"use strict"; const utils = require('./utils'); const Image = require('../entities/image'); const NoteImage = require('../entities/note_image'); const imagemin = require('imagemin'); const imageminMozJpeg = require('imagemin-mozjpeg'); const imageminPngQuant = require('imagemin-pngquant'); const imageminGifLossy = require('imagemin-giflossy'); const jimp = require('jimp'); const imageType = require('image-type'); const sanitizeFilename = require('sanitize-filename'); async function saveImage(file, noteId) { const resizedImage = await resize(file.buffer); const optimizedImage = await optimize(resizedImage); const imageFormat = imageType(optimizedImage); const fileNameWithouExtension = file.originalname.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, ""); const fileName = sanitizeFilename(fileNameWithouExtension + "." + imageFormat.ext); const image = await new Image({ format: imageFormat.ext, name: fileName, checksum: utils.hash(optimizedImage), data: optimizedImage }).save(); await new NoteImage({ noteId: noteId, imageId: image.imageId }).save(); return {fileName, imageId: image.imageId}; } const MAX_SIZE = 1000; const MAX_BYTE_SIZE = 200000; // images should have under 100 KBs async function resize(buffer) { const image = await jimp.read(buffer); if (image.bitmap.width > image.bitmap.height && image.bitmap.width > MAX_SIZE) { image.resize(MAX_SIZE, jimp.AUTO); } else if (image.bitmap.height > MAX_SIZE) { image.resize(jimp.AUTO, MAX_SIZE); } else if (buffer.byteLength <= MAX_BYTE_SIZE) { return buffer; } // we do resizing with max quality which will be trimmed during optimization step next image.quality(100); // when converting PNG to JPG we lose alpha channel, this is replaced by white to match Trilium white background image.background(0xFFFFFFFF); // getBuffer doesn't support promises so this workaround return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => image.getBuffer(jimp.MIME_JPEG, (err, data) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(data); } })); } async function optimize(buffer) { return await imagemin.buffer(buffer, { plugins: [ imageminMozJpeg({ quality: 50 }), imageminPngQuant({ quality: "0-70" }), imageminGifLossy({ lossy: 80, optimize: '3' // needs to be string }) ] }); } module.exports = { saveImage };