10 Getting started on Docker
Eugene edited this page 2023-04-24 06:46:56 +02:00


Running with Docker Compose

  • Download the Docker Compose config.
  • Run docker compose run warpgate setup to generate a config file.
  • Run docker compose up to start.

Running directly from the image


The Warpgate image requires one volume to store its configuration and database in, mounted at /data.


docker run --rm -it -v <data dir>:/data ghcr.io/warp-tech/warpgate setup

If you have a valid SSL certificate & key for your domain, now is the best time to replace the self-signed certificate inside the data volume.


docker run --rm --name warpgate -p <host https port>:8888 -p <host ssh port>:2222 -it -v <data dir>:/data ghcr.io/warp-tech/warpgate

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