fix setting mime after import + cleanup of old search code

This commit is contained in:
zadam 2020-08-18 22:20:47 +02:00
parent 03d7ee9abb
commit 53c361945b
10 changed files with 13 additions and 371 deletions

View file

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class Note extends Entity {
return sql.getRow(`
LENGTH(content) AS contentLength,
FROM note_contents
WHERE noteId = ?`, [this.noteId]);

View file

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ function FrontendScriptApi(startNote, currentNote, originEntity = null, $contain
* @returns {Promise<NoteShort[]>}
this.searchForNotes = async searchString => {
const noteIds = await this.runOnServer(async searchString => {
const noteIds = await this.runOnBackend(async searchString => {
const notes = await api.searchForNotes(searchString);
return => note.noteId);

View file

@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class ImageTypeWidget extends TypeWidget {
const noteComplement = await this.tabContext.getNoteComplement();
const noteComplement = await this.tabContext.getNoteComplement();console.log(noteComplement, note);
this.$fileName.text(attributeMap.originalFileName || "?");
this.$fileSize.text(noteComplement.contentLength + " bytes");

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ function updateFile(req) {
note.mime = file.mimetype.toLowerCase();;

View file

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ function getNote(req) {
const contentMetadata = note.getContentMetadata();
note.contentLength = contentMetadata.contentLength;
note.combinedUtcDateModified = note.utcDateModified > contentMetadata.utcDateModified ? note.utcDateModified : contentMetadata.utcDateModified;
note.combinedDateModified = note.utcDateModified > contentMetadata.utcDateModified ? note.dateModified : contentMetadata.dateModified;

View file

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
const utils = require('./utils');
module.exports = function(filters, selectedColumns = 'notes.*') {
// alias => join
const joins = {
"notes": null
let attrFilterId = 1;
function getAccessor(property) {
let accessor;
if (!VIRTUAL_ATTRIBUTES.includes(property)) {
// not reusing existing filters to support multi-valued filters e.g. "@tag=christmas @tag=shopping"
// can match notes because @tag can be both "shopping" and "christmas"
const alias = "attr_" + property + "_" + attrFilterId++;
// forcing to use particular index since SQLite query planner would often choose something pretty bad
joins[alias] = `LEFT JOIN attributes AS ${alias} INDEXED BY IDX_attributes_noteId_index `
+ `ON ${alias}.noteId = notes.noteId `
+ `AND ${alias}.name = '${property}' AND ${alias}.isDeleted = 0`;
accessor = `${alias}.value`;
else if (property === 'content') {
const alias = "note_contents";
if (!(alias in joins)) {
joins[alias] = `LEFT JOIN note_contents ON note_contents.noteId = notes.noteId`;
accessor = `${alias}.${property}`;
else if (property === 'parentCount') {
// need to cast as string for the equality operator to work
// for >= etc. it is cast again to DECIMAL
// also cannot use COUNT() in WHERE so using subquery ...
accessor = `CAST((SELECT COUNT(1) FROM branches WHERE branches.noteId = notes.noteId AND isDeleted = 0) AS STRING)`;
else {
accessor = "notes." + property;
return accessor;
let orderBy = [];
const orderByFilter = filters.find(filter => === 'orderby');
if (orderByFilter) {
orderBy = orderByFilter.value.split(",").map(prop => {
const direction = prop.includes("-") ? "DESC" : "ASC";
const cleanedProp = prop.trim().replace(/-/g, "");
return getAccessor(cleanedProp) + " " + direction;
let where = '1';
const params = [];
for (const filter of filters) {
if (['isarchived', 'in', 'orderby', 'limit'].includes( {
continue; // these are not real filters
where += " " + filter.relation + " ";
const accessor = getAccessor(;
if (filter.operator === 'exists') {
where += `${accessor} IS NOT NULL`;
else if (filter.operator === 'not-exists') {
where += `${accessor} IS NULL`;
else if (filter.operator === '=' || filter.operator === '!=') {
where += `${accessor} ${filter.operator} ?`;
} else if (filter.operator === '*=' || filter.operator === '!*=') {
where += `${accessor}`
+ (filter.operator.includes('!') ? ' NOT' : '')
+ ` LIKE ` + utils.prepareSqlForLike('%', filter.value, '');
} else if (filter.operator === '=*' || filter.operator === '!=*') {
where += `${accessor}`
+ (filter.operator.includes('!') ? ' NOT' : '')
+ ` LIKE ` + utils.prepareSqlForLike('', filter.value, '%');
} else if (filter.operator === '*=*' || filter.operator === '!*=*') {
const columns = === 'text' ? [getAccessor("title"), getAccessor("content")] : [accessor];
let condition = "(" + =>
`${column}` + ` LIKE ` + utils.prepareSqlForLike('%', filter.value, '%'))
.join(" OR ") + ")";
if (filter.operator.includes('!')) {
condition = "NOT(" + condition + ")";
if (['text', 'title', 'content'].includes( {
// for title/content search does not make sense to search for protected notes
condition = `(${condition} AND notes.isProtected = 0)`;
where += condition;
else if ([">", ">=", "<", "<="].includes(filter.operator)) {
let floatParam;
// from
if (/^[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+$/.test(filter.value)) {
floatParam = parseFloat(filter.value);
if (floatParam === undefined || isNaN(floatParam)) {
// if the value can't be parsed as float then we assume that string comparison should be used instead of numeric
where += `${accessor} ${filter.operator} ?`;
} else {
where += `CAST(${accessor} AS DECIMAL) ${filter.operator} ?`;
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown operator " + filter.operator);
if (orderBy.length === 0) {
// if no ordering is given then order at least by note title
const query = `SELECT ${selectedColumns} FROM notes
notes.isDeleted = 0
AND (${where})
GROUP BY notes.noteId
ORDER BY ${orderBy.join(", ")}`;
return { query, params };

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ const isSvg = require('is-svg');
async function processImage(uploadBuffer, originalName, shrinkImageSwitch) {
const origImageFormat = getImageType(uploadBuffer);
if (origImageFormat && ["webp", "svg"].includes(origImageFormat.ext)) {
if (origImageFormat && ["webp", "svg", "gif"].includes(origImageFormat.ext)) {
// JIMP does not support webp at the moment:
shrinkImageSwitch = false;
@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ function updateImage(noteId, uploadBuffer, originalName) {
processImage(uploadBuffer, originalName, true).then(({buffer, imageFormat}) => {
sql.transactional(() => {
note.mime = getImageMimeFromExtension(imageFormat.ext);;
@ -88,6 +90,8 @@ function saveImage(parentNoteId, uploadBuffer, originalName, shrinkImageSwitch)
processImage(uploadBuffer, originalName, shrinkImageSwitch).then(({buffer, imageFormat}) => {
sql.transactional(() => {
note.mime = getImageMimeFromExtension(imageFormat.ext);;

View file

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ function createNewNote(params) {
throw new Error(`Note title must not be empty`);
sql.transactional(() => {
return sql.transactional(() => {
const note = new Note({
noteId: params.noteId, // optionally can force specific noteId
title: params.title,
@ -744,8 +744,8 @@ function duplicateNote(noteId, parentNoteId) {
const newNote = new Note(origNote);
newNote.noteId = undefined; // force creation of new note
newNote.title += " (dup)";;
const newBranch = new Branch({

View file

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
"use strict";
* Missing things from the OLD search:
* - orderBy
* - limit
* - in - replaced with note.ancestors
* - content in attribute search
* - not - pherhaps not necessary
* other potential additions:
* - targetRelations - either named or not
* - any relation without name
const repository = require('./repository');
const sql = require('./sql');
const log = require('./log');
const parseFilters = require('./search/parse_filters.js');
const buildSearchQuery = require('./build_search_query');
const noteCacheService = require('./note_cache/note_cache_service');
function searchForNotes(searchString) {
const noteIds = searchForNoteIds(searchString);
return repository.getNotes(noteIds);
function searchForNoteIds(searchString) {
const filters = parseFilters(searchString);
const {query, params} = buildSearchQuery(filters, 'notes.noteId');
try {
let noteIds = sql.getColumn(query, params);
noteIds = noteIds.filter(noteCacheService.isAvailable);
const isArchivedFilter = filters.find(filter => === 'isarchived');
if (isArchivedFilter) {
if (isArchivedFilter.operator === 'exists') {
noteIds = noteIds.filter(noteCacheService.isArchived);
else if (isArchivedFilter.operator === 'not-exists') {
noteIds = noteIds.filter(noteId => !noteCacheService.isArchived(noteId));
else {
throw new Error(`Unrecognized isArchived operator ${isArchivedFilter.operator}`);
const isInFilters = filters.filter(filter => === 'in');
for (const isInFilter of isInFilters) {
if (isInFilter.operator === '=') {
noteIds = noteIds.filter(noteId => noteCacheService.isInAncestor(noteId, isInFilter.value));
else if (isInFilter.operator === '!=') {
noteIds = noteIds.filter(noteId => !noteCacheService.isInAncestor(noteId, isInFilter.value));
else {
throw new Error(`Unrecognized isIn operator ${isInFilter.operator}`);
const limitFilter = filters.find(filter => === 'limit');
if (limitFilter) {
const limit = parseInt(limitFilter.value);
return noteIds.splice(0, limit);
else {
return noteIds;
catch (e) {
log.error("Search failed for " + query);
throw e;
module.exports = {

View file

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const filterRegex = /(\b(AND|OR)\s+)?@(!?)([\p{L}\p{Number}_]+|"[^"]+")\s*((=|!=|<|<=|>|>=|!?\*=|!?=\*|!?\*=\*)\s*([^\s=*"]+|"[^"]+"))?/igu;
const smartValueRegex = /^(NOW|TODAY|WEEK|MONTH|YEAR) *([+\-] *\d+)?$/i;
function calculateSmartValue(v) {
const match = smartValueRegex.exec(v);
if (match === null) {
const keyword = match[1].toUpperCase();
const num = match[2] ? parseInt(match[2].replace(/ /g, "")) : 0; // can contain spaces between sign and digits
let format, date;
if (keyword === 'NOW') {
date = dayjs().add(num, 'second');
format = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss";
else if (keyword === 'TODAY') {
date = dayjs().add(num, 'day');
format = "YYYY-MM-DD";
else if (keyword === 'WEEK') {
// FIXME: this will always use sunday as start of the week
date = dayjs().startOf('week').add(7 * num, 'day');
format = "YYYY-MM-DD";
else if (keyword === 'MONTH') {
date = dayjs().add(num, 'month');
format = "YYYY-MM";
else if (keyword === 'YEAR') {
date = dayjs().add(num, 'year');
format = "YYYY";
else {
throw new Error("Unrecognized keyword: " + keyword);
return date.format(format);
module.exports = function (searchText) {
searchText = searchText.trim();
// if the string doesn't start with attribute then we consider it as just standard full text search
if (!searchText.startsWith("@")) {
// replace with space instead of empty string since these characters are probably separators
const filters = [];
if (searchText.startsWith('"') && searchText.endsWith('"')) {
// "bla bla" will search for exact match
searchText = searchText.substr(1, searchText.length - 2);
relation: 'and',
name: 'text',
operator: '*=*',
value: searchText
else {
const tokens = searchText.split(/\s+/);
for (const token of tokens) {
relation: 'and',
name: 'text',
operator: '*=*',
value: token
relation: 'and',
name: 'isArchived',
operator: 'not-exists'
relation: 'or',
name: 'noteId',
operator: '=',
value: searchText
return filters;
const filters = [];
function trimQuotes(str) { return str.startsWith('"') ? str.substr(1, str.length - 2) : str; }
let match;
while (match = filterRegex.exec(searchText)) {
const relation = match[2] !== undefined ? match[2].toLowerCase() : 'and';
const operator = match[3] === '!' ? 'not-exists' : 'exists';
const value = match[7] !== undefined ? trimQuotes(match[7]) : null;
relation: relation,
name: trimQuotes(match[4]),
operator: match[6] !== undefined ? match[6] : operator,
value: (
value && value.match(smartValueRegex)
? calculateSmartValue(value)
: value
return filters;