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synced 2025-02-24 06:47:05 +08:00
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88 lines
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* Linkify - v1.1.6
* Find URLs in plain text and return HTML for discovered links.
* https://github.com/HitSend/jQuery-linkify/
* Made by SoapBox Innovations, Inc.
* Under MIT License
!function($, window, document) {
"use strict";
function Linkified(element, options) {
this._defaults = defaults, this.element = element, this.setOptions(options), this.init();
var defaults = {
tagName: "a",
newLine: "\n",
target: "_blank",
linkClass: null,
linkClasses: [],
linkAttributes: null
Linkified.prototype = {
constructor: Linkified,
init: function() {
1 === this.element.nodeType ? Linkified.linkifyNode.call(this, this.element) : this.element = Linkified.linkify.call(this, this.element.toString());
setOptions: function(options) {
this.settings = Linkified.extendSettings(options, this.settings);
toString: function() {
return this.element.toString();
}, Linkified.extendSettings = function(options, settings) {
var prop;
settings = settings || {};
for (prop in defaults) settings[prop] || (settings[prop] = defaults[prop]);
for (prop in options) settings[prop] = options[prop];
return settings;
}, Linkified.linkMatch = new RegExp([ "(", '\\s|[^a-zA-Z0-9.\\+_\\/"\\>\\-]|^', ")(?:", "(", "[a-zA-Z0-9\\+_\\-]+", "(?:", "\\.[a-zA-Z0-9\\+_\\-]+", ")*@", ")?(", "http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/|ftp:\\/\\/", ")?(", "(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_%\\-_+]*\\.)+)", ")(", "(?:com|ca|co|edu|gov|net|org|dev|biz|cat|int|pro|tel|mil|aero|asia|coop|info|jobs|mobi|museum|name|post|travel|local|[a-z]{2})", ")(", "(?::\\d{1,5})", ")?(", "(?:", "[\\/|\\?]", "(?:", "[\\-a-zA-Z0-9_%#*&+=~!?,;:.\\/]*", ")*", ")", "[\\-\\/a-zA-Z0-9_%#*&+=~]", "|", "\\/?", ")?", ")(", '[^a-zA-Z0-9\\+_\\/"\\<\\-]|$', ")" ].join(""), "g"),
Linkified.emailLinkMatch = /(<[a-z]+ href=\")(http:\/\/)([a-zA-Z0-9\+_\-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9\+_\-]+)*@)/g,
Linkified.linkify = function(text, options) {
var attr, settings, linkClasses, linkReplace = [];
this.constructor === Linkified && this.settings ? (settings = this.settings, options && (settings = Linkified.extendSettings(options, settings))) : settings = Linkified.extendSettings(options),
linkClasses = settings.linkClass ? settings.linkClass.split(/\s+/) : [], linkClasses.push.apply(linkClasses, settings.linkClasses),
text = text.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/(\s)/g, "$1$1"), linkReplace.push("$1<" + settings.tagName, 'href="http://$2$4$5$6$7"'),
linkReplace.push('class="linkified' + (linkClasses.length > 0 ? " " + linkClasses.join(" ") : "") + '"'),
settings.target && linkReplace.push('target="' + settings.target + '"');
for (attr in settings.linkAttributes) linkReplace.push([ attr, '="', settings.linkAttributes[attr].replace(/\"/g, """).replace(/\$/g, "$"), '"' ].join(""));
return linkReplace.push(">$2$3$4$5$6$7</" + settings.tagName + ">$8"), text = text.replace(Linkified.linkMatch, linkReplace.join(" ")),
text = text.replace(Linkified.emailLinkMatch, "$1mailto:$3"), text = text.replace(/(\s){2}/g, "$1"),
text = text.replace(/\n/g, settings.newLine);
}, Linkified.linkifyNode = function(node) {
var children, childNode, childCount, dummyElement, i;
if (node && "object" == typeof node && 1 === node.nodeType && "a" !== node.tagName.toLowerCase() && !/[^\s]linkified[\s$]/.test(node.className)) {
for (children = [], dummyElement = Linkified._dummyElement || document.createElement("div"),
childNode = node.firstChild, childCount = node.childElementCount; childNode; ) {
if (3 === childNode.nodeType) {
for (;dummyElement.firstChild; ) dummyElement.removeChild(dummyElement.firstChild);
for (dummyElement.innerHTML = Linkified.linkify.call(this, childNode.textContent || childNode.innerText || childNode.nodeValue),
children.push.apply(children, dummyElement.childNodes); dummyElement.firstChild; ) dummyElement.removeChild(dummyElement.firstChild);
} else 1 === childNode.nodeType ? children.push(Linkified.linkifyNode(childNode)) : children.push(childNode);
childNode = childNode.nextSibling;
for (;node.firstChild; ) node.removeChild(node.firstChild);
for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) node.appendChild(children[i]);
return node;
}, Linkified._dummyElement = document.createElement("div"), $.fn.linkify = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
var linkified;
(linkified = $.data(this, "plugin-linkify")) ? (linkified.setOptions(options), linkified.init()) : $.data(this, "plugin-linkify", new Linkified(this, options));
}, $.fn.linkify.Constructor = Linkified, $(window).on("load", function() {
$("[data-linkify]").each(function() {
var $target, $this = $(this), target = $this.attr("data-linkify"), options = {
tagName: $this.attr("data-linkify-tagname"),
newLine: $this.attr("data-linkify-newline"),
target: $this.attr("data-linkify-target"),
linkClass: $this.attr("data-linkify-linkclass")
for (var option in options) "undefined" == typeof options[option] && delete options[option];
$target = "this" === target ? $this : $this.find(target), $target.linkify(options);
}), $("body").on("click", ".linkified", function() {
var $link = $(this), url = $link.attr("href"), isEmail = /^mailto:/i.test(url), target = $link.attr("target");
return isEmail ? window.location.href = url : window.open(url, target), !1;
}(jQuery, window, document); |