RainLoop Team 4cc2207513 Uploading and preparing the repository to the dev version.
Original unminified source code (dev folder - js, css, less) (fixes #6)
Grunt build system
Multiple identities correction (fixes #9)
Compose html editor (fixes #12)
New general settings - Loading Description
New warning about default admin password
Split general and login screen settings
2013-11-16 02:21:12 +04:00

78 lines
1.3 KiB

/* RainLoop Webmail (c) RainLoop Team | Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 */
* @param {string} sScreenName
* @param {?=} aViewModels = []
* @constructor
function KnoinAbstractScreen(sScreenName, aViewModels)
this.sScreenName = sScreenName;
this.aViewModels = Utils.isArray(aViewModels) ? aViewModels : [];
* @type {Array}
KnoinAbstractScreen.prototype.oCross = null;
* @type {string}
KnoinAbstractScreen.prototype.sScreenName = '';
* @type {Array}
KnoinAbstractScreen.prototype.aViewModels = [];
* @return {Array}
KnoinAbstractScreen.prototype.viewModels = function ()
return this.aViewModels;
* @return {string}
KnoinAbstractScreen.prototype.screenName = function ()
return this.sScreenName;
KnoinAbstractScreen.prototype.routes = function ()
return null;
* @return {?Object}
KnoinAbstractScreen.prototype.__cross = function ()
return this.oCross;
KnoinAbstractScreen.prototype.__start = function ()
aRoutes = this.routes(),
oRoute = null,
fMatcher = null
if (Utils.isNonEmptyArray(aRoutes))
fMatcher = _.bind(this.onRoute || Utils.emptyFunction, this);
oRoute = crossroads.create();
_.each(aRoutes, function (aItem) {
oRoute.addRoute(aItem[0], fMatcher).rules = aItem[1];
this.oCross = oRoute;