with "/" <- at the end. Directory where you videos are downloaded $listPage = 'list.php'; ?> Youtube-dl WebUI


&1'; exec($cmd, $output, $ret); if($ret == 0) { echo '
Download succeed ! Link to the video.
'; } else{ echo '
Oh snap! Something went wrong. Error code :
'; foreach($output as $out) { echo $out . '
'; } echo '
'; } } else{?>


Free space :

Download folder :


How does it work ?

Simply paste your video link in the field and click "Download"

With which sites does it works ?

Here is the list of the supported sites

How can I download the video on my computer ?

Go to "List of videos", choose one, right click on the link and do "Save target as ..."

= 1024) { $Bytes /= 1024; $Index++; } return(round($Bytes) . " " . $Type[$Index]); } function destFolderExists($destFolder) { if(!file_exists($destFolder)) { echo '
Error : Destination folder doesn\'t exist or is not found here.
'; } } ?>