const sql = require('./sql'); const options = require('./options'); const utils = require('./utils'); const notes = require('./notes'); const data_encryption = require('./data_encryption'); const sync_table = require('./sync_table'); async function createNewNote(parentNoteId, note, sourceId) { const noteId = utils.newNoteId(); const noteTreeId = utils.newNoteTreeId(); let newNotePos = 0; await sql.doInTransaction(async () => { if ( === 'into') { const maxNotePos = await sql.getFirstValue('SELECT MAX(note_position) FROM notes_tree WHERE parent_note_id = ? AND is_deleted = 0', [parentNoteId]); newNotePos = maxNotePos === null ? 0 : maxNotePos + 1; } else if ( === 'after') { const afterNote = await sql.getFirst('SELECT note_position FROM notes_tree WHERE note_tree_id = ?', [note.target_note_tree_id]); newNotePos = afterNote.note_position + 1; // not updating date_modified to avoig having to sync whole rows await sql.execute('UPDATE notes_tree SET note_position = note_position + 1 WHERE parent_note_id = ? AND note_position > ? AND is_deleted = 0', [parentNoteId, afterNote.note_position]); await sync_table.addNoteReorderingSync(parentNoteId, sourceId); } else { throw new Error('Unknown target: ' +; } const now = utils.nowDate(); await sql.insert("notes", { note_id: noteId, note_title: note.note_title, note_text: '', date_created: now, date_modified: now, is_protected: note.is_protected }); await sync_table.addNoteSync(noteId, sourceId); await sql.insert("notes_tree", { note_tree_id: noteTreeId, note_id: noteId, parent_note_id: parentNoteId, note_position: newNotePos, is_expanded: 0, date_modified: now, is_deleted: 0 }); await sync_table.addNoteTreeSync(noteTreeId, sourceId); }); return { noteId, noteTreeId }; } async function encryptNote(note, dataKey) { note.detail.note_title = data_encryption.encrypt(dataKey, data_encryption.noteTitleIv(note.detail.note_id), note.detail.note_title); note.detail.note_text = data_encryption.encrypt(dataKey, data_encryption.noteTextIv(note.detail.note_id), note.detail.note_text); } async function protectNoteRecursively(noteId, dataKey, protect, sourceId) { const note = await sql.getFirst("SELECT * FROM notes WHERE note_id = ?", [noteId]); await protectNote(note, dataKey, protect, sourceId); const children = await sql.getFirstColumn("SELECT note_id FROM notes_tree WHERE parent_note_id = ? AND is_deleted = 0", [noteId]); for (const childNoteId of children) { await protectNoteRecursively(childNoteId, dataKey, protect, sourceId); } } function decryptNote(note, dataKey) { note.note_title = data_encryption.decryptString(dataKey, data_encryption.noteTitleIv(note.note_id), note.note_title); note.note_text = data_encryption.decryptString(dataKey, data_encryption.noteTextIv(note.note_id), note.note_text); note.is_protected = false; } async function protectNote(note, dataKey, protect, sourceId) { let changed = false; if (protect && !note.is_protected) { note.note_title = data_encryption.encrypt(dataKey, data_encryption.noteTitleIv(note.note_id), note.note_title); note.note_text = data_encryption.encrypt(dataKey, data_encryption.noteTextIv(note.note_id), note.note_text); note.is_protected = true; changed = true; } else if (!protect && note.is_protected) { decryptNote(note, dataKey); changed = true; } if (changed) { await sql.execute("UPDATE notes SET note_title = ?, note_text = ?, is_protected = ? WHERE note_id = ?", [note.note_title, note.note_text, note.is_protected, note.note_id]); await sync_table.addNoteSync(note.note_id, sourceId); } await protectNoteHistory(note.note_id, dataKey, protect, sourceId); } async function protectNoteHistory(noteId, dataKey, protect, sourceId) { const historyToChange = await sql.getAll("SELECT * FROM notes_history WHERE note_id = ? AND is_protected != ?", [noteId, protect]); for (const history of historyToChange) { if (protect) { history.note_title = data_encryption.encrypt(dataKey, data_encryption.noteTitleIv(history.note_history_id), history.note_title); history.note_text = data_encryption.encrypt(dataKey, data_encryption.noteTextIv(history.note_history_id), history.note_text); history.is_protected = true; } else { history.note_title = data_encryption.decryptString(dataKey, data_encryption.noteTitleIv(history.note_history_id), history.note_title); history.note_text = data_encryption.decryptString(dataKey, data_encryption.noteTextIv(history.note_history_id), history.note_text); history.is_protected = false; } await sql.execute("UPDATE notes_history SET note_title = ?, note_text = ?, is_protected = ? WHERE note_history_id = ?", [history.note_title, history.note_text, history.is_protected, history.note_history_id]); await sync_table.addNoteHistorySync(history.note_history_id, sourceId); } } async function updateNote(noteId, newNote, dataKey, sourceId) { if (newNote.detail.is_protected) { await encryptNote(newNote, dataKey); } const now = new Date(); const nowStr = utils.nowDate(); const historySnapshotTimeInterval = parseInt(await options.getOption('history_snapshot_time_interval')); const historyCutoff = utils.dateStr(new Date(now.getTime() - historySnapshotTimeInterval * 1000)); const existingNoteHistoryId = await sql.getFirstValue( "SELECT note_history_id FROM notes_history WHERE note_id = ? AND date_modified_to >= ?", [noteId, historyCutoff]); await sql.doInTransaction(async () => { const msSinceDateCreated = now.getTime() - utils.parseDate(newNote.detail.date_created).getTime(); if (!existingNoteHistoryId && msSinceDateCreated >= historySnapshotTimeInterval * 1000) { const oldNote = await sql.getFirst("SELECT * FROM notes WHERE note_id = ?", [noteId]); if (oldNote.is_protected) { decryptNote(oldNote, dataKey); } const newNoteHistoryId = utils.newNoteHistoryId(); await sql.insert('notes_history', { note_history_id: newNoteHistoryId, note_id: noteId, // title and text should be decrypted now note_title: oldNote.note_title, note_text: oldNote.note_text, is_protected: 0, // will be fixed in the protectNoteHistory() call date_modified_from: oldNote.date_modified, date_modified_to: nowStr }); await sync_table.addNoteHistorySync(newNoteHistoryId, sourceId); } await protectNoteHistory(noteId, dataKey, newNote.detail.is_protected); await sql.execute("UPDATE notes SET note_title = ?, note_text = ?, is_protected = ?, date_modified = ? WHERE note_id = ?", [ newNote.detail.note_title, newNote.detail.note_text, newNote.detail.is_protected, nowStr, noteId]); await sync_table.addNoteSync(noteId, sourceId); }); } async function deleteNote(noteTreeId, sourceId) { const now = utils.nowDate(); await sql.execute("UPDATE notes_tree SET is_deleted = 1, date_modified = ? WHERE note_tree_id = ?", [now, noteTreeId]); await sync_table.addNoteTreeSync(noteTreeId, sourceId); const noteId = await sql.getFirstValue("SELECT note_id FROM notes_tree WHERE note_tree_id = ?", [noteTreeId]); const notDeletedNoteTreesCount = await sql.getFirstValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM notes_tree WHERE note_id = ? AND is_deleted = 0", [noteId]); if (!notDeletedNoteTreesCount) { await sql.execute("UPDATE notes SET is_deleted = 1, date_modified = ? WHERE note_id = ?", [now, noteId]); await sync_table.addNoteSync(noteId, sourceId); const children = await sql.getAll("SELECT note_tree_id FROM notes_tree WHERE parent_note_id = ? AND is_deleted = 0", [noteId]); for (const child of children) { await deleteNote(child.note_tree_id, sourceId); } } } module.exports = { createNewNote, updateNote, deleteNote, protectNoteRecursively };