import treeService from '../services/tree.js'; import utils from '../services/utils.js'; import treeUtils from "../services/tree_utils.js"; import server from "../services/server.js"; import infoService from "../services/info.js"; import messagingService from "../services/messaging.js"; const $dialog = $("#import-dialog"); const $form = $("#import-form"); const $noteTitle = $dialog.find(".note-title"); const $fileUploadInput = $("#import-file-upload-input"); const $importProgressCountWrapper = $("#import-progress-count-wrapper"); const $importProgressCount = $("#import-progress-count"); const $importButton = $("#import-button"); const $safeImportCheckbox = $("#safe-import-checkbox"); const $shrinkImagesCheckbox = $("#shrink-images-checkbox"); const $textImportedAsTextCheckbox = $("#text-imported-as-text-checkbox"); const $codeImportedAsCodeCheckbox = $("#code-imported-as-code-checkbox"); let importId; async function showDialog() { // each opening of the dialog resets the importId so we don't associate it with previous imports anymore importId = ''; $importProgressCountWrapper.hide(); $importProgressCount.text('0'); $fileUploadInput.val('').change(); // to trigger Import button disabling listener below $safeImportCheckbox.attr("checked", "checked"); $shrinkImagesCheckbox.attr("checked", "checked"); $textImportedAsTextCheckbox.attr("checked", "checked"); $codeImportedAsCodeCheckbox.attr("checked", "checked"); glob.activeDialog = $dialog; const currentNode = treeService.getCurrentNode(); $noteTitle.text(await treeUtils.getNoteTitle(; $dialog.modal(); } $form.submit(() => { const currentNode = treeService.getCurrentNode(); // disabling so that import is not triggered again. $importButton.attr("disabled", "disabled"); importIntoNote(; return false; }); async function importIntoNote(importNoteId) { const files = Array.from($fileUploadInput[0].files); // shallow copy since we're resetting the upload button below // we generate it here (and not on opening) for the case when you try to import multiple times from the same // dialog (which shouldn't happen, but still ...) importId = utils.randomString(10); const safeImport = boolToString($safeImportCheckbox); const shrinkImages = boolToString($shrinkImagesCheckbox); const textImportedAsText = boolToString($textImportedAsTextCheckbox); const codeImportedAsCode = boolToString($codeImportedAsCodeCheckbox); let noteId; for (const file of files) { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('upload', file); formData.append('importId', importId); formData.append('safeImport', safeImport); formData.append('shrinkImages', shrinkImages); formData.append('textImportedAsText', textImportedAsText); formData.append('codeImportedAsCode', codeImportedAsCode); ({noteId} = await $.ajax({ url: baseApiUrl + 'notes/' + importNoteId + '/import', headers: server.getHeaders(), data: formData, dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', timeout: 60 * 60 * 1000, contentType: false, // NEEDED, DON'T REMOVE THIS processData: false, // NEEDED, DON'T REMOVE THIS }) // we actually ignore the error since it can be caused by HTTP timeout and use WS messages instead. .fail((xhr, status, error) => {})); } $dialog.modal('hide'); infoService.showMessage("Import finished successfully."); await treeService.reload(); if (noteId) { const node = await treeService.activateNote(noteId); node.setExpanded(true); } } function boolToString($el) { return $":checked") ? "true" : "false"; } messagingService.subscribeToMessages(async message => { if (message.type === 'import-error') { infoService.showError(message.message); $dialog.modal('hide'); return; } if (!message.importId || message.importId !== importId) { // incoming messages must correspond to this import instance return; } if (message.type === 'import-progress-count') { $importProgressCountWrapper.slideDown(); $importProgressCount.text(message.progressCount); } }); $fileUploadInput.change(() => { if ($fileUploadInput.val()) { $importButton.removeAttr("disabled"); } else { $importButton.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }); export default { showDialog }