import server from "./server.js"; import noteDetailService from "./note_detail.js"; import treeService from './tree.js'; // this key needs to have this value so it's hit by the tooltip const SELECTED_PATH_KEY = "data-note-path"; async function autocompleteSource(term, cb) { const result = await server.get('autocomplete' + '?query=' + encodeURIComponent(term) + '¤tNoteId=' + noteDetailService.getCurrentNoteId()); if (result.length === 0) { result.push({ title: "No results", path: "" }); } cb(result); } function clearText($el) { $el.setSelectedPath(""); $el.autocomplete("val", "").change(); } function showRecentNotes($el) { $el.setSelectedPath(""); $el.autocomplete("val", ""); $el.focus(); } function initNoteAutocomplete($el, options) { if (!$el.hasClass("note-autocomplete-input")) { options = options || {}; $el.addClass("note-autocomplete-input"); const $clearTextButton = $("") .addClass("input-group-text input-clearer-button jam jam-close") .prop("title", "Clear text field"); const $showRecentNotesButton = $("") .addClass("input-group-text show-recent-notes-button jam jam-clock") .prop("title", "Show recent notes"); const $goToSelectedNoteButton = $("") .addClass("input-group-text go-to-selected-note-button jam jam-arrow-right"); const $sideButtons = $("
") .addClass("input-group-append") .append($clearTextButton) .append($showRecentNotesButton); if (!options.hideGoToSelectedNoteButton) { $sideButtons.append($goToSelectedNoteButton); } $el.after($sideButtons); $ => clearText($el)); $ => { showRecentNotes($el); // this will cause the click not give focus to the "show recent notes" button // this is important because otherwise input will lose focus immediatelly and not show the results return false; }); $ => { if ($el.hasClass("disabled")) { return; } treeService.activateNote($el.getSelectedPath()); }); $el.autocomplete({ appendTo: document.querySelector('body'), hint: false, autoselect: true, openOnFocus: true, minLength: 0, tabAutocomplete: false }, [ { source: autocompleteSource, displayKey: 'title', templates: { suggestion: function(suggestion) { return suggestion.highlighted; } }, // we can't cache identical searches because notes can be created / renamed, new recent notes can be added cache: false } ]); $el.on('autocomplete:selected', (event, suggestion) => $el.setSelectedPath(suggestion.path)); $el.on('autocomplete:closed', () => { if (!$el.val().trim()) { clearText($el); } }); } return $el; } function init() { $.fn.getSelectedPath = function () { if (!$(this).val().trim()) { return ""; } else { return $(this).attr(SELECTED_PATH_KEY); } }; $.fn.setSelectedPath = function (path) { path = path || ""; $(this).attr(SELECTED_PATH_KEY, path); $(this) .closest(".input-group") .find(".go-to-selected-note-button") .toggleClass("disabled", !path.trim()) .attr(SELECTED_PATH_KEY, path); // we also set attr here so tooltip can be displayed }; ko.bindingHandlers.noteAutocomplete = { init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) { initNoteAutocomplete($(element)); $(element).setSelectedPath(bindingContext.$data.selectedPath); $(element).on('autocomplete:selected', function (event, suggestion, dataset) { bindingContext.$data.selectedPath = $(element).val().trim() ? suggestion.path : ''; }); } }; } export default { initNoteAutocomplete, showRecentNotes, init }