
216 lines
5.9 KiB

import { Capa } from 'Common/Enums';
import { doc, createElement, Settings } from 'Common/Globals';
import { staticLink } from 'Common/Links';
//import { showScreenPopup } from 'Knoin/Knoin';
//import { EmailModel } from 'Model/Email';
//import { OpenPgpKeyModel } from 'Model/OpenPgpKey';
import { GnuPGUserStore } from 'Stores/User/GnuPG';
import { OpenPGPUserStore } from 'Stores/User/OpenPGP';
export const PgpUserStore = new class {
constructor() {
this.mailvelopeKeyring = null;
init() {
if (Settings.capa(Capa.OpenPGP) && window.crypto && crypto.getRandomValues) {
const script = createElement('script', {src:staticLink('js/min/openpgp.min.js')});
script.onload = () => this.loadKeyrings();
script.onerror = () => {
} else {
loadKeyrings(identifier) {
if (window.mailvelope) {
var fn = keyring => {
this.mailvelopeKeyring = keyring;
console.log('mailvelope ready');
mailvelope.getKeyring().then(fn, err => {
if (identifier) {
// attempt to create a new keyring for this app/user
mailvelope.createKeyring(identifier).then(fn, err => console.error(err));
} else {
addEventListener('mailvelope-disconnect', event => {
alert('Mailvelope is updated to version ' + event.detail.version + '. Reload page');
}, false);
} else {
addEventListener('mailvelope', () => this.loadKeyrings(identifier));
if (OpenPGPUserStore.isSupported()) {
if (Settings.capa(Capa.GnuPG)) {
* @returns {boolean}
isSupported() {
return !!(OpenPGPUserStore.isSupported() || GnuPGUserStore.isSupported() || window.mailvelope);
* Checks if verifying/encrypting a message is possible with given email addresses.
* Returns the first library that can.
async hasPublicKeyForEmails(recipients, all) {
const count = recipients.length;
if (count) {
if (GnuPGUserStore.hasPublicKeyForEmails(recipients, all)) {
return 'gnupg';
if (OpenPGPUserStore.hasPublicKeyForEmails(recipients, all)) {
return 'openpgp';
let keyring = this.mailvelopeKeyring,
mailvelope = keyring && await keyring.validKeyForAddress(recipients)
/*.then(LookupResult => Object.entries(LookupResult))*/;
mailvelope = mailvelope && Object.entries(mailvelope);
if (mailvelope && (all ? (mailvelope.filter(([, value]) => value).length === count) : mailvelope.length)) {
return 'mailvelope';
return false;
getGnuPGPrivateKeyFor(query, sign) {
let key = GnuPGUserStore.getPrivateKeyFor(query, sign);
if (key) {
return ['gnupg', key];
getOpenPGPPrivateKeyFor(query/*, sign*/) {
let key = OpenPGPUserStore.getPrivateKeyFor(query/*, sign*/);
if (key) {
return ['openpgp', key];
async getMailvelopePrivateKeyFor(email/*, sign*/) {
let keyring = this.mailvelopeKeyring;
if (keyring && await keyring.hasPrivateKey({email:email})) {
return ['mailvelope', email];
return false;
* Checks if signing a message is possible with given email address.
* Returns the first library that can.
async getKeyForSigning(email) {
return this.getGnuPGPrivateKeyFor(email, 1)
|| this.getOpenPGPPrivateKeyFor(email, 1)
|| await this.getMailvelopePrivateKeyFor(email, 1);
* Checks if decrypting a message is possible with given keyIds or email address.
* Returns the first library that can.
async getKeyForDecryption(ids, email) {
ids = [email].concat(ids);
let i = ids.length,
key = await this.getMailvelopePrivateKeyFor({email:email});
if (key) {
return key;
/* Not working, needs full fingerprint
while (i--) {
key = await this.getMailvelopePrivateKeyFor(ids[i]);
if (key) {
return key;
if (await keyring.hasPrivateKey(ids[i])) {
return ['mailvelope', ids[i]];
i = ids.length;
while (i--) {
key = this.getGnuPGPrivateKeyFor(ids[i]);
if (key) {
return key;
i = ids.length;
while (i--) {
key = this.getOpenPGPPrivateKeyFor(ids[i]);
if (key) {
return key;
* Creates an iframe with an editor for a new encrypted mail.
* The iframe will be injected into the container identified by selector.
mailvelope.createEditorContainer(selector, this.mailvelopeKeyring, {
quota: 20480, // mail content (text + attachments) limit in kilobytes (default: 20480)
signMsg: false, // if true then the mail will be signed (default: false)
armoredDraft: '', // Ascii Armored PGP Text Block
a PGP message, signed and encrypted with the default key of the user, will be used to restore a draft in the editor
The armoredDraft parameter can't be combined with the parameters: predefinedText, quotedMail... parameters, keepAttachments
predefinedText: '', // text that will be added to the editor
quotedMail: '', // Ascii Armored PGP Text Block mail that should be quoted
quotedMailIndent: true, // if true the quoted mail will be indented (default: true)
quotedMailHeader: '', // header to be added before the quoted mail
keepAttachments: false, // add attachments of quotedMail to editor (default: false)
}).then(editor => {
}, error_handler)
* Returns headers that should be added to an outgoing email.
* So far this is only the autocrypt header.
this.mailvelopeKeyring.createKeyGenContainer(selector, {
// userIds: [],
keySize: 4096
exportOwnPublicKey(emailAddr).then(<AsciiArmored, Error>)