RainLoop Team 4cc2207513 Uploading and preparing the repository to the dev version.
Original unminified source code (dev folder - js, css, less) (fixes #6)
Grunt build system
Multiple identities correction (fixes #9)
Compose html editor (fixes #12)
New general settings - Loading Description
New warning about default admin password
Split general and login screen settings
2013-11-16 02:21:12 +04:00

2 lines
528 B

/*! jQuery WakeUp plugin (c) 2013 Paul Okopny <> | MIT */
!function(a){var b=1e3,c=new Array;a.wakeUp=function(a,d,e){if(e&&"number"==typeof e||(e=b),"function"!=typeof a)return null;var f=(new Date).getTime(),g=setInterval(function(){var b=(new Date).getTime();if(b>f+e+1e3){var c=b-f;f=b,d?a(c,d):a(c)}else f=b},e);return c.push(g),g},a.ignoreBell=function(b){b&&(c.splice(a.inArray(b,c),1),clearInterval(b))},a.dreamOn=function(){a.each(c,function(a,b){clearInterval(b)}),c=new Array}}(jQuery,document);