## yt-dlp-bot Simple and reliable YouTube Download Telegram Bot. ![frames](assets/download_success.png) ## 😂 Features * Download videos from any [yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp) supported website * Trigger video download by sending link to the Telegram bot or by API call * Upload downloaded videos to Telegram * Track download tasks in the database or API ## ⚙ Quick Setup 1. Create Telegram bot using [BotFather](https://t.me/BotFather) and get your `token` 2. [Get own Telegram API key](https://my.telegram.org/apps) (`api_id` and `api_hash`) 3. [Find your Telegram User ID](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32683992/find-out-my-own-user-id-for-sending-a-message-with-telegram-api) 4. Copy `bot/config-example.yml` to `bot/config.yml` 5. Write `token`, `api_id`, `api_hash` and your User ID to `bot/config.yml` by changing respective placeholders 6. Check the default environment variables in `envs/.env_common` and change if needed 7. Video storage path (`STORAGE_PATH` environment variable) is located in the `envs/.env_worker` file By default, it's `/filestorage` path inside the container. What you want is to map the real path to this inside the `docker-compose.yml` file for `worker` service e.g. if you're on Windows, next strings mean container path `/filestorage` is mapped to real `D:/Videos` so your videos will be saved to your `Videos` folder. ```yml worker: ... volumes: - "D:/Videos:/filestorage" ``` 8. If you want your downloaded video to be uploaded back to Telegram, set `UPLOAD_VIDEO_FILE` environment variable in the `envs/.env_bot` file to `True` ## 🏃 Run Simple as `docker-compose up -d`. Your telegram bot should send you a startup message: ` started, paste video URL to start download` and that's it. After pasting video URL bot will send you appropriate message whether it was downloaded or something went wrong. ## Advanced setup 1. If you want to change `yt-dlp` download options, go to the `worker/ytdl_opts` directory, copy content from `default.py` to `user.py` and modify as you wish by checking [official documentation](https://github.com/timethrow/yt-dlp/blob/patch-1/README.md#embedding-yt-dlp). ## 🛑 Failed download If your URL can't be downloaded for some reason, you will see this ![frames](assets/download_failed.png) ## Access - **API**: default port `1984` and no auth. Port can be changed in `docker-compose.yml` - **RabbitMQ**: default creds are located in `envs/.env_common` - **PostgreSQL**: default creds are located in `envs/.env_common`. Same creds are stored for Alembic in `alembic.ini`. - **PGAdmin**: default creds are located in `docker-compose.yml` ## API By default, API service will run on your `localhost` and `1984` port. API endpoint documentations lives at ``. | Endpoint | Method| Description| |---|---|---| | `/status` | `GET` | Get API healthcheck status, usually response is `{"status": "OK"}` | | `/v1/yt-dlp` | `GET` | Get latest and currently installed `yt-dlp` version | |`/v1/tasks/?include_meta=False&status=DONE`| `GET` | Get all tasks with filtering options like to include large file metadata and by task status: `PENDING`, `PROCESSING`, `FAILED` and `DONE`. | | `/v1/tasks/f828714a-5c50-45de-87c0-3b51b7e04039?include_meta=True` | `GET` | Get info about task by ID | | `/v1/tasks/latest?include_meta=True` | `GET` | Get info about latest task | | `/v1/tasks/f828714a-5c50-45de-87c0-3b51b7e04039` | `DELETE` | Delete task by ID | | `/v1/tasks/latest?include_meta=True` | `GET` | Get info about the latest task | | `/v1/tasks` | `POST` | Create a download task by sending json payload `{"url": ""}` | | `/v1/tasks/stats` | `GET` | Get overall tasks stats | ### API examples 1. `GET http://localhost:1984/v1/tasks/?include_meta=False&status=DONE&limit=2&offset=0` Response ```json [ { "id": "7ab91ef7-461c-4ef6-a35b-d3704fe28e6c", "url": "https://youtu.be/jMetnwUZBJQ", "status": "DONE", "source": "BOT", "added_at": "2022-02-14T02:29:55.981622", "created": "2022-02-14T02:29:57.211622", "updated": "2022-02-14T02:29:59.595551", "message_id": 621, "file": { "id": "4b1c63ed-3e32-43e6-a0b7-c7fc8713b268", "created": "2022-02-14T02:29:59.597839", "updated": "2022-02-14T02:29:59.597845", "name": "Ana Flora Vs. Dj Brizi - Conversa Fiada", "ext": "mp4" } }, { "id": "952bfb7f-1ab3-4db9-8114-eb9995d0cf8d", "url": "https://youtu.be/AWy1qiTF64M", "status": "DONE", "source": "API", "added_at": "2022-02-14T00:36:21.398624", "created": "2022-02-14T00:36:21.410999", "updated": "2022-02-14T00:36:23.535844", "message_id": null, "file": { "id": "ad1fef96-ce1c-4c5e-a426-58e2d5d3e907", "created": "2022-02-14T00:36:23.537706", "updated": "2022-02-14T00:36:23.537715", "name": "Rufford Ford | part 47", "ext": "mp4" } } ] ``` 2. `POST http://localhost:1984/v1/tasks` Request ```json { "url": "https://youtu.be/AWy1qiTF64M" } ``` Response ```json { "id": "5ac05808-b29c-40d6-b250-07e3e769d8a6", "url": "https://youtu.be/AWy1qiTF64M", "source": "API", "added_at": "2022-02-14T00:35:25.419962+00:00" } ``` 3. `GET http://localhost:1984/v1/tasks/stats` Response ```json { "total": 39, "unique_urls": 5, "pending": 0, "processing": 0, "failed": 26, "done": 13 } ```