2017-09-05 00:02:34 +08:00
function moveBeforeNode(node, beforeNode) {
url: baseUrl + 'notes/' + node.key + '/moveBefore/' + beforeNode.key,
type: 'PUT',
contentType: "application/json",
success: function () {
node.moveTo(beforeNode, 'before');
function moveAfterNode(node, afterNode) {
url: baseUrl + 'notes/' + node.key + '/moveAfter/' + afterNode.key,
type: 'PUT',
contentType: "application/json",
success: function () {
node.moveTo(afterNode, 'after');
function moveToNode(node, toNode) {
url: baseUrl + 'notes/' + node.key + '/moveTo/' + toNode.key,
type: 'PUT',
contentType: "application/json",
success: function (result) {
toNode.folder = true;
2017-09-05 01:22:24 +08:00
function deleteNode(node) {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete note "' + node.title + '"?')) {
url: baseUrl + 'notes/' + node.key,
type: 'DELETE',
success: function () {
if (node.getParent() !== null && node.getParent().getChildren().length <= 1) {
node.getParent().folder = false;
globalAllNoteIds = globalAllNoteIds.filter(e => e !== node.key);
// remove from recent notes
recentNotes = recentNotes.filter(note => note !== node.key);
let next = node.getNextSibling();
if (!next) {
next = node.getParent();
// activate next element after this one is deleted so we don't lose focus
2017-09-05 01:27:54 +08:00
function getParentKey(node) {
return (node.getParent() === null || node.getParent().key === "root_1") ? "root" : node.getParent().key;
2017-08-24 08:09:28 +08:00
const keybindings = {
"insert": function(node) {
2017-09-05 01:27:54 +08:00
const parentKey = getParentKey(node);
2017-08-24 08:09:28 +08:00
createNote(node, parentKey, 'after');
"ctrl+insert": function(node) {
createNote(node, node.key, 'into');
"del": function(node) {
2017-09-05 01:22:24 +08:00
2017-08-24 08:09:28 +08:00
"shift+up": function(node) {
2017-09-05 00:02:34 +08:00
const beforeNode = node.getPrevSibling();
if (beforeNode !== null) {
moveBeforeNode(node, beforeNode);
2017-08-24 08:09:28 +08:00
"shift+down": function(node) {
2017-09-05 00:02:34 +08:00
let afterNode = node.getNextSibling();
if (afterNode !== null) {
moveAfterNode(node, afterNode);
2017-08-24 08:09:28 +08:00
"shift+left": function(node) {
if (node.getParent() !== null) {
url: baseUrl + 'notes/' + node.key + '/moveAfter/' + node.getParent().key,
type: 'PUT',
contentType: "application/json",
success: function() {
if (node.getParent() !== null && node.getParent().getChildren().length <= 1) {
node.getParent().folder = false;
node.moveTo(node.getParent(), 'after');
"shift+right": function(node) {
2017-09-05 00:02:34 +08:00
let toNode = node.getPrevSibling();
2017-08-24 08:09:28 +08:00
2017-09-05 00:02:34 +08:00
if (toNode !== null) {
moveToNode(node, toNode);
2017-08-24 08:09:28 +08:00
"return": function(node) {
// doesn't work :-/
2017-09-04 06:50:56 +08:00
let globalAllNoteIds = [];
2017-08-24 08:09:28 +08:00
2017-09-04 03:08:17 +08:00
let globalTree;
function getNodeByKey(noteId) {
return globalTree.fancytree('getNodeByKey', noteId);
function getFullName(noteId) {
let note = getNodeByKey(noteId);
const path = [];
while (note) {
note = note.getParent();
// remove "root" element
return path.reverse().join(" > ");
2017-09-05 01:22:24 +08:00
let globalClipboardNoteId = null;
2017-06-12 04:04:07 +08:00
2017-08-23 09:23:10 +08:00
$.get(baseUrl + 'tree').then(resp => {
const notes = resp.notes;
2017-08-23 09:32:03 +08:00
let startNoteId = resp.start_note_id;
if (document.location.hash) {
startNoteId = document.location.hash.substr(1); // strip initial #
2017-08-23 09:23:10 +08:00
2017-06-12 04:04:07 +08:00
function copyTitle(notes) {
2017-08-30 10:25:58 +08:00
for (const note of notes) {
2017-09-04 06:50:56 +08:00
2017-08-27 22:30:32 +08:00
2017-06-12 04:04:07 +08:00
note.title = note.note_title;
2017-08-16 09:29:12 +08:00
if (note.is_clone) {
note.title += " (clone)";
2017-06-12 04:04:07 +08:00
note.key = note.note_id;
note.expanded = note.is_expanded;
if (note.children && note.children.length > 0) {
function setExpanded(note_id, is_expanded) {
expanded_num = is_expanded ? 1 : 0;
url: baseUrl + 'notes/' + note_id + '/expanded/' + expanded_num,
type: 'PUT',
contentType: "application/json",
2017-08-24 08:09:28 +08:00
success: function(result) {}
2017-06-12 04:04:07 +08:00
2017-09-04 03:08:17 +08:00
globalTree = $("#tree");
2017-08-23 09:23:10 +08:00
autoScroll: true,
2017-09-05 00:02:34 +08:00
extensions: ["hotkeys", "filter", "dnd"],
2017-06-12 04:04:07 +08:00
source: notes,
activate: function(event, data){
2017-08-16 09:29:12 +08:00
const node = data.node.data;
2017-06-12 04:04:07 +08:00
2017-08-24 09:43:02 +08:00
saveNoteIfChanged(() => loadNote(node.note_id));
2017-06-12 04:04:07 +08:00
expand: function(event, data) {
setExpanded(data.node.key, true);
collapse: function(event, data) {
setExpanded(data.node.key, false);
2017-08-23 09:23:10 +08:00
init: function(event, data) {
if (startNoteId) {
2017-06-12 04:04:07 +08:00
hotkeys: {
2017-08-24 08:09:28 +08:00
keydown: keybindings
2017-08-29 11:10:04 +08:00
filter: {
autoApply: true, // Re-apply last filter if lazy data is loaded
autoExpand: true, // Expand all branches that contain matches while filtered
counter: false, // Show a badge with number of matching child nodes near parent icons
fuzzy: false, // Match single characters in order, e.g. 'fb' will match 'FooBar'
hideExpandedCounter: true, // Hide counter badge if parent is expanded
hideExpanders: false, // Hide expanders if all child nodes are hidden by filter
highlight: true, // Highlight matches by wrapping inside <mark> tags
leavesOnly: false, // Match end nodes only
nodata: true, // Display a 'no data' status node if result is empty
mode: "hide" // Grayout unmatched nodes (pass "hide" to remove unmatched node instead)
2017-09-05 00:02:34 +08:00
dnd: {
autoExpandMS: 600,
draggable: { // modify default jQuery draggable options
zIndex: 1000,
scroll: false,
containment: "parent",
revert: "invalid"
preventRecursiveMoves: true, // Prevent dropping nodes on own descendants
preventVoidMoves: true, // Prevent dropping nodes 'before self', etc.
dragStart: function(node, data) {
// This function MUST be defined to enable dragging for the tree.
// Return false to cancel dragging of node.
return true;
dragEnter: function(node, data) {
/* data.otherNode may be null for non-fancytree droppables.
* Return false to disallow dropping on node. In this case
* dragOver and dragLeave are not called.
* Return 'over', 'before, or 'after' to force a hitMode.
* Return ['before', 'after'] to restrict available hitModes.
* Any other return value will calc the hitMode from the cursor position.
// Prevent dropping a parent below another parent (only sort
// nodes under the same parent):
// if(node.parent !== data.otherNode.parent){
// return false;
// }
// Don't allow dropping *over* a node (would create a child). Just
// allow changing the order:
// return ["before", "after"];
// Accept everything:
return true;
dragExpand: function(node, data) {
// return false to prevent auto-expanding data.node on hover
dragOver: function(node, data) {
dragLeave: function(node, data) {
dragStop: function(node, data) {
dragDrop: function(node, data) {
// This function MUST be defined to enable dropping of items on the tree.
// data.hitMode is 'before', 'after', or 'over'.
if (data.hitMode === "before") {
moveBeforeNode(data.otherNode, node);
else if (data.hitMode === "after") {
moveAfterNode(data.otherNode, node);
else if (data.hitMode === "over") {
moveToNode(data.otherNode, node);
else {
throw new Exception("Unknown hitMode=" + data.hitMode);
2017-09-05 01:22:24 +08:00
delegate: "span.fancytree-title",
autoFocus: true,
menu: [
{title: "Insert note here", cmd: "insertNoteHere", uiIcon: "ui-icon-pencil"},
{title: "Insert child note", cmd: "insertChildNote", uiIcon: "ui-icon-pencil"},
{title: "Delete", cmd: "delete", uiIcon: "ui-icon-trash"},
{title: "----"},
{title: "Cut", cmd: "cut", uiIcon: "ui-icon-scissors"},
{title: "Copy / clone", cmd: "copy", uiIcon: "ui-icon-copy"},
{title: "Paste after", cmd: "pasteAfter", uiIcon: "ui-icon-clipboard"},
{title: "Paste into", cmd: "pasteInto", uiIcon: "ui-icon-clipboard"}
beforeOpen: function (event, ui) {
const node = $.ui.fancytree.getNode(ui.target);
// Modify menu entries depending on node status
globalTree.contextmenu("enableEntry", "pasteAfter", globalClipboardNoteId !== null);
globalTree.contextmenu("enableEntry", "pasteInto", globalClipboardNoteId !== null);
// Activate node on right-click
// Disable tree keyboard handling
ui.menu.prevKeyboard = node.tree.options.keyboard;
node.tree.options.keyboard = false;
2017-09-05 01:27:54 +08:00
close: function (event, ui) {},
2017-09-05 01:22:24 +08:00
select: function (event, ui) {
const node = $.ui.fancytree.getNode(ui.target);
2017-09-05 01:27:54 +08:00
if (ui.cmd === "insertNoteHere") {
const parentKey = getParentKey(node);
createNote(node, parentKey, 'after');
else if (ui.cmd === "insertChildNote") {
createNote(node, node.key, 'into');
else if (ui.cmd === "cut") {
2017-09-05 01:22:24 +08:00
globalClipboardNoteId = node.key;
else if (ui.cmd === "pasteAfter") {
const subjectNode = getNodeByKey(globalClipboardNoteId);
moveAfterNode(subjectNode, node);
globalClipboardNoteId = null;
else if (ui.cmd === "pasteInto") {
const subjectNode = getNodeByKey(globalClipboardNoteId);
moveToNode(subjectNode, node);
globalClipboardNoteId = null;
else if (ui.cmd === "delete") {
else {
console.log("Unknown command: " + ui.cmd);
2017-06-12 04:04:07 +08:00
2017-08-29 11:10:04 +08:00
$("input[name=search]").keyup(function (e) {
2017-08-30 10:58:44 +08:00
const searchString = $(this).val();
2017-08-29 11:10:04 +08:00
2017-08-30 10:58:44 +08:00
if (e && e.which === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE || $.trim(searchString) === "") {
2017-08-29 11:10:04 +08:00
2017-08-30 10:58:44 +08:00
if (e && e.which === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
$.get(baseUrl + 'notes?search=' + searchString).then(resp => {
console.log("search: ", resp);
// Pass a string to perform case insensitive matching
const tree = $("#tree").fancytree("getTree");
tree.filterBranches(function(node) {
return resp.includes(node.data.note_id);
2017-08-29 11:10:04 +08:00
$("button#btnResetSearch").click(function () {
2017-08-30 10:25:58 +08:00
const tree = $("#tree").fancytree("getTree");
2017-08-29 11:10:04 +08:00
2017-08-30 08:58:53 +08:00
function collapseTree() {
$(document).bind('keydown', 'alt+c', collapseTree);