjaxRemoteStorage.prototype.adminPing = function (fCallback)
this.defaultRequest(fCallback, 'AdminPing');