Source: services/backend_script_api.js

const log = require('./log');
const noteService = require('./notes');
const sql = require('./sql');
const utils = require('./utils');
const attributeService = require('./attributes');
const dateNoteService = require('./date_notes');
const treeService = require('./tree');
const config = require('./config');
const axios = require('axios');
const dayjs = require('dayjs');
const xml2js = require('xml2js');
const cloningService = require('./cloning');
const appInfo = require('./app_info');
const searchService = require('./search/services/search');
const SearchContext = require("./search/search_context");
const becca = require("../becca/becca");
const ws = require("./ws");
const SpacedUpdate = require("./spaced_update");
const specialNotesService = require("./special_notes");
const branchService = require("./branches");
const exportService = require("./export/zip");
const syncMutex = require("./sync_mutex.js");

 * A whole number
 * @typedef {number} int

 * An instance of the frontend api available globally.
 * @global
 * @var {BackendScriptApi} api

 * <p>This is the main backend API interface for scripts. All the properties and methods are published in the "api" object
 * available in the JS backend notes. You can use e.g. <code>api.log(api.startNote.title);</code></p>
 * @constructor
function BackendScriptApi(currentNote, apiParams) {
     * Note where the script started executing
     * @type {BNote}
    this.startNote = apiParams.startNote;
     * Note where the script is currently executing. Don't mix this up with the concept of active note
     * @type {BNote}
    this.currentNote = currentNote;
     * Entity whose event triggered this execution
     * @type {AbstractBeccaEntity}
    this.originEntity = apiParams.originEntity;

    for (const key in apiParams) {
        this[key] = apiParams[key];

     * Axios library for HTTP requests. See {@link} for documentation
     * @type {axios} 
     * @deprecated use native (browser compatible) fetch() instead
    this.axios = axios;
     * day.js library for date manipulation. See {@link} for documentation 
     * @type {dayjs}
    this.dayjs = dayjs;
     * xml2js library for XML parsing. See {@link} for documentation
     * @type {xml2js} 
    this.xml2js = xml2js;

     * Instance name identifies particular Trilium instance. It can be useful for scripts
     * if some action needs to happen on only one specific instance.
     * @returns {string|null}
    this.getInstanceName = () => config.General ? config.General.instanceName : null;

     * @method
     * @param {string} noteId
     * @returns {BNote|null}
    this.getNote = noteId => becca.getNote(noteId);

     * @method
     * @param {string} branchId
     * @returns {BBranch|null}
    this.getBranch = branchId => becca.getBranch(branchId);

     * @method
     * @param {string} attributeId
     * @returns {BAttribute|null}
    this.getAttribute = attributeId => becca.getAttribute(attributeId);

     * This is a powerful search method - you can search by attributes and their values, e.g.:
     * "#dateModified =* MONTH AND #log". See {@link} for full documentation for all options
     * @method
     * @param {string} query
     * @param {Object} [searchParams]
     * @returns {BNote[]}
    this.searchForNotes = (query, searchParams = {}) => {
        if (searchParams.includeArchivedNotes === undefined) {
            searchParams.includeArchivedNotes = true;

        if (searchParams.ignoreHoistedNote === undefined) {
            searchParams.ignoreHoistedNote = true;

        const noteIds = searchService.findResultsWithQuery(query, new SearchContext(searchParams))
            .map(sr => sr.noteId);

        return becca.getNotes(noteIds);

     * This is a powerful search method - you can search by attributes and their values, e.g.:
     * "#dateModified =* MONTH AND #log". See {@link} for full documentation for all options
     * @method
     * @param {string} query
     * @param {Object} [searchParams]
     * @returns {BNote|null}
    this.searchForNote = (query, searchParams = {}) => {
        const notes = this.searchForNotes(query, searchParams);

        return notes.length > 0 ? notes[0] : null;

     * Retrieves notes with given label name & value
     * @method
     * @param {string} name - attribute name
     * @param {string} [value] - attribute value
     * @returns {BNote[]}
    this.getNotesWithLabel = attributeService.getNotesWithLabel;

     * Retrieves first note with given label name & value
     * @method
     * @param {string} name - attribute name
     * @param {string} [value] - attribute value
     * @returns {BNote|null}
    this.getNoteWithLabel = attributeService.getNoteWithLabel;

     * If there's no branch between note and parent note, create one. Otherwise, do nothing. Returns the new or existing branch.
     * @method
     * @param {string} noteId
     * @param {string} parentNoteId
     * @param {string} prefix - if branch is created between note and parent note, set this prefix
     * @returns {{branch: BBranch|null}}
    this.ensureNoteIsPresentInParent = cloningService.ensureNoteIsPresentInParent;

     * If there's a branch between note and parent note, remove it. Otherwise, do nothing.
     * @method
     * @param {string} noteId
     * @param {string} parentNoteId
     * @returns {void}
    this.ensureNoteIsAbsentFromParent = cloningService.ensureNoteIsAbsentFromParent;

     * Based on the value, either create or remove branch between note and parent note.
     * @method
     * @param {boolean} present - true if we want the branch to exist, false if we want it gone
     * @param {string} noteId
     * @param {string} parentNoteId
     * @param {string} prefix - if branch is created between note and parent note, set this prefix
     * @returns {void}
    this.toggleNoteInParent = cloningService.toggleNoteInParent;

     * Create text note. See also createNewNote() for more options.
     * @method
     * @param {string} parentNoteId
     * @param {string} title
     * @param {string} content
     * @returns {{note: BNote, branch: BBranch}} - object having "note" and "branch" keys representing respective objects
    this.createTextNote = (parentNoteId, title, content = '') => noteService.createNewNote({
        type: 'text'

     * Create data note - data in this context means object serializable to JSON. Created note will be of type 'code' and
     * JSON MIME type. See also createNewNote() for more options.
     * @method
     * @param {string} parentNoteId
     * @param {string} title
     * @param {object} content
     * @returns {{note: BNote, branch: BBranch}} object having "note" and "branch" keys representing respective objects
    this.createDataNote = (parentNoteId, title, content = {}) => noteService.createNewNote({
        content: JSON.stringify(content, null, '\t'),
        type: 'code',
        mime: 'application/json'

     * @method
     * @param {object} params
     * @param {string} params.parentNoteId
     * @param {string} params.title
     * @param {string|Buffer} params.content
     * @param {NoteType} params.type - text, code, file, image, search, book, relationMap, canvas
     * @param {string} [params.mime] - value is derived from default mimes for type
     * @param {boolean} [params.isProtected=false]
     * @param {boolean} [params.isExpanded=false]
     * @param {string} [params.prefix='']
     * @param {int} [params.notePosition] - default is last existing notePosition in a parent + 10
     * @returns {{note: BNote, branch: BBranch}} object contains newly created entities note and branch
    this.createNewNote = noteService.createNewNote;

     * @method
     * @deprecated please use createTextNote() with similar API for simpler use cases or createNewNote() for more complex needs
     * @param {string} parentNoteId - create new note under this parent
     * @param {string} title
     * @param {string} [content=""]
     * @param {object} [extraOptions={}]
     * @param {boolean} [extraOptions.json=false] - should the note be JSON
     * @param {boolean} [extraOptions.isProtected=false] - should the note be protected
     * @param {string} [extraOptions.type='text'] - note type
     * @param {string} [extraOptions.mime='text/html'] - MIME type of the note
     * @param {object[]} [extraOptions.attributes=[]] - attributes to be created for this note
     * @param {AttributeType} extraOptions.attributes.type - attribute type - label, relation etc.
     * @param {string} - attribute name
     * @param {string} [extraOptions.attributes.value] - attribute value
     * @returns {{note: BNote, branch: BBranch}} object contains newly created entities note and branch
    this.createNote = (parentNoteId, title, content = "", extraOptions= {}) => {
        extraOptions.parentNoteId = parentNoteId;
        extraOptions.title = title;

        const parentNote = becca.getNote(parentNoteId);

        // code note type can be inherited, otherwise "text" is the default
        extraOptions.type = parentNote.type === 'code' ? 'code' : 'text';
        extraOptions.mime = parentNote.type === 'code' ? parentNote.mime : 'text/html';

        if (extraOptions.json) {
            extraOptions.content = JSON.stringify(content || {}, null, '\t');
            extraOptions.type = 'code';
            extraOptions.mime = 'application/json';
        else {
            extraOptions.content = content;

        return sql.transactional(() => {
            const {note, branch} = noteService.createNewNote(extraOptions);

            for (const attr of extraOptions.attributes || []) {
                    noteId: note.noteId,
                    type: attr.type,
                    value: attr.value,
                    isInheritable: !!attr.isInheritable

            return {note, branch};

    this.logMessages = {};
    this.logSpacedUpdates = {};

     * Log given message to trilium logs and log pane in UI
     * @method
     * @param message
     * @returns {void}
    this.log = message => {;

        const {noteId} = this.startNote;

        this.logMessages[noteId] = this.logMessages[noteId] || [];
        this.logSpacedUpdates[noteId] = this.logSpacedUpdates[noteId] || new SpacedUpdate(() => {
            const messages = this.logMessages[noteId];
            this.logMessages[noteId] = [];

                type: 'api-log-messages',
        }, 100);


     * Returns root note of the calendar.
     * @method
     * @returns {BNote|null}
    this.getRootCalendarNote = dateNoteService.getRootCalendarNote;

     * Returns day note for given date. If such note doesn't exist, it is created.
     * @method
     * @param {string} date in YYYY-MM-DD format
     * @param {BNote} [rootNote] - specify calendar root note, normally leave empty to use the default calendar
     * @returns {BNote|null}
    this.getDayNote = dateNoteService.getDayNote;

     * Returns today's day note. If such note doesn't exist, it is created.
     * @method
     * @param {BNote} [rootNote] - specify calendar root note, normally leave empty to use the default calendar
     * @returns {BNote|null}
    this.getTodayNote = dateNoteService.getTodayNote;

     * Returns note for the first date of the week of the given date.
     * @method
     * @param {string} date in YYYY-MM-DD format
     * @param {object} [options]
     * @param {string} [options.startOfTheWeek=monday] - either "monday" (default) or "sunday"
     * @param {BNote} [rootNote] - specify calendar root note, normally leave empty to use the default calendar
     * @returns {BNote|null}
    this.getWeekNote = dateNoteService.getWeekNote;

     * Returns month note for given date. If such note doesn't exist, it is created.
     * @method
     * @param {string} date in YYYY-MM format
     * @param {BNote} [rootNote] - specify calendar root note, normally leave empty to use the default calendar
     * @returns {BNote|null}
    this.getMonthNote = dateNoteService.getMonthNote;

     * Returns year note for given year. If such note doesn't exist, it is created.
     * @method
     * @param {string} year in YYYY format
     * @param {BNote} [rootNote] - specify calendar root note, normally leave empty to use the default calendar
     * @returns {BNote|null}
    this.getYearNote = dateNoteService.getYearNote;

     * Sort child notes of a given note.
     * @method
     * @param {string} parentNoteId - this note's child notes will be sorted
     * @param {object} [sortConfig]
     * @param {string} [sortConfig.sortBy=title] - 'title', 'dateCreated', 'dateModified' or a label name
     *                                See {@link} for details.
     * @param {boolean} [sortConfig.reverse=false]
     * @param {boolean} [sortConfig.foldersFirst=false]
     * @returns {void}
    this.sortNotes = (parentNoteId, sortConfig = {}) => treeService.sortNotes(
        sortConfig.sortBy || "title",

     * This method finds note by its noteId and prefix and either sets it to the given parentNoteId
     * or removes the branch (if parentNoteId is not given).
     * This method looks similar to toggleNoteInParent() but differs because we're looking up branch by prefix.
     * @method
     * @deprecated this method is pretty confusing and serves specialized purpose only
     * @param {string} noteId
     * @param {string} prefix
     * @param {string|null} parentNoteId
     * @returns {void}
    this.setNoteToParent = treeService.setNoteToParent;

     * This functions wraps code which is supposed to be running in transaction. If transaction already
     * exists, then we'll use that transaction.
     * @method
     * @param {function} func
     * @returns {any} result of func callback
    this.transactional = sql.transactional;

     * Return randomly generated string of given length. This random string generation is NOT cryptographically secure.
     * @method
     * @param {int} length of the string
     * @returns {string} random string
    this.randomString = utils.randomString;

     * @method
     * @param {string} string to escape
     * @returns {string} escaped string
    this.escapeHtml = utils.escapeHtml;

     * @method
     * @param {string} string to unescape
     * @returns {string} unescaped string
    this.unescapeHtml = utils.unescapeHtml;

     * sql
     * @type {module:sql}
    this.sql = sql;

     * @method
     * @returns {{syncVersion, appVersion, buildRevision, dbVersion, dataDirectory, buildDate}|*} - object representing basic info about running Trilium version
    this.getAppInfo = () => appInfo

     * Creates a new launcher to the launchbar. If the launcher (id) already exists, it will be updated.
     * @method
     * @param {object} opts
     * @param {string} - id of the launcher, only alphanumeric at least 6 characters long
     * @param {"note" | "script" | "customWidget"} opts.type - one of
     *                          * "note" - activating the launcher will navigate to the target note (specified in targetNoteId param)
     *                          * "script" -  activating the launcher will execute the script (specified in scriptNoteId param)
     *                          * "customWidget" - the launcher will be rendered with a custom widget (specified in widgetNoteId param)
     * @param {string} opts.title
     * @param {boolean} [opts.isVisible=false] - if true, will be created in the "Visible launchers", otherwise in "Available launchers"
     * @param {string} [opts.icon] - name of the boxicon to be used (e.g. "bx-time")
     * @param {string} [opts.keyboardShortcut] - will activate the target note/script upon pressing, e.g. "ctrl+e"
     * @param {string} [opts.targetNoteId] - for type "note"
     * @param {string} [opts.scriptNoteId] - for type "script"
     * @param {string} [opts.widgetNoteId] - for type "customWidget"
     * @returns {{note: BNote}}
    this.createOrUpdateLauncher = opts => {
        if (! { throw new Error("ID is a mandatory parameter for api.createOrUpdateLauncher(opts)"); }
        if (![a-z0-9]{6,1000}/i)) { throw new Error(`ID must be an alphanumeric string at least 6 characters long.`); }
        if (!opts.type) { throw new Error("Launcher Type is a mandatory parameter for api.createOrUpdateLauncher(opts)"); }
        if (!["note", "script", "customWidget"].includes(opts.type)) { throw new Error(`Given launcher type '${opts.type}'`); }
        if (!opts.title?.trim()) { throw new Error("Title is a mandatory parameter for api.createOrUpdateLauncher(opts)"); }
        if (opts.type === 'note' && !opts.targetNoteId) { throw new Error("targetNoteId is mandatory for launchers of type 'note'"); }
        if (opts.type === 'script' && !opts.scriptNoteId) { throw new Error("scriptNoteId is mandatory for launchers of type 'script'"); }
        if (opts.type === 'customWidget' && !opts.widgetNoteId) { throw new Error("widgetNoteId is mandatory for launchers of type 'customWidget'"); }

        const parentNoteId = opts.isVisible ? '_lbVisibleLaunchers' : '_lbAvailableLaunchers';
        const noteId = 'al_' +;

        const launcherNote =
            becca.getNote(noteId) ||
                noteId: noteId,
                parentNoteId: parentNoteId,
                launcherType: opts.type,

        if (launcherNote.title !== opts.title) {
            launcherNote.title = opts.title;

        if (launcherNote.getParentBranches().length === 1) {
            const branch = launcherNote.getParentBranches()[0];

            if (branch.parentNoteId !== parentNoteId) {
                branchService.moveBranchToNote(branch, parentNoteId);

        if (opts.type === 'note') {
            launcherNote.setRelation('target', opts.targetNoteId);
        } else if (opts.type === 'script') {
            launcherNote.setRelation('script', opts.scriptNoteId);
        } else if (opts.type === 'customWidget') {
            launcherNote.setRelation('widget', opts.widgetNoteId);
        } else {
            throw new Error(`Unrecognized launcher type '${opts.type}'`);

        if (opts.keyboardShortcut) {
            launcherNote.setLabel('keyboardShortcut', opts.keyboardShortcut);
        } else {

        if (opts.icon) {
            launcherNote.setLabel('iconClass', `bx ${opts.icon}`);
        } else {

        return {note: launcherNote};

     * @method
     * @param {string} noteId
     * @param {string} format - either 'html' or 'markdown'
     * @param {string} zipFilePath
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    this.exportSubtreeToZipFile = async (noteId, format, zipFilePath) => await exportService.exportToZipFile(noteId, format, zipFilePath);

     * Executes given anonymous function on the frontend(s).
     * Internally this serializes the anonymous function into string and sends it to frontend(s) via WebSocket.
     * Note that there can be multiple connected frontend instances (e.g. in different tabs). In such case, all
     * instances execute the given function.
     * @method
     * @param {string} script - script to be executed on the frontend
     * @param {Array.<?>} params - list of parameters to the anonymous function to be sent to frontend
     * @returns {undefined} - no return value is provided.
    this.runOnFrontend = async (script, params = []) => {
        if (typeof script === "function") {
            script = script.toString();

            type: 'execute-script',
            script: script,
            params: prepareParams(params),
            startNoteId: this.startNote.noteId,
            currentNoteId: this.currentNote.noteId,
            originEntityName: "notes", // currently there's no other entity on the frontend which can trigger event
            originEntityId: this.originEntity?.noteId || null

        function prepareParams(params) {
            if (!params) {
                return params;

            return => {
                if (typeof p === "function") {
                    return `!@#Function: ${p.toString()}`;
                else {
                    return p;

     * Sync process can make data intermittently inconsistent. Scripts which require strong data consistency
     * can use this function to wait for a possible sync process to finish and prevent new sync process from starting
     * while it is running.
     * Because this is an async process, the inner callback doesn't have automatic transaction handling, so in case
     * you need to make some DB changes, you need to surround your call with api.transactional(...)
     * @method
     * @param {function} callback - function to be executed while sync process is not running
     * @returns {Promise} - resolves once the callback is finished (callback is awaited)
    this.runOutsideOfSync = syncMutex.doExclusively;

     * This object contains "at your risk" and "no BC guarantees" objects for advanced use cases.
     * @property {Becca} becca - provides access to the backend in-memory object graph, see {@link}
    this.__private = {

module.exports = BackendScriptApi;