2021-09-30 18:26:13 +08:00
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< title > JSDoc: Source: becca/entities/note_revision.js< / title >
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< h1 class = "page-title" > Source: becca/entities/note_revision.js< / h1 >
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const protectedSessionService = require('../../services/protected_session');
const utils = require('../../services/utils');
const sql = require('../../services/sql');
const dateUtils = require('../../services/date_utils');
2022-01-11 02:54:38 +08:00
const becca = require('../becca');
2021-09-30 18:26:13 +08:00
const entityChangesService = require('../../services/entity_changes');
2022-01-11 02:54:38 +08:00
const AbstractEntity = require("./abstract_entity");
2021-09-30 18:26:13 +08:00
2021-11-11 04:30:54 +08:00
* NoteRevision represents snapshot of note's title and content at some point in the past.
* It's used for seamless note versioning.
2021-09-30 18:26:13 +08:00
class NoteRevision extends AbstractEntity {
static get entityName() { return "note_revisions"; }
static get primaryKeyName() { return "noteRevisionId"; }
static get hashedProperties() { return ["noteRevisionId", "noteId", "title", "isProtected", "dateLastEdited", "dateCreated", "utcDateLastEdited", "utcDateCreated", "utcDateModified"]; }
constructor(row) {
2021-11-11 04:30:54 +08:00
/** @type {string} */
2021-09-30 18:26:13 +08:00
this.noteRevisionId = row.noteRevisionId;
2021-11-11 04:30:54 +08:00
/** @type {string} */
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this.noteId = row.noteId;
2021-11-11 04:30:54 +08:00
/** @type {string} */
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this.type = row.type;
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/** @type {string} */
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this.mime = row.mime;
2021-11-11 04:30:54 +08:00
/** @type {boolean} */
2021-09-30 18:26:13 +08:00
this.isProtected = !!row.isProtected;
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/** @type {string} */
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this.title = row.title;
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/** @type {string} */
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this.dateLastEdited = row.dateLastEdited;
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/** @type {string} */
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this.dateCreated = row.dateCreated;
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/** @type {string} */
2021-09-30 18:26:13 +08:00
this.utcDateLastEdited = row.utcDateLastEdited;
2021-11-11 04:30:54 +08:00
/** @type {string} */
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this.utcDateCreated = row.utcDateCreated;
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/** @type {string} */
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this.utcDateModified = row.utcDateModified;
2021-11-11 04:30:54 +08:00
/** @type {number} */
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this.contentLength = row.contentLength;
if (this.isProtected) {
if (protectedSessionService.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) {
this.title = protectedSessionService.decryptString(this.title);
else {
2021-11-11 04:30:54 +08:00
this.title = "[protected]";
2021-09-30 18:26:13 +08:00
getNote() {
return becca.notes[this.noteId];
/** @returns {boolean} true if the note has string content (not binary) */
isStringNote() {
return utils.isStringNote(this.type, this.mime);
* Note revision content has quite special handling - it's not a separate entity, but a lazily loaded
* part of NoteRevision entity with it's own sync. Reason behind this hybrid design is that
* content can be quite large and it's not necessary to load it / fill memory for any note access even
* if we don't need a content, especially for bulk operations like search.
* This is the same approach as is used for Note's content.
/** @returns {*} */
getContent(silentNotFoundError = false) {
const res = sql.getRow(`SELECT content FROM note_revision_contents WHERE noteRevisionId = ?`, [this.noteRevisionId]);
if (!res) {
if (silentNotFoundError) {
return undefined;
else {
throw new Error("Cannot find note revision content for noteRevisionId=" + this.noteRevisionId);
let content = res.content;
if (this.isProtected) {
if (protectedSessionService.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) {
content = protectedSessionService.decrypt(content);
else {
content = "";
if (this.isStringNote()) {
return content === null
? ""
: content.toString("UTF-8");
else {
return content;
setContent(content, ignoreMissingProtectedSession = false) {
const pojo = {
noteRevisionId: this.noteRevisionId,
content: content,
utcDateModified: dateUtils.utcNowDateTime()
if (this.isProtected) {
if (protectedSessionService.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) {
pojo.content = protectedSessionService.encrypt(pojo.content);
else if (!ignoreMissingProtectedSession) {
throw new Error(`Cannot update content of noteRevisionId=${this.noteRevisionId} since we're out of protected session.`);
sql.upsert("note_revision_contents", "noteRevisionId", pojo);
const hash = utils.hash(this.noteRevisionId + "|" + pojo.content.toString());
entityName: 'note_revision_contents',
entityId: this.noteRevisionId,
hash: hash,
isErased: false,
utcDateChanged: this.getUtcDateChanged(),
isSynced: true
/** @returns {{contentLength, dateModified, utcDateModified}} */
getContentMetadata() {
return sql.getRow(`
LENGTH(content) AS contentLength,
FROM note_revision_contents
WHERE noteRevisionId = ?`, [this.noteRevisionId]);
beforeSaving() {
this.utcDateModified = dateUtils.utcNowDateTime();
getPojo() {
return {
noteRevisionId: this.noteRevisionId,
noteId: this.noteId,
type: this.type,
mime: this.mime,
isProtected: this.isProtected,
title: this.title,
dateLastEdited: this.dateLastEdited,
dateCreated: this.dateCreated,
utcDateLastEdited: this.utcDateLastEdited,
utcDateCreated: this.utcDateCreated,
utcDateModified: this.utcDateModified,
2021-11-11 04:30:54 +08:00
content: this.content,
2021-09-30 18:26:13 +08:00
contentLength: this.contentLength
getPojoToSave() {
const pojo = this.getPojo();
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delete pojo.content; // not getting persisted
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delete pojo.contentLength; // not getting persisted
if (pojo.isProtected) {
if (protectedSessionService.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) {
pojo.title = protectedSessionService.encrypt(this.title);
else {
// updating protected note outside of protected session means we will keep original ciphertexts
delete pojo.title;
return pojo;
module.exports = NoteRevision;
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2022-01-06 03:31:21 +08:00
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2022-01-11 02:54:38 +08:00
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