#!/bin/bash # This script generates API documentation using swaggo/swag # For more details, check the docs: # * https://usememos.com/docs/contribution/development # * https://github.com/usememos/memos/blob/main/docs/api/documentation.md # Requirements: # * go # swag is configured via gen-api-v1-docs.cfg file. # Usage: # chmod +x ./scripts/gen-api-v1-docs.sh # ./scripts/gen-api-v1-docs.sh find_repo_root() { # Usage: find_repo_root <file_at_root> <dir1> <dir2> ... local looking_for="${1:-".gitignore"}" shift local default_dirs=("." "../") local dirs=("${@:-${default_dirs[@]}}") for dir in "${dirs[@]}"; do if [ -f "$dir/$looking_for" ]; then echo $(realpath "$dir") return fi done } find_binary() { # Usage: find_binary <binary> <dir1> <dir2> ... local looking_for="$1" shift local default_dirs=(".") local binary=$(command -v $looking_for) if [ ! -z "$binary" ]; then echo "$binary" return fi local dirs=("${@:-${default_dirs[@]}}") for dir in "${dirs[@]}"; do if [ -f "$dir/$looking_for" ]; then echo $(realpath "$dir")/$looking_for return fi done } repo_root=$(find_repo_root) if [ -z "$repo_root" ]; then echo -e "\033[0;31mRepository root not found! Exiting.\033[0m" exit 1 else echo -e "Repository root: \033[0;34m$repo_root\033[0m" fi cd $repo_root echo "Parsing gen-api-v1-docs.cfg..." source "$repo_root/scripts/gen-api-v1-docs.cfg" echo -e "API directories: \033[0;34m$SWAG_API_DIRS\033[0m" echo -e "Output directory: \033[0;34m$SWAG_OUTPUT\033[0m" echo -e "General info: \033[0;34m$SWAG_GENERAL_INFO\033[0m" if [ -z "$SWAG_API_DIRS" ]; then echo -e "\033[0;31mAPI directories not set! Exiting.\033[0m" exit 1 fi swag=$(find_binary swag "$HOME/go/bin" "$GOPATH/bin") if [ -z "$swag" ]; then echo "Swag is not installed. Installing..." go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest swag=$(find_binary swag "$HOME/go/bin" "$GOPATH/bin") fi if [ -z "$swag" ]; then echo -e "\033[0;31mSwag binary not found! Exiting.\033[0m" exit 1 fi echo -e "Swag binary: \033[0;34m$swag\033[0m" general_info_path=$(dirname "$SWAG_GENERAL_INFO") if [ ! -d "$general_info_path" ]; then echo -e "\033[0;31mGeneral info directory does not exist!\033[0m" exit 1 fi echo -e "\e[35mFormatting comments via \`swag fmt --dir "$general_info_path,$SWAG_API_DIRS"\`...\e[0m" $swag fmt --dir "$general_info_path,$SWAG_API_DIRS" # This is just in case "swag fmt" do something non-conforming to "go fmt" go_fmt_dirs=$(echo $general_info_path $SWAG_API_DIRS | tr "," " ") echo -e "\e[35mFormatting code via \`go fmt $go_fmt_dirs\`...\e[0m" go fmt $go_fmt_dirs echo -e "\e[35mGenerating Swagger API documentation...\e[0m" $swag init --output "$SWAG_OUTPUT" --outputTypes "$SWAG_OUTPUT_TYPES" --generalInfo "$SWAG_GENERAL_INFO" --dir "./,$SWAG_API_DIRS" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\033[0;31mFailed to generate Swagger API documentation!\033[0m" exit 1 fi echo -e "\033[0;32mSwagger API documentation updated!\033[0m"