## yt-dlp-bot Simple and reliable YouTube Download Telegram Bot. Version: 1.4.1. [Release details](RELEASES.md). ![frames](.assets/download_success.png) ## Support the development - PayPal [![paypal](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=MA6RKYAZH9DSA) - Bitcoin wallet `14kMRS8SvfD2ydMSMEyAmefHV3Yynf9kAd` ## 😂 Features * Download audio and videos from any [yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp) supported website to your storage * Upload downloaded audio and videos back to the Telegram chat * Interact with the bot from private or group chat (any user within the chat with the bot can send the links) * Trigger video download by sending link to an API * Track download tasks via API ## ⚙ Quick Setup 1. Create Telegram bot using [BotFather](https://t.me/BotFather) and get your `token` 2. [Get your Telegram API Keys](https://my.telegram.org/apps) (`api_id` and `api_hash`) 3. [Find your Telegram User ID](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32683992/find-out-my-own-user-id-for-sending-a-message-with-telegram-api) 4. Copy `app_bot/config-example.yml` to `app_bot/config.yml` 5. Write `token`, `api_id`, `api_hash` to `app_bot/config.yml` by changing respective placeholders 6. Write your Telegram user or group ID to the `allowed_users` -> `id` by replacing dummy value and change `forward_group_id` value if you want to forward the video to some group when upload is enabled 7. Change download media type for the user/group: `AUDIO`, `VIDEO` or `AUDIO_VIDEO` in `app_bot/config.yml`'s variable `download_media_type`. Default `VIDEO` 8. If you want your downloaded audio/video to be uploaded back to the Telegram, set `upload_video_file` config variable for your user/group in the `app_bot/config.yml` to `True` 9. Media `STORAGE_PATH` environment variable is located in the `envs/.env_worker` file. By default, it's `/filestorage` path inside the container. What you want is to map the real path to this inside the `docker-compose.yml` file for `worker` service, e.g. if you're on Windows, next strings mean container path `/filestorage` is mapped to real `D:/Videos` so your videos will be saved to your `Videos` folder. ```yml worker: volumes: - "D:/Videos:/filestorage" ``` 10. Change application's `LOG_LEVEL` in `envs/.env_common` if needed ## 🏃 Run ```bash # Build base image docker compose build base-image # Build and run all services in detached mode docker compose up --build -d -t 0 && docker compose logs --tail 100 -f # Stop all services docker compose stop -t 0 ``` Your telegram bot should send you a startup message: `✨ started, paste a video URL(s) to start download` and that's it. After pasting video URL(s) bot will send you appropriate message whether they were downloaded or something went wrong. ## 💻 Advanced setup 1. If you want to change `yt-dlp` download options, go to the `app_worker/ytdl_opts` directory, copy content from `default.py` to `user.py` and modify as you wish by checking [available options](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/yt_dlp/YoutubeDL.py#L180) . 2. Default max simultaneous video downloads by worker service is 2. Change the `MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS` variable in `envs/.env_worker` to desired value but keep in mind that default mounted volume size is 7168m (7GB) in `docker-compose.yml` so it may be not enough if you download a lot of large videos at once. 3. `yt-dlp` will try to download video thumbnail if it exists. In other case Worker service (particularly the FFmpeg process) will make a JPEG thumbnail from the video. It's needed when you choose to upload the video to the Telegram chat. By default, it will try to make it on the 10th second of the video, but if the video is shorter, it will make it on `video length / 2` time point because the FFmpeg process will error out. Change the `THUMBNAIL_FRAME_SECOND` variable if needed in the `envs/.env_worker` file. 4. Max upload file size for non-premium Telegram user is 2GB (2147483648 bytes) which is reflected in the example config `app_bot/config-example.yml`. If the configured user is the premium user, you're allowed to upload files up to 4GB (4294967296 bytes) and can change the default value stored in the `upload_video_max_file_size` config variable. ## 🛑 Failed download If your URL can't be downloaded for some reason, you will see a message with error details ![frames](.assets/download_failed.png) ## Access - **API**: default port is `1984` and no auth. Port can be changed in `docker-compose.yml` - **RabbitMQ**: default credentials are located in `envs/.env_common` - **PostgreSQL**: default credentials are located in `envs/.env_common`. Same credentials are stored for Alembic in `app_worker/alembic.ini` on 53rd line. ## API By default, API service will run on your `localhost` and `1984` port. API endpoint documentations lives at ``. | Endpoint | Method | Description | |--------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `/status` | `GET` | Get API healthcheck status, usually response is `{"status": "OK"}` | | `/v1/yt-dlp` | `GET` | Get latest and currently installed `yt-dlp` version | | `/v1/tasks/?include_meta=False&status=DONE` | `GET` | Get all tasks with filtering options like to include large file metadata and by task status: `PENDING`, `PROCESSING`, `FAILED` and `DONE`. | | `/v1/tasks/f828714a-5c50-45de-87c0-3b51b7e04039?include_meta=True` | `GET` | Get info about task by ID | | `/v1/tasks/latest?include_meta=True` | `GET` | Get info about latest task | | `/v1/tasks/f828714a-5c50-45de-87c0-3b51b7e04039` | `DELETE` | Delete task by ID | | `/v1/tasks/latest?include_meta=True` | `GET` | Get info about the latest task | | `/v1/tasks` | `POST` | Create a download task by sending json payload `{"url": ""}` | | `/v1/tasks/stats` | `GET` | Get overall tasks stats | ### API examples 1. `GET http://localhost:1984/v1/tasks/?include_meta=False&status=DONE&limit=2&offset=0` Response ```json [ { "id": "7ab91ef7-461c-4ef6-a35b-d3704fe28e6c", "url": "https://youtu.be/jMetnwUZBJQ", "status": "DONE", "source": "BOT", "added_at": "2022-02-14T02:29:55.981622", "created": "2022-02-14T02:29:57.211622", "updated": "2022-02-14T02:29:59.595551", "message_id": 621, "file": { "id": "4b1c63ed-3e32-43e6-a0b7-c7fc8713b268", "created": "2022-02-14T02:29:59.597839", "updated": "2022-02-14T02:29:59.597845", "name": "Ana Flora Vs. Dj Brizi - Conversa Fiada", "ext": "mp4" } }, { "id": "952bfb7f-1ab3-4db9-8114-eb9995d0cf8d", "url": "https://youtu.be/AWy1qiTF64M", "status": "DONE", "source": "API", "added_at": "2022-02-14T00:36:21.398624", "created": "2022-02-14T00:36:21.410999", "updated": "2022-02-14T00:36:23.535844", "message_id": null, "file": { "id": "ad1fef96-ce1c-4c5e-a426-58e2d5d3e907", "created": "2022-02-14T00:36:23.537706", "updated": "2022-02-14T00:36:23.537715", "name": "Rufford Ford | part 47", "ext": "mp4" } } ] ``` 2. `POST http://localhost:1984/v1/tasks` Request ```json { "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGDzdps75ns", "download_media_type": "AUDIO_VIDEO", "save_to_storage": false } ``` Response ```json { "id": "5ac05808-b29c-40d6-b250-07e3e769d8a6", "url": "https://youtu.be/AWy1qiTF64M", "source": "API", "added_at": "2022-02-14T00:35:25.419962+00:00" } ``` 3. `GET http://localhost:1984/v1/tasks/stats` Response ```json { "total": 39, "unique_urls": 5, "pending": 0, "processing": 0, "failed": 26, "done": 13 } ```