#!/bin/bash # from # https://github.com/spiritLHLS/pve # 2023.06.29 # cd /root _red() { echo -e "\033[31m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } _green() { echo -e "\033[32m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } _yellow() { echo -e "\033[33m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } _blue() { echo -e "\033[36m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } reading(){ read -rp "$(_green "$1")" "$2"; } utf8_locale=$(locale -a 2>/dev/null | grep -i -m 1 -E "UTF-8|utf8") if [[ -z "$utf8_locale" ]]; then echo "No UTF-8 locale found" else export LC_ALL="$utf8_locale" export LANG="$utf8_locale" export LANGUAGE="$utf8_locale" echo "Locale set to $utf8_locale" fi check_cdn() { local o_url=$1 for cdn_url in "${cdn_urls[@]}"; do if curl -sL -k "$cdn_url$o_url" --max-time 6 | grep -q "success" > /dev/null 2>&1; then export cdn_success_url="$cdn_url" return fi sleep 0.5 done export cdn_success_url="" } check_cdn_file() { check_cdn "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/back/test" if [ -n "$cdn_success_url" ]; then _yellow "CDN available, using CDN" else _yellow "No CDN available, no use CDN" fi } cdn_urls=("https://cdn.spiritlhl.workers.dev/" "https://cdn3.spiritlhl.net/" "https://cdn1.spiritlhl.net/" "https://ghproxy.com/" "https://cdn2.spiritlhl.net/") check_cdn_file pre_check(){ home_dir=$(eval echo "~$(whoami)") if [ "$home_dir" != "/root" ]; then _red "The script will exit if the current path is not /root." _red "当前路径不是/root,脚本将退出。" exit 1 fi if ! command -v dos2unix > /dev/null 2>&1; then apt-get install dos2unix -y fi if [ ! -f "buildct.sh" ]; then curl -L ${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/pve/main/scripts/buildct.sh -o buildct.sh && chmod +x buildct.sh dos2unix buildct.sh fi } # files=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "ct*" | sort) # if [ -n "$files" ]; then # for file in $files # do # cat "$file" >> ctlog # done # fi check_info(){ log_file="ctlog" if [ ! -f "ctlog" ]; then _yellow "ctrlog file does not exist in the current directory" _yellow "当前目录下不存在ctlog文件" ct_num=302 web2_port=20003 port_end=30025 else while read line; do last_line="$line" done < "$log_file" last_line_array=($last_line) ct_num="${last_line_array[0]}" password="${last_line_array[1]}" ssh_port="${last_line_array[5]}" web1_port="${last_line_array[6]}" web2_port="${last_line_array[7]}" port_start="${last_line_array[8]}" port_end="${last_line_array[9]}" system="${last_line_array[10]}" storage="${last_line_array[11]}" _green "Information corresponding to the current last NAT container:" _green "当前最后一个NAT容器对应的信息:" echo "NAT容器(NAT container): $ct_num" # echo "用户名: $user" # echo "密码: $password" echo "外网SSH端口(Extranet SSH port): $ssh_port" echo "外网80端口(Extranet port 80): $web1_port" echo "外网443端口(Extranet port 443): $web2_port" echo "外网其他端口范围(Other port ranges): $port_start-$port_end" echo "系统(System):$system" echo "存储盘(Storage Disk):$storage" fi } build_new_cts(){ while true; do _green "How many more NAT servers need to be generated? (Enter how many new NAT servers to add):" reading "还需要生成几个NAT服务器?(输入新增几个NAT服务器):" new_nums if [[ "$new_nums" =~ ^[1-9][0-9]*$ ]]; then break else _yellow "Invalid input, please enter a positive integer." _yellow "输入无效,请输入一个正整数。" fi done while true; do _green "How many CPUs are assigned to each container? (Enter 1 if 1 core is assigned to each container):" reading "每个容器分配几个CPU?(若每个容器分配1核,则输入1):" cpu_nums if [[ "$cpu_nums" =~ ^[1-9][0-9]*$ ]]; then break else _yellow "Invalid input, please enter a positive integer." _yellow "输入无效,请输入一个正整数。" fi done while true; do _green "How much memory is allocated per container? (If 512 MB of memory is allocated per container, enter 512):" reading "每个容器分配多少内存?(若每个容器分配512MB内存,则输入512):" memory_nums if [[ "$memory_nums" =~ ^[1-9][0-9]*$ ]]; then break else _yellow "Invalid input, please enter a positive integer." _yellow "输入无效,请输入一个正整数。" fi done while true; do _green "On which storage drive are the containers opened? (Leave blank or enter 'local' if the container is to be opened on the system disk):" reading "容器们开设在哪个存储盘上?(若容器要开设在系统盘上,则留空或输入local):" storage if [ -z "$storage" ]; then storage="local" fi break done while true; do _green "How many hard disks are allocated per container? (If 5G hard drives are allocated per container, enter 5):" reading "每个容器分配多少硬盘?(若每个容器分配5G硬盘,则输入5):" disk_nums if [[ "$disk_nums" =~ ^[1-9][0-9]*$ ]]; then break else _yellow "Invalid input, please enter a positive integer." _yellow "输入无效,请输入一个正整数。" fi done while true; do _green "What system does each container use? (Leave blank or enter debian11 if all use debian11):" reading "每个容器都使用什么系统?(若都使用debian11,则留空或输入debian11):" system if [ -z "$system" ]; then system="debian11" fi # 这块待增加系统列表查询 break done for ((i=1; i<=$new_nums; i++)); do ct_num=$(($ct_num + 1)) ori=$(date | md5sum) password=${ori: 2: 9} ssh_port=$(($web2_port + 1)) web1_port=$(($web2_port + 2)) web2_port=$(($web1_port + 1)) port_start=$(($port_end + 1)) port_end=$(($port_start + 25)) ./buildct.sh $ct_num $password $cpu_nums $memory_nums $disk_nums $ssh_port $web1_port $web2_port $port_start $port_end $system $storage cat "ct$ct_num" >> ctlog rm -rf "ct$ct_num" sleep 60 done } pre_check check_info build_new_cts check_info