## 3.0.3 2021-11-15 ### Added - Postal 2.1.0 ## 3.0.2 2021-10-06 ### Changed - Add more logrotate scripts for some logfiles ## 3.0.1 2021-10-06 ### Changed - Change the Certificate permissions ## 3.0.0 2021-10-06 ### Added - Updated to support new Postal 2.x release - Alpine 3.14 ### Changed - Changes to environment variables, mapped folders, and persistent configuration files. See README.md - Upgrading from existing install is possible without much effort, just madke sure to map /config and /logs ## 2.1.6 2020-09-27 ### Changed - Fix logrotate ## 2.1.5 2020-09-13 ### Changed - Delete original fail2ban configuration as it throws errors with SSH ## 2.1.4 2020-09-13 ### Changed - Fix Fail2ban ## 2.1.3 2020-09-13 ### Added - Force Postal to run in background - Introduce Fail2ban Support - Introduce Log Rotation ## 2.1.2 2020-06-16 ### Changed - Change default SpamAssassin Port to 783 ## 2.1.1 2020-06-15 ### Added - Change Base image ## 2.1.0 2020-06-09 ### Added - Update to support tiredofit alpine 5.0.0 base image ## 2.0.1 2020-06-05 ### Changed - Move /etc/s6/services to /etc/services.d ## 2.0.0 2020-05-21 ### Added - Refactor Configuration Building - Allow Custom Configuration File - New Environment Variables - See README ## 1.3.0 2020-01-13 ### Added - Update to use Ruby 2.6 ## 1.2.1 2020-01-02 ### Changed - Additional changes to support new tiredofit/alpine base image ## 1.2.0 2019-12-30 ### Added - Support new tiredofit/alpine base image ## 1.1.3 2018-10-23 * Patchup ## 1.1.2 2018-10-23 * SMTP_PASS environment variable fix ## 1.1.1 2018-10-23 * Patchup for Alpine 3.8 ## 1.1 2018-10-23 * Added ability to change Web host directives including protocol * Added SMTP User and Password Capabilities for sending user invites (Setup the server first before putting this in) ## 1.0 2018-07-14 * Initial Release