import logging from pyrogram.enums import ParseMode from pyrogram.types import Message from yt_shared.emoji import SUCCESS_EMOJI from import VideoBotClient from bot.core.service import UrlParser, UrlService from bot.core.utils import bold, get_user_id class TelegramCallback: _MSG_SEND_OK = f'{SUCCESS_EMOJI} {bold("{count}URL{plural} sent for download")}' _MSG_SEND_FAIL = f'🛑 {bold("Failed to send URL for download")}' def __init__(self) -> None: self._log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self._url_parser = UrlParser() self._url_service = UrlService() @staticmethod async def on_start(client: VideoBotClient, message: Message) -> None: await message.reply( bold('Send video URL to start processing'), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,, ) async def on_message(self, client: VideoBotClient, message: Message) -> None: """Receive video URL and send to the download worker.""" self._log.debug('Received Telegram Message: %s', message) text = message.text if not text: self._log.debug('Forwarded message, skipping') return urls = text.splitlines() user = client.allowed_users[get_user_id(message)] if user.use_url_regex_match: urls = self._url_parser.filter_urls( urls=urls, regexes=client.conf.telegram.url_validation_regexes ) if not urls: self._log.debug('No urls to download, skipping message') return ack_message = await self._send_acknowledge_message( message=message, url_count=len(urls) ) context = { 'message': message, 'user': user, 'ack_message': ack_message, } url_objects = self._url_parser.parse_urls(urls=urls, context=context) await self._url_service.process_urls(url_objects) async def _send_acknowledge_message( self, message: Message, url_count: int, ) -> Message: return await message.reply( text=self._format_acknowledge_text(url_count), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,, ) def _format_acknowledge_text(self, url_count: int) -> str: is_multiple = url_count > 1 return self._MSG_SEND_OK.format( count=f'{url_count} ' if is_multiple else '', plural='s' if is_multiple else '', )