config = require dirname(__DIR__).'/config/config.php'; //this allows to use absolute paths if(strpos($this->config["outputFolder"], "/") === 0) { $this->download_path = $this->config["outputFolder"]; } else { $this->download_path = dirname(__DIR__).'/'.$this->config["outputFolder"]; } if($this->config["log"]) { $this->log_path = dirname(__DIR__).'/'.$this->config["logFolder"]; } $this->audio_only = $audio_only; $this->urls = explode(",", $post); if(!$this->check_requirements($audio_only)) { return; } foreach ($this->urls as $url) { if(!$this->is_valid_url($url)) { $this->errors[] = "\"".$url."\" is not a valid url !"; } } if(isset($this->errors) && count($this->errors) > 0) { $_SESSION['errors'] = $this->errors; return; } if($this->config["max_dl"] == 0) { $this->do_download(); } elseif($this->config["max_dl"] > 0) { if($this->background_jobs() >= 0 && $this->background_jobs() < $this->config["max_dl"]) { $this->do_download(); } else { $this->errors[] = "Simultaneous downloads limit reached !"; } } if(isset($this->errors) && count($this->errors) > 0) { $_SESSION['errors'] = $this->errors; return; } } public static function background_jobs() { return shell_exec("ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -v \"youtube-dl -U\" | grep youtube-dl | wc -l"); } public static function max_background_jobs() { $config = require dirname(__DIR__).'/config/config.php'; return $config["max_dl"]; } public static function get_current_background_jobs() { exec("ps -A -o user,pid,etime,cmd | grep -v grep | grep -v \"youtube-dl -U\" | grep youtube-dl", $output); $bjs = []; if(count($output) > 0) { foreach($output as $line) { $line = explode(' ', preg_replace ("/ +/", " ", $line), 4); $bjs[] = array( 'user' => $line[0], 'pid' => $line[1], 'time' => $line[2], 'cmd' => $line[3] ); } return $bjs; } else { return null; } } public static function kill_them_all() { exec("ps -A -o pid,cmd | grep -v grep | grep youtube-dl | awk '{print $1}'", $output); if(count($output) <= 0) return; foreach($output as $p) { shell_exec("kill ".$p); } $config = require dirname(__DIR__).'/config/config.php'; $folder = dirname(__DIR__).'/'.$config["outputFolder"].'/'; foreach(glob($folder.'*.part') as $file) { unlink($file); } } private function check_requirements($audio_only) { if($this->is_youtubedl_installed() != 0) { $this->errors[] = "Youtube-dl is not installed, see !"; } $this->check_outuput_folder(); if($audio_only) { if($this->is_extracter_installed() != 0) { $this->errors[] = "Install an audio extracter (ex: avconv) !"; } } if(isset($this->errors) && count($this->errors) > 0) { $_SESSION['errors'] = $this->errors; return false; } return true; } private function is_youtubedl_installed() { exec("which youtube-dl", $out, $r); return $r; } private function is_extracter_installed() { exec("which ".$this->config["extracter"], $out, $r); return $r; } private function is_valid_url($url) { return filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL); } private function check_outuput_folder() { if(!is_dir($this->download_path)) { //Folder doesn't exist if(!mkdir($this->download_path, 0775)) { $this->errors[] = "Output folder doesn't exist and creation failed! (".$this->download_path.")"; } } else { //Exists but can I write ? if(!is_writable($this->download_path)) { $this->errors[] = "Output folder isn't writable! (".$this->download_path.")"; } } if(!is_dir($this->log_path)) { //Folder doesn't exist if(!mkdir($this->log_path, 0775)) { $this->errors[] = "Log folder doesn't exist and creation failed! (".$this->log_path.")"; } } else { //Exists but can I write ? if(!is_writable($this->log_path)) { $this->errors[] = "Log folder isn't writable! (".$this->log_path.")"; } } } private function do_download() { $cmd = "youtube-dl"; $cmd .= " -o ".$this->config["outputFolder"]."/"; $cmd .= escapeshellarg("%(title)s-%(uploader)s.%(ext)s"); if($this->audio_only) { $cmd .= " -x "; } foreach($this->urls as $url) { $cmd .= " ".escapeshellarg($url); } $cmd .= " --restrict-filenames"; // --restrict-filenames is for specials chars if($this->config["log"]) { $cmd .= " > ".$this->config["logFolder"]."/$(date +\"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%N\").txt"; } else { $cmd .= " > /dev/null "; } $cmd .= " & echo $!"; shell_exec($cmd); } } ?>