const server = (function() { function getHeaders() { let protectedSessionId = null; try { // this is because protected session might not be declared in some cases - like when it's included in migration page protectedSessionId = protected_session.getProtectedSessionId(); } catch(e) {} return { protected_session_id: protectedSessionId, source_id: glob.sourceId }; } async function get(url) { return await call('GET', url); } async function post(url, data) { return await call('POST', url, data); } async function put(url, data) { return await call('PUT', url, data); } async function remove(url) { return await call('DELETE', url); } async function exec(script, params = []) { if (typeof script === "function") { script = script.toString(); } return await post('script/exec', { script: script, params: params }); } let i = 1; const reqResolves = {}; async function call(method, url, data) { if (isElectron()) { const ipc = require('electron').ipcRenderer; const requestId = i++; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reqResolves[requestId] = resolve; console.log(now(), "Request #" + requestId + " to " + method + " " + url); ipc.send('server-request', { requestId: requestId, headers: getHeaders(), method: method, url: "/" + baseApiUrl + url, data: data }); }); } else { return await ajax(url, method, data); } } if (isElectron()) { const ipc = require('electron').ipcRenderer; ipc.on('server-response', (event, arg) => { console.log(now(), "Response #" + arg.requestId + ": " + arg.statusCode); reqResolves[arg.requestId](arg.body); delete reqResolves[arg.requestId]; }); } async function ajax(url, method, data) { const options = { url: baseApiUrl + url, type: method, headers: getHeaders() }; if (data) { = JSON.stringify(data); options.contentType = "application/json"; } return await $.ajax(options).catch(e => { showError("Error when calling " + method + " " + url + ": " + e.status + " - " + e.statusText); throw e; }); } return { get, post, put, remove, exec } })();