package store import ( "context" "database/sql" "strings" ) type Shortcut struct { ID int // Standard fields RowStatus RowStatus CreatorID int CreatedTs int64 UpdatedTs int64 // Domain specific fields Title string Payload string } type UpdateShortcut struct { ID int UpdatedTs *int64 RowStatus *RowStatus Title *string Payload *string } type FindShortcut struct { ID *int CreatorID *int Title *string } type DeleteShortcut struct { ID *int CreatorID *int } func (s *Store) CreateShortcut(ctx context.Context, create *Shortcut) (*Shortcut, error) { stmt := ` INSERT INTO shortcut ( title, payload, creator_id ) VALUES (?, ?, ?) RETURNING id, created_ts, updated_ts, row_status ` if err := s.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, stmt, create.Title, create.Payload, create.CreatorID).Scan( &create.ID, &create.CreatedTs, &create.UpdatedTs, &create.RowStatus, ); err != nil { return nil, err } shortcut := create return shortcut, nil } func (s *Store) ListShortcuts(ctx context.Context, find *FindShortcut) ([]*Shortcut, error) { where, args := []string{"1 = 1"}, []any{} if v := find.ID; v != nil { where, args = append(where, "id = ?"), append(args, *v) } if v := find.CreatorID; v != nil { where, args = append(where, "creator_id = ?"), append(args, *v) } if v := find.Title; v != nil { where, args = append(where, "title = ?"), append(args, *v) } rows, err := s.db.QueryContext(ctx, ` SELECT id, title, payload, creator_id, created_ts, updated_ts, row_status FROM shortcut WHERE `+strings.Join(where, " AND ")+` ORDER BY created_ts DESC`, args..., ) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() list := make([]*Shortcut, 0) for rows.Next() { var shortcut Shortcut if err := rows.Scan( &shortcut.ID, &shortcut.Title, &shortcut.Payload, &shortcut.CreatorID, &shortcut.CreatedTs, &shortcut.UpdatedTs, &shortcut.RowStatus, ); err != nil { return nil, err } list = append(list, &shortcut) } if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return list, nil } func (s *Store) GetShortcut(ctx context.Context, find *FindShortcut) (*Shortcut, error) { list, err := s.ListShortcuts(ctx, find) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(list) == 0 { return nil, nil } shortcut := list[0] return shortcut, nil } func (s *Store) UpdateShortcut(ctx context.Context, update *UpdateShortcut) (*Shortcut, error) { set, args := []string{}, []any{} if v := update.UpdatedTs; v != nil { set, args = append(set, "updated_ts = ?"), append(args, *v) } if v := update.Title; v != nil { set, args = append(set, "title = ?"), append(args, *v) } if v := update.Payload; v != nil { set, args = append(set, "payload = ?"), append(args, *v) } if v := update.RowStatus; v != nil { set, args = append(set, "row_status = ?"), append(args, *v) } args = append(args, update.ID) stmt := ` UPDATE shortcut SET ` + strings.Join(set, ", ") + ` WHERE id = ? RETURNING id, title, payload, creator_id, created_ts, updated_ts, row_status ` shortcut := &Shortcut{} if err := s.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, stmt, args...).Scan( &shortcut.ID, &shortcut.Title, &shortcut.Payload, &shortcut.CreatorID, &shortcut.CreatedTs, &shortcut.UpdatedTs, &shortcut.RowStatus, ); err != nil { return nil, err } return shortcut, nil } func (s *Store) DeleteShortcut(ctx context.Context, delete *DeleteShortcut) error { where, args := []string{}, []any{} if v := delete.ID; v != nil { where, args = append(where, "id = ?"), append(args, *v) } if v := delete.CreatorID; v != nil { where, args = append(where, "creator_id = ?"), append(args, *v) } stmt := `DELETE FROM shortcut WHERE ` + strings.Join(where, " AND ") result, err := s.db.ExecContext(ctx, stmt, args...) if err != nil { return err } if _, err := result.RowsAffected(); err != nil { return err } s.shortcutCache.Delete(*delete.ID) return nil } func vacuumShortcut(ctx context.Context, tx *sql.Tx) error { stmt := ` DELETE FROM shortcut WHERE creator_id NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM user )` _, err := tx.ExecContext(ctx, stmt) if err != nil { return err } return nil }