Simple Python Script To Mirror Repository / Gist From Github To Gitea
## Why ?
I am a [data hoarder.](
I am not migrating away from GitHub because I see no reason to: the platform is very useful to me, and I’d not like to lose it. What I’m trying to accomplish is a fail-safe in case something happens to GitHub which would make me lose access, be that voluntarily or involuntarily.
## ✅ Requirements
1. Python3 -- `sudo apt-get install python3`
2. [PyGithub]( -- `pip install PyGithub`
## ⚙️Installation
### Github Clone
Just run the below cmd in your Gitea server
git clone
Or you can download the source code and install it where ever you need
## 🚀 Usage
### Github Access Token Scopes
* if you want to mirror private repos then select everything under **Repo** scope
* if you want to mirror public repos then select **repo.public_repo** scope
* if you want to mirror secret Gists then select **gist** scope
### First make sure you have updated the `config.json`
| Option | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `github.username` | Your Github Username |
| `github.accesstoken` | Your Github Account's Personal Access Token |
| - | - |
| `` | Selfhosted Gitea URL without `/` at the end |
| `gitea.accesstoken` | Your Personal Access Token |
| `gitea.username` | Account User Name |
| `gitea.gist.prefix` | Custom Prefix For Repository When Mirroring Gists |
| `gitea.gist.surfix` | Custom Prefix For Repository When Mirroring Gists |
| - | - |
| `repomap` | Remap A Repository To Diff User |
| `gistsSource` | set to true to mirror all Gists Created By You|
| `gistsStared` | set to true to mirror all Gists Stared By You|
| `repositoryStared` | set to true to mirror all Repository Stared By You |
| `repositorySource` | set to true to mirror all Repository Created By You |
| `repositoryForked` | set to true to mirror all Repository Forked By You |
| - | - |
| `local_cache.enabled` | Set to **true** to store all repostiory slugs from gitea as json |
| `local_cache.file_path` | Custom Path to store json file |
> Local Cache can come handly when running this script via cron
> which reduces api request your selfhosted gitea instance
### Run cmd & Wait
$ python3
## Cron Setup
1. Run `crontab -e`
2. `mkdir $HOME/mirrorLogs -p`
3. `/usr/bin/python3 $HOME/github-to-gitea-mirror/ > $HOME/mirrorLogs/`date +\%Y-\%m-\%d-\%H-\%M-\%S`.log 2>&1`
## 📝 Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## 🤝 Contributing
If you would like to help, please take a look at the list of [issues](issues/).
## 💰 Sponsor
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## 📜 License & Conduct
- [**MIT**](LICENSE) © [Varun Sridharan](website)
- [Code of Conduct](
## 📣 Feedback
- ⭐ This repository if this project helped you! :wink:
- Create An [🔧 Issue](issues/) if you need help / found a bug
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Built With ♥ By Varun Sridharan 🇮🇳