import server from "./server.js"; import noteDetailService from "./note_detail.js"; import linkService from "./link.js"; import libraryLoader from "./library_loader.js"; import treeService from "./tree.js"; import contextMenuWidget from "./context_menu.js"; import infoService from "./info.js"; import attributeAutocompleteService from "./attribute_autocomplete.js"; import promptDialog from "../dialogs/prompt.js"; import infoDialog from "../dialogs/info.js"; import confirmDialog from "../dialogs/confirm.js"; import ContextMenuItemsContainer from "./context_menu_items_container.js"; const $component = $("#note-detail-relation-map"); const $relationMapContainer = $("#relation-map-container"); const $createChildNote = $("#relation-map-create-child-note"); const $zoomInButton = $("#relation-map-zoom-in"); const $zoomOutButton = $("#relation-map-zoom-out"); const $resetPanZoomButton = $("#relation-map-reset-pan-zoom"); let mapData; let jsPlumbInstance; // outside of mapData because they are not persisted in the note content let relations; let pzInstance; const uniDirectionalOverlays = [ [ "Arrow", { location: 1, id: "arrow", length: 14, foldback: 0.8 } ], [ "Label", { label: "", id: "label", cssClass: "connection-label" }] ]; const biDirectionalOverlays = [ [ "Arrow", { location: 1, id: "arrow", length: 14, foldback: 0.8 } ], [ "Label", { label: "", id: "label", cssClass: "connection-label" }], [ "Arrow", { location: 0, id: "arrow2", length: 14, direction: -1, foldback: 0.8 } ] ]; const inverseRelationsOverlays = [ [ "Arrow", { location: 1, id: "arrow", length: 14, foldback: 0.8 } ], [ "Label", { label: "", location: 0.2, id: "label-source", cssClass: "connection-label" }], [ "Label", { label: "", location: 0.8, id: "label-target", cssClass: "connection-label" }], [ "Arrow", { location: 0, id: "arrow2", length: 14, direction: -1, foldback: 0.8 } ] ]; const linkOverlays = [ [ "Arrow", { location: 1, id: "arrow", length: 14, foldback: 0.8 } ] ]; function loadMapData() { const currentNote = noteDetailService.getCurrentNote(); mapData = { notes: [], // it is important to have this exact value here so that initial transform is same as this // which will guarantee note won't be saved on first conversion to relation map note type // this keeps the principle that note type change doesn't destroy note content unless user // does some actual change transform: { x: 0, y: 0, scale: 1 } }; if (currentNote.content) { try { mapData = JSON.parse(currentNote.content); } catch (e) { console.log("Could not parse content: ", e); } } } function noteIdToId(noteId) { return "rel-map-note-" + noteId; } function idToNoteId(id) { return id.substr(13); } async function show() { $; await libraryLoader.requireLibrary(libraryLoader.RELATION_MAP); loadMapData(); jsPlumb.ready(() => { initJsPlumbInstance(); initPanZoom(); loadNotesAndRelations(); }); } function clearMap() { // delete all endpoints and connections // this is done at this point (after async operations) to reduce flicker to the minimum jsPlumbInstance.deleteEveryEndpoint(); // without this we still end up with note boxes remaining in the canvas $relationMapContainer.empty(); } async function loadNotesAndRelations() { const noteIds = => note.noteId); const data = await"notes/relation-map", {noteIds}); relations = []; for (const relation of data.relations) { const match = relations.find(rel => === data.inverseRelations[] && ((rel.sourceNoteId === relation.sourceNoteId && rel.targetNoteId === relation.targetNoteId) || (rel.sourceNoteId === relation.targetNoteId && rel.targetNoteId === relation.sourceNoteId))); if (match) { match.type = relation.type = === data.inverseRelations[] ? 'biDirectional' : 'inverse'; relation.render = false; // don't render second relation } else { relation.type = 'uniDirectional'; relation.render = true; } relations.push(relation); } mapData.notes = mapData.notes.filter(note => note.noteId in data.noteTitles); jsPlumbInstance.batch(async function () { clearMap(); for (const note of mapData.notes) { const title = data.noteTitles[note.noteId]; await createNoteBox(note.noteId, title, note.x, note.y); } for (const relation of relations) { if (!relation.render) { continue; } const connection = jsPlumbInstance.connect({ source: noteIdToId(relation.sourceNoteId), target: noteIdToId(relation.targetNoteId), type: relation.type }); = relation.attributeId; if (relation.type === 'inverse') { connection.getOverlay("label-source").setLabel(; connection.getOverlay("label-target").setLabel(data.inverseRelations[]); } else { connection.getOverlay("label").setLabel(; } connection.canvas.setAttribute("data-connection-id",; } for (const link of data.links) { jsPlumbInstance.connect({ source: noteIdToId(link.sourceNoteId), target: noteIdToId(link.targetNoteId), type: 'link' }); } }); } function initPanZoom() { if (pzInstance) { return; } pzInstance = panzoom($relationMapContainer[0], { maxZoom: 2, minZoom: 0.3, smoothScroll: false, onMouseDown: function(event) { if (clipboard) { let {x, y} = getMousePosition(event); // modifying position so that cursor is on the top-center of the box x -= 80; y -= 15; createNoteBox(clipboard.noteId, clipboard.title, x, y); mapData.notes.push({ noteId: clipboard.noteId, x, y }); saveData(); clipboard = null; } return true; }, filterKey: function(e, dx, dy, dz) { // if ALT is pressed then panzoom should bubble the event up // this is to preserve ALT-LEFT, ALT-RIGHT navigation working return e.altKey; } }); pzInstance.on('transform', () => { // gets triggered on any transform change jsPlumbInstance.setZoom(getZoom()); saveCurrentTransform(); }); if (mapData.transform) { pzInstance.zoomTo(0, 0, mapData.transform.scale); pzInstance.moveTo(mapData.transform.x, mapData.transform.y); } else { // set to initial coordinates pzInstance.moveTo(0, 0); } $ => pzInstance.zoomTo(0, 0, 1.2)); $ => pzInstance.zoomTo(0, 0, 0.8)); } function saveCurrentTransform() { const newTransform = pzInstance.getTransform(); if (JSON.stringify(newTransform) !== JSON.stringify(mapData.transform)) { // clone transform object mapData.transform = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newTransform)); saveData(); } } function cleanup() { if (jsPlumbInstance) { clearMap(); } if (pzInstance) { pzInstance.dispose(); pzInstance = null; } } function initJsPlumbInstance () { if (jsPlumbInstance) { cleanup(); return; } jsPlumbInstance = jsPlumb.getInstance({ Endpoint: ["Dot", {radius: 2}], Connector: "StateMachine", ConnectionOverlays: uniDirectionalOverlays, HoverPaintStyle: { stroke: "#777", strokeWidth: 1 }, Container: "relation-map-container" }); jsPlumbInstance.registerConnectionType("uniDirectional", { anchor:"Continuous", connector:"StateMachine", overlays: uniDirectionalOverlays }); jsPlumbInstance.registerConnectionType("biDirectional", { anchor:"Continuous", connector:"StateMachine", overlays: biDirectionalOverlays }); jsPlumbInstance.registerConnectionType("inverse", { anchor:"Continuous", connector:"StateMachine", overlays: inverseRelationsOverlays }); jsPlumbInstance.registerConnectionType("link", { anchor:"Continuous", connector:"StateMachine", overlays: linkOverlays }); jsPlumbInstance.bind("connection", connectionCreatedHandler); // so that canvas is not panned when clicking/dragging note box $relationMapContainer.on('mousedown touchstart', '.note-box, .connection-label', e => e.stopPropagation()); } function connectionContextMenuHandler(connection, event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const contextMenuItemsContainer = new ContextMenuItemsContainer([ {title: "Remove relation", cmd: "remove", uiIcon: "trash"} ]); contextMenuWidget.initContextMenu(event, contextMenuItemsContainer, async (event, cmd) => { if (cmd === 'remove') { if (!await confirmDialog.confirm("Are you sure you want to remove the relation?")) { return; } const relation = relations.find(rel => rel.attributeId ===; await server.remove(`notes/${relation.sourceNoteId}/relations/${}/to/${relation.targetNoteId}`); jsPlumbInstance.deleteConnection(connection); relations = relations.filter(relation => relation.attributeId !==; } }); } async function connectionCreatedHandler(info, originalEvent) { const connection = info.connection; connection.bind("contextmenu", (obj, event) => { if (connection.getType().includes("link")) { // don't create context menu if it's a link since there's nothing to do with link from relation map // (don't open browser menu either) event.preventDefault(); } else { connectionContextMenuHandler(connection, event); } }); // if there's no event, then this has been triggered programatically if (!originalEvent) { return; } const name = await promptDialog.ask({ message: "Specify new relation name:", shown: ({ $answer }) => attributeAutocompleteService.initAttributeNameAutocomplete({ $el: $answer, attributeType: "relation", open: true }) }); if (!name || !name.trim()) { jsPlumbInstance.deleteConnection(connection); return; } const targetNoteId = idToNoteId(; const sourceNoteId = idToNoteId(; const relationExists = relations.some(rel => rel.targetNoteId === targetNoteId && rel.sourceNoteId === sourceNoteId && === name); if (relationExists) { await"Connection '" + name + "' between these notes already exists."); jsPlumbInstance.deleteConnection(connection); return; } await server.put(`notes/${sourceNoteId}/relations/${name}/to/${targetNoteId}`); await refresh(); } $relationMapContainer.on("contextmenu", ".note-box", e => { const contextMenuItemsContainer = new ContextMenuItemsContainer([ {title: "Remove note", cmd: "remove", uiIcon: "trash"}, {title: "Edit title", cmd: "edit-title", uiIcon: "pencil"}, ]); contextMenuWidget.initContextMenu(e, contextMenuItemsContainer, noteContextMenuHandler); return false; }); async function noteContextMenuHandler(event, cmd) { const $noteBox = $(event.originalTarget).closest(".note-box"); const $title = $noteBox.find(".title a"); const noteId = idToNoteId($noteBox.prop("id")); if (cmd === "remove") { if (!await confirmDialog.confirmDeleteNoteBoxWithNote($title.text())) { return; } jsPlumbInstance.remove(noteIdToId(noteId)); if (confirmDialog.isDeleteNoteChecked()) { await server.remove("notes/" + noteId); // to force it to disappear from the tree treeService.reload(); } mapData.notes = mapData.notes.filter(note => note.noteId !== noteId); relations = relations.filter(relation => relation.sourceNoteId !== noteId && relation.targetNoteId !== noteId); saveData(); } else if (cmd === "edit-title") { const title = await promptDialog.ask({ message: "Enter new note title:", defaultValue: $title.text() }); if (!title) { return; } await server.put(`notes/${noteId}/change-title`, { title }); treeService.setNoteTitle(noteId, title); $title.text(title); } } function saveData() { noteDetailService.noteChanged(); } async function createNoteBox(noteId, title, x, y) { const $noteBox = $("
") .addClass("note-box") .prop("id", noteIdToId(noteId)) .append($("").addClass("title").html(await linkService.createNoteLink(noteId, title))) .append($("
").addClass("endpoint").attr("title", "Start dragging relations from here and drop them on another note.")) .css("left", x + "px") .css("top", y + "px"); jsPlumbInstance.getContainer().appendChild($noteBox[0]); jsPlumbInstance.draggable($noteBox[0], { start: params => {}, drag: params => {}, stop: params => { const noteId = idToNoteId(; const note = mapData.notes.find(note => note.noteId === noteId); if (!note) { console.error(`Note ${noteId} not found!`); return; } [note.x, note.y] = params.finalPos; saveData(); } }); jsPlumbInstance.makeSource($noteBox[0], { filter: ".endpoint", anchor: "Continuous", connectorStyle: { stroke: "#000", strokeWidth: 1 }, connectionType: "basic", extract:{ "action": "the-action" } }); jsPlumbInstance.makeTarget($noteBox[0], { dropOptions: { hoverClass: "dragHover" }, anchor: "Continuous", allowLoopback: true }); } async function refresh() { await loadNotesAndRelations(); } let clipboard = null; $ () => { const title = await promptDialog.ask({ message: "Enter title of new note", defaultValue: "new note" }); if (!title.trim()) { return; } const {note} = await`notes/${noteDetailService.getCurrentNoteId()}/children`, { title, target: 'into' }); infoService.showMessage("Click on canvas to place new note"); // reloading tree so that the new note appears there // no need to wait for it to finish treeService.reload(); clipboard = { noteId: note.noteId, title }; }); function getZoom() { const matrixRegex = /matrix\((-?\d*\.?\d+),\s*0,\s*0,\s*-?\d*\.?\d+,\s*-?\d*\.?\d+,\s*-?\d*\.?\d+\)/; const matches = $relationMapContainer.css('transform').match(matrixRegex); return matches[1]; } async function dropNoteOntoRelationMapHandler(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); const note = JSON.parse(ev.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData("text")); let {x, y} = getMousePosition(ev); const exists = mapData.notes.some(n => n.noteId === note.noteId); if (exists) { await`Note "${note.title}" is already placed into the diagram`); return; } mapData.notes.push({noteId: note.noteId, x, y}); saveData(); await refresh(); } function getMousePosition(evt) { const rect = $relationMapContainer[0].getBoundingClientRect(); const zoom = getZoom(); return { x: (evt.clientX - rect.left) / zoom, y: (evt.clientY - / zoom }; } $ => { // reset to initial pan & zoom state pzInstance.zoomTo(0, 0, 1 / getZoom()); pzInstance.moveTo(0, 0); }); $component.on("drop", dropNoteOntoRelationMapHandler); $component.on("dragover", ev => ev.preventDefault()); export default { show, getContent: () => JSON.stringify(mapData), focus: () => null, onNoteChange: () => null, cleanup, scrollToTop: () => null }