2024-10-09 21:41:01 +02:00

405 lines
12 KiB

# This script is probably broken and not tested!
# script_snappymail_desc()
sub script_snappymail_desc
return "SnappyMail";
sub script_snappymail_uses
return ( "php" );
sub script_snappymail_longdesc
return "SnappyMail Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface";
# script_snappymail_versions()
sub script_snappymail_versions
return ( "2.38.2" );
sub script_snappymail_version_desc
local ($ver) = @_;
return &compare_versions($ver, "2.7") >= 0 ? "$ver" : "$ver (Un-supported)";
sub script_snappymail_category
return "Email";
sub script_snappymail_php_modules
local ($dbtype, $dbname) = split(/_/, $opts->{'db'}, 2);
local @modules = ( "zlib", "mbstring" );
push(@modules, $dbtype eq "mysql" ? "pdo_mysql" : $dbtype eq "sqlite" ? "pdo_sqlite" : "pdo_pgsql");
return @modules;
sub script_snappymail_php_optional_modules
return ( "gd", "openssl", "sockets", "xxtea", "curl", "intl", "ldap", "zip", "gmagick", "imagick" );
sub script_snappymail_dbs
return ("mysql", "postgres", "sqlite");
# script_snappymail_php_vars(&domain)
# Returns an array of extra PHP variables needed for this script
sub script_snappymail_php_vars
return ([ 'memory_limit', '64M', '+' ],
[ 'max_execution_time', 300, '+' ],
[ 'file_uploads', 'On' ],
[ 'upload_max_filesize', '25M', '+' ],
[ 'post_max_size', '25M', '+' ],
[ 'session.auto_start', 'Off' ],
[ 'mbstring.func_overload', 'Off' ]);
sub script_snappymail_php_vers
return ( 7 );
sub script_snappymail_release
return 3; # For folders path fix
sub script_snappymail_php_fullver
return "7.4";
# script_snappymail_params(&domain, version, &upgrade-info)
# Returns HTML for table rows for options for installing PHP-NUKE
sub script_snappymail_params
local ($d, $ver, $upgrade) = @_;
local $rv;
local $hdir = &public_html_dir($d, 1);
if ($upgrade) {
# Options are fixed when upgrading
local ($dbtype, $dbname) = split(/_/, $upgrade->{'opts'}->{'db'}, 2);
$rv .= &ui_table_row("Database for SnappyMail preferences", $dbname);
local $dir = $upgrade->{'opts'}->{'dir'};
$dir =~ s/^$d->{'home'}\///;
$rv .= &ui_table_row("Install directory", $dir);
else {
# Show editable install options
local @dbs = &domain_databases($d, [ "mysql", "postgres", "sqlite" ]);
$rv .= &ui_table_row("Database for SnappyMail preferences",
&ui_database_select("db", undef, \@dbs, $d, "snappymail"));
$rv .= &ui_table_row("Install sub-directory under <tt>$hdir</tt>",
&ui_opt_textbox("dir", &substitute_scriptname_template("snappymail", $d), 30, "At top level"));
return $rv;
# script_snappymail_parse(&domain, version, &in, &upgrade-info)
# Returns either a hash ref of parsed options, or an error string
sub script_snappymail_parse
local ($d, $ver, $in, $upgrade) = @_;
if ($upgrade) {
# Options are always the same
return $upgrade->{'opts'};
else {
local $hdir = &public_html_dir($d, 0);
$in{'dir_def'} || $in{'dir'} =~ /\S/ && $in{'dir'} !~ /\.\./ ||
return "Missing or invalid installation directory";
local $dir = $in{'dir_def'} ? $hdir : "$hdir/$in{'dir'}";
local ($newdb) = ($in->{'db'} =~ s/^\*//);
return { 'db' => $in->{'db'},
'newdb' => $newdb,
'dir' => $dir,
'path' => $in{'dir_def'} ? "/" : "/$in{'dir'}", };
# script_snappymail_check(&domain, version, &opts, &upgrade-info)
# Returns an error message if a required option is missing or invalid
sub script_snappymail_check
local ($d, $ver, $opts, $upgrade) = @_;
$opts->{'dir'} =~ /^\// || return "Missing or invalid install directory";
$opts->{'db'} || return "Missing database";
if (-r "$opts->{'dir'}/config/") {
return "SnappyMail appears to be already installed in the selected directory";
local ($dbtype, $dbname) = split(/_/, $opts->{'db'}, 2);
local $clash = &find_database_table($dbtype, $dbname, "system|filestore|contacts|users");
$clash && return "SnappyMail appears to be already using the selected database (table $clash)";
return undef;
# script_snappymail_files(&domain, version, &opts, &upgrade-info)
# Returns a list of files needed by SnappyMail, each of which is a hash ref
# containing a name, filename and URL
sub script_snappymail_files
local ($d, $ver, $opts, $upgrade) = @_;
local @files = ( { 'name' => "source",
'file' => "snappymail-$ver.tar.gz",
'url' => "${ver}/snappymail-${ver}.tar.gz" },
return @files;
sub script_snappymail_commands
return ("tar", "gunzip");
# script_snappymail_install(&domain, version, &opts, &files, &upgrade-info)
# Actually installs SnappyMail, and returns either 1 and an informational
# message, or 0 and an error
sub script_snappymail_install
local ($d, $version, $opts, $files, $upgrade) = @_;
local ($out, $ex);
# Create and get DB
if ($opts->{'newdb'} && !$upgrade) {
local $err = &create_script_database($d, $opts->{'db'});
return (0, "Database creation failed : $err") if ($err);
local ($dbtype, $dbname) = split(/_/, $opts->{'db'}, 2);
local $dbuser = $dbtype eq "mysql" ? &mysql_user($d) : &postgres_user($d);
local $dbpass = $dbtype eq "mysql" ? &mysql_pass($d) : &postgres_pass($d, 1);
local $dbphptype = $dbtype eq "mysql" ? "mysql" : "psql";
local $dbhost = &get_database_host($dbtype, $d);
local $dberr = &check_script_db_connection($dbtype, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass);
return (0, "Database connection failed : $dberr") if ($dberr);
# Extract tar file to temp dir and copy to target
local $temp = &transname();
local $verdir = $ver;
$verdir =~ s/-complete$//;
local $err = &extract_script_archive($files->{'source'}, $temp, $d,
$opts->{'dir'}, "snappymail-$verdir");
$err && return (0, "Failed to extract source : $err");
if (!$upgrade) {
# Fix up the DB config file
local $dbcfileorig = "$opts->{'dir'}/config/";
local $dbcfile = "$opts->{'dir'}/config/";
if (-r $dbcfileorig) {
&copy_source_dest_as_domain_user($d, $dbcfileorig, $dbcfile);
local $lref = &read_file_lines_as_domain_user($d, $dbcfile);
foreach my $l (@$lref) {
if ($l =~ /^\$rcmail_config\['db_dsnw'\]\s+=/) {
$l = "\$rcmail_config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://$dbuser:".
&php_quotemeta($dbpass, 1).
elsif ($l =~ /^\$rcmail_config\['db_backend'\]\s+=/) {
$l = "\$rcmail_config['db_backend'] = 'db';";
&flush_file_lines_as_domain_user($d, $dbcfile);
# Figure out folder names
local %fmap;
$fmap{'drafts'} = $config{'drafts_folder'} || 'drafts';
$fmap{'sent'} = $config{'sent_folder'} || 'sent';
$fmap{'trash'} = $config{'trash_folder'} || 'sent';
local ($sdmode, $sdpath) = &get_domain_spam_delivery($d);
if (($sdmode == 6 || $sdmode == 4) && $sdpath) {
$fmap{'junk'} = $sdpath;
elsif ($sdmode == 1 && $sdpath =~ /^Maildir\/\.?(\S+)\/$/) {
$fmap{'junk'} = $1;
# Fix up the main config file
local $mcfileorig = "$opts->{'dir'}/config/";
local $mcfile = "$opts->{'dir'}/config/";
if (!-r $mcfileorig) {
$mcfileorig = "$opts->{'dir'}/config/";
$mcfile = "$opts->{'dir'}/config/";
&copy_source_dest_as_domain_user($d, $mcfileorig, $mcfile);
local $lref = &read_file_lines_as_domain_user($d, $mcfile);
local $vuf = &get_mail_virtusertable();
local $added_vuf = 0;
foreach my $l (@$lref) {
if ($l =~ /^\$(rcmail_config|config)\['enable_caching'\]\s+=/) {
$l = "\$${1}['enable_caching'] = FALSE;";
if ($l =~ /^\$(rcmail_config|config)\['default_host'\]\s+=/) {
$l = "\$${1}['default_host'] = 'localhost';";
if ($l =~ /^\$(rcmail_config|config)\['default_port'\]\s+=/) {
$l = "\$${1}['default_port'] = 143;";
if ($l =~ /^\$(rcmail_config|config)\['smtp_server'\]\s+=/) {
$l = "\$${1}['smtp_server'] = 'localhost';";
if ($l =~ /^\$(rcmail_config|config)\['smtp_port'\]\s+=/) {
$l = "\$${1}['smtp_port'] = 25;";
if ($l =~ /^\$(rcmail_config|config)\['smtp_user'\]\s+=/) {
$l = "\$${1}['smtp_user'] = '%u';";
if ($l =~ /^\$(rcmail_config|config)\['smtp_pass'\]\s+=/) {
$l = "\$${1}['smtp_pass'] = '%p';";
if ($l =~ /^\$(rcmail_config|config)\['mail_domain'\]\s+=/) {
$l = "\$${1}['mail_domain'] = '$d->{'dom'}';";
if ($l =~ /^\$(rcmail_config|config)\['virtuser_file'\]\s+=/ && $vuf) {
$added_vuf = 1;
$l = "\$${1}['virtuser_file'] = '$vuf';";
if ($l =~ /^\$(rcmail_config|config)\['plugins'\]\s+=\s+array\(\s*$/) {
$l = "\$${1}['plugins'] = array('virtuser_file',";
elsif ($l =~ /^\$(rcmail_config|config)\['plugins'\]\s+=/) {
$l = "\$${1}['plugins'] = array('virtuser_file');";
if ($l =~ /^\$(rcmail_config|config)\['db_dsnw'\]\s+=/) {
$l = "\$${1}['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://$dbuser:".
&php_quotemeta($dbpass, 1)."\@$dbhost/$dbname';";
if ($l =~ /^\$(rcmail_config|config)\['(\S+)_mbox'\]\s+=/ &&
$fmap{$2} && $fmap{$2} ne "*") {
$l = "\$${1}['${2}_mbox'] = '$fmap{$2}';";
if (!$added_vuf && $vuf) {
# Need to add virtuser_file directive, as no default exists
push(@$lref, "\$rcmail_config['virtuser_file'] = '$vuf';");
push(@$lref, "\$config['virtuser_file'] = '$vuf';");
&flush_file_lines_as_domain_user($d, $mcfile);
# Run SQL setup script
local $sqlfile;
if ($dbtype eq "mysql") {
$sqlfile = "$opts->{'dir'}/SQL/mysql.initial.sql";
else {
$sqlfile = "$opts->{'dir'}/SQL/postgres.initial.sql";
local ($ex, $out) = &mysql::execute_sql_file($dbname, $sqlfile,
$dbuser, $dbpass);
$ex && return (-1, "Failed to run database setup script : ".
else {
# Create script of upgrade SQL to run, by extracting SQL from the old
# version onwards from mysql.update.sql
local $sqltemp = &transname();
&open_tempfile(SQLTEMP, ">$sqltemp", 0, 1);
open(SQLIN, "<$opts->{'dir'}/SQL/mysql.update.sql");
local $foundver = 0;
while(<SQLIN>) {
if (/Updates\s+from\s+version\s+(\S+)/ &&
&compare_versions("$1", $upgrade->{'version'}) >= 0) {
$foundver = 1;
if ($foundver) {
&print_tempfile(SQLTEMP, $_);
if ($foundver) {
local ($ex, $out) = &mysql::execute_sql_file($dbname, $sqltemp,
$dbuser, $dbpass);
$ex && return (-1, "Failed to run database date script : ".
# Return a URL for the user
local $url = &script_path_url($d, $opts);
local $rp = $opts->{'dir'};
$rp =~ s/^$d->{'home'}\///;
return (1, "SnappyMail installation complete. It can be accessed at <a target=_blank href='$url'>$url</a>.", "Under $rp using $dbphptype database $dbname", $url);
# script_wordpress_db_conn_desc()
# Returns a list of options for config file to update
sub script_snappymail_db_conn_desc
my $conn_desc =
'replace' => [ '\$(rcmail_config|config)\[[\'"]db_dsnw[\'"]\]\s*=\s*' =>
'\'$$sdbtype://$$sdbuser:$$sdbpass@$$sdbhost/$$sdbname\';' ],
'func' => 'php_quotemeta',
'func_params' => 1,
'multi' => 1,
my $db_conn_desc =
{ 'config/' =>
'dbtype' => $conn_desc,
'dbuser' => $conn_desc,
'dbpass' => $conn_desc,
'dbhost' => $conn_desc,
'dbname' => $conn_desc,
return $db_conn_desc;
# script_snappymail_uninstall(&domain, version, &opts)
# Un-installs a SnappyMail installation, by deleting the directory and database.
# Returns 1 on success and a message, or 0 on failure and an error
sub script_snappymail_uninstall
local ($d, $version, $opts) = @_;
# Remove snappymail tables from the database
&cleanup_script_database($d, $opts->{'db'}, "(.*)");
# Take out the DB
if ($opts->{'newdb'}) {
&delete_script_database($d, $opts->{'db'});
# Remove the contents of the target directory
local $derr = &delete_script_install_directory($d, $opts);
return (0, $derr) if ($derr);
return (1, "SnappyMail directory and tables deleted.");
# script_snappymail_latest(version)
# Returns a URL and regular expression or callback func to get the version
sub script_snappymail_latest
local ($ver) = @_;
return ( "",
"snappymail-([0-9\\.]+).tar.gz" );
sub script_snappymail_site
return '';
sub script_snappymail_gpl
return 1;