## Release 1.4.5 Release date: November 23, 2023 ## New Features N/A ## Important N/A ## Misc - Improved error handling --- ## Release 1.4.4 Release date: November 11, 2023 ## New Features - New boolean config variable per user `is_admin`. Currently, admin users will receive update message when `yt-dlp` needs update. ```yaml allowed_users: - id: 11111111111 is_admin: !!bool True *** ``` ## Important - Every user in the config must include this new config variable whether it's `True` or `False` ## Misc N/A --- ## Release 1.4.3 Release date: September 20, 2023 ## New Features - Encode Instagram VP9 videos to H264 (not played in Telegram on iOS) - New environment variable in `envs/.env_worker`: `INSTAGRAM_ENCODE_TO_H264=True` ## Important N/A ## Misc - Maintenance and refactor --- ## Release 1.4.2 Release date: July 06, 2023 ## New Features - Use cookies for website auth for download by putting them into the `app_worker/cookies/cookies.txt` file in Netscape format. ## Important - If you are using the customized yt-dlp options in the `app_worker/ytdl_opts/user.py` you must reconfigure them from the updated `app_worker/ytdl_opts/default.py`. ## Misc N/A --- ## Release 1.4.1 Release date: March 29, 2023 ## New Features N/A ## Important N/A ## Misc - Maintenance release: added `uvloop`. --- ## Release 1.4 Release date: March 29, 2023 ## New Features - Enable or disable URL match against the regex. If you use the bot in the group with other people and don't want the bot to try to download any text message sent to the group, you can enable `use_url_regex_match: !!bool True` in the `app_bot/config.yml` so the bot will skip messages not matching URL regexes. You can add your own if needed. ## Important 1. Two new variables introduced in the `app_bot/config-example.yml` 1. ```yaml url_validation_regexes: - "^http(s)?:\\/\\/.+$" ``` 2. ```yaml use_url_regex_match: !!bool True ``` ## Misc N/A --- ## Release 1.3 Release date: March 28, 2023 ## New Features - Now any user which is in the configured group with the bot can send the link ## Important N/A ## Misc N/A --- ## Release 1.2.1 Release date: March 22, 2023 ## New Features N/A (Maintenance release) ## Important 1. Disabled SQL logs by default: `SQLALCHEMY_ECHO=False` in `envs/.env_common` ## Misc 1. Improved upload log messages - now include file size and whether upload of the file is cached --- ## Release 1.2 Release date: March 13, 2023 ## New Features - Show message when media was saved to storage. ## Important N/A ## Misc N/A --- ## Release 1.1 Release date: March 11, 2023 ## New Features - Show uploaded file size in human-readable format. ## Important * Added new config variable `include_size: !!bool True` for displaying uploaded file size. ## Misc N/A --- ## Release 1.0 Release date: February 25, 2023 ## New Features 1. Now bot can download audio (mp3), video (default), or both. Just configure the preferred mode for the particular user/group. ## Important 1. Changed content yt-dlp options in `app_worker/ytdl_opts/default.py` 2. Added two new user config options in `app_bot/config-example.yml`: 1. `download_media_type`: What to download - audio (mp3), video or both. Values can be `AUDIO`, `VIDEO`, `AUDIO_VIDEO`. 2. `save_to_storage`: Moved from `envs/.env_worker` 3. Creating task on API now requires previously mentioned two fields in payload to be sent. ## Misc N/A --- ## Release 0.9 Release date: February 16, 2023 ## New Features N/A ## Important 1. Changed format of `YTDL_OPTS` in `app_worker/ytdl_opts/default.py` from `dict` to `list` for proper parsing on `yt_dlp` side: ```python # Old format YTDL_OPTS = { 'outtmpl': '%(title).200B.%(ext)s', 'format': 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/mp4', 'noplaylist': True, 'playlist_items': '1:1', 'writethumbnail': True, 'concurrent_fragment_downloads': 5, } # New format YTDL_OPTS = [ '--output', '%(title).200B.%(ext)s', '--format', 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/mp4', '--no-playlist', '--playlist-items', '1:1', '--write-thumbnail', '--convert-thumbnails', 'jpg', '--concurrent-fragments', '5', '--verbose', ] ``` This means only `yt-dlp` CLI options can be added (`yt-dlp --help` to list all of them). ## Misc N/A --- ## Release 0.8 Release date: February 15, 2023 ## New Features 1. yt-dlp will now try to download video thumbnail if it exists. This is done by setting `'writethumbnail': True` in `app_worker/ytdl_opts/default.py`. If thumbnail wasn't downloaded, `ffmpeg` task will create it as previously. ## Important N/A ## Misc N/A --- ## Release 0.7 Release date: February 5, 2023 ## New Features N/A ## Important 1. Configuration variable `TMP_DOWNLOAD_PATH` renamed to `TMP_DOWNLOAD_ROOT_PATH` in `envs/.env_common`. 2. Added 2 new configuration variables `TMP_DOWNLOAD_DIR` and `TMP_DOWNLOADED_DIR` to `envs/.env_common`. 3. Fixed bug [#52](https://github.com/tropicoo/yt-dlp-bot/issues/52). ## Misc N/A --- ## Release 0.6 Release date: January 31, 2023 ## New Features N/A ## Important N/A ## Misc 1. API bugfixes 2. Renamed microservices directories, e.g. `api` -> `app_api` --- ## Release 0.5 Release date: January 21, 2023 ## New Features 1. Updated handling failed video download logic. In case of failed post-processing by yt-dlp, the (broken) video file could still remain in the temporary directory. This update handles this potential issue. ## Important N/A ## Misc N/A --- ## Release 0.4 Release date: November 13, 2022 ## New Features N/A ## Important 1. Changed default yt-dlp options in `worker/ytdl_opts/default.py`. Replaced `'max_downloads': 1` with `'playlist_items': '1:1'` to properly handle the result. 2. It's important to know that the worker backend does not handle downloading more than one video from the playlist even if you change yt-dlp options. Only the first video will be downloaded and processed. ## Misc N/A --- ## Release 0.3.1 Release date: November 11, 2022 ## New Features * This is maintenance release. No New Features. Bumped `fastapi` and `SQLAlchemy` versions, updated README. ## Important N/A ## Misc N/A --- ## Release 0.3 Release date: November 7, 2022 ## New Features 1. New or changed config variables in `bot/config-template.yml`: 1. `send_startup_message` - send startup messages (per user in config) or not 2. Fixed typo in `upload_vide_file` -> `upload_video_file` 3. `ytdlp_version_check_interval` variable replaced with a new `ytdlp` config section: 1. `version_check_enabled` - check for the new `yt-dlp` version or not 2. `version_check_interval` - check interval in seconds when enabled, default `86400` (24 hours) 3. `notify_users_on_new_version` - send a notification to Telegram chats about the new `yt-dlp` version or not (only log records will contain the message about the new version) for every user in the config ## Important 1. Default config template `bot/config-template.yml` was changed, reconfiguration needed ## Misc 1. Updated README