"use strict"; class TreeCache { constructor(noteRows, branchRows) { this.parents = []; this.children = []; this.childParentToBranch = {}; this.notes = {}; for (const noteRow of noteRows) { const note = new NoteShort(this, noteRow); this.notes[note.noteId] = note; } this.branches = {}; for (const branchRow of branchRows) { const branch = new Branch(this, branchRow); this.branches[branch.branchId] = branch; this.addBranch(branch); } } getNote(noteId) { return this.notes[noteId]; } addBranch(branch) { this.parents[branch.noteId] = this.parents[branch.noteId] || []; this.parents[branch.noteId].push(this.notes[branch.parentNoteId]); this.children[branch.parentNoteId] = this.children[branch.parentNoteId] || []; this.children[branch.parentNoteId].push(this.notes[branch.noteId]); this.childParentToBranch[branch.noteId + '-' + branch.parentNoteId] = branch; } add(note, branch) { this.notes[note.noteId] = note; this.addBranch(branch); } async getBranch(childNoteId, parentNoteId) { return this.childParentToBranch[childNoteId + '-' + parentNoteId]; } } class NoteShort { constructor(treeCache, row) { this.treeCache = treeCache; this.noteId = row.noteId; this.title = row.title; this.isProtected = row.isProtected; this.type = row.type; this.mime = row.mime; this.hideInAutocomplete = row.hideInAutocomplete; } async getBranches() { const branches = []; for (const parent of this.treeCache.parents[this.noteId]) { branches.push(await this.treeCache.getBranch(this.noteId, p.noteId)); } return branches; } async getChildBranches() { const branches = []; for (const child of this.treeCache.children[this.noteId]) { branches.push(await this.treeCache.getBranch(child.noteId, this.noteId)); } return branches; } async getParentNotes() { return this.treeCache.parents[this.noteId] || []; } async getChildNotes() { return this.treeCache.children[this.noteId] || []; } get toString() { return `Note(noteId=${this.noteId}, title=${this.title})`; } } class Branch { constructor(treeCache, row) { this.treeCache = treeCache; this.branchId = row.branchId; this.noteId = row.noteId; this.note = null; this.parentNoteId = row.parentNoteId; this.notePosition = row.notePosition; this.prefix = row.prefix; this.isExpanded = row.isExpanded; } async getNote() { return this.treeCache.getNote(this.noteId); } get toString() { return `Branch(branchId=${this.branchId})`; } } const treeService = (function() { let treeCache; const $tree = $("#tree"); const $parentList = $("#parent-list"); const $parentListList = $("#parent-list-inner"); const $createTopLevelNoteButton = $("#create-top-level-note-button"); const $collapseTreeButton = $("#collapse-tree-button"); const $scrollToCurrentNoteButton = $("#scroll-to-current-note-button"); let instanceName = null; // should have better place let startNotePath = null; /** @type {Object.} */ let noteMap = {}; /** @type {Object.} */ let branchMap = {}; function getNote(noteId) { const note = noteMap[noteId]; if (!note) { throwError("Can't find title for noteId='" + noteId + "'"); } return note; } function getBranchId(parentNoteId, childNoteId) { assertArguments(parentNoteId, childNoteId); const key = parentNoteId + "-" + childNoteId; // this can return undefined and client code should deal with it somehow return parentChildToBranchId[key]; } function getNoteTitle(noteId, parentNoteId = null) { assertArguments(noteId); let title = treeCache.getNote(noteId).title; if (parentNoteId !== null) { const branchId = getBranchId(parentNoteId, noteId); if (branchId) { const branch = branchMap[branchId]; if (branch.prefix) { title = branch.prefix + ' - ' + title; } } } return title; } // note that if you want to access data like noteId or isProtected, you need to go into "data" property function getCurrentNode() { return $tree.fancytree("getActiveNode"); } function getCurrentNotePath() { const node = getCurrentNode(); return treeUtils.getNotePath(node); } function getNodesByBranchId(branchId) { assertArguments(branchId); const branch = branchMap[branchId]; return getNodesByNoteId(branch.noteId).filter(node => node.data.branchId === branchId); } function getNodesByNoteId(noteId) { assertArguments(noteId); const list = getTree().getNodesByRef(noteId); return list ? list : []; // if no nodes with this refKey are found, fancy tree returns null } function setPrefix(branchId, prefix) { assertArguments(branchId); branchMap[branchId].prefix = prefix; getNodesByBranchId(branchId).map(node => setNodeTitleWithPrefix(node)); } function setNodeTitleWithPrefix(node) { const noteTitle = getNoteTitle(node.data.noteId); const branch = branchMap[node.data.branchId]; const prefix = branch.prefix; const title = (prefix ? (prefix + " - ") : "") + noteTitle; node.setTitle(escapeHtml(title)); } function removeParentChildRelation(parentNoteId, childNoteId) { assertArguments(parentNoteId, childNoteId); const parentNote = noteMap[parentNoteId]; const childNote = noteMap[childNoteId]; // FIXME } function setParentChildRelation(branchId, parentNoteId, childNoteId) { assertArguments(branchId, parentNoteId, childNoteId); const parentNote = noteMap[parentNoteId]; const childNote = noteMap[childNoteId]; // FIXME: assert } async function prepareBranch(noteRows, branchRows) { assertArguments(noteRows); treeCache = new TreeCache(noteRows, branchRows); return await prepareBranchInner(treeCache.getNote('root')); } async function getExtraClasses(note) { assertArguments(note); const extraClasses = []; if (note.isProtected) { extraClasses.push("protected"); } if ((await note.getParentNotes()).length > 1) { extraClasses.push("multiple-parents"); } extraClasses.push(note.type); return extraClasses.join(" "); } async function prepareBranchInner(parentNote) { assertArguments(parentNote); const childBranches = await parentNote.getChildBranches(); if (!childBranches) { messaging.logError(`No children for ${parentNote}. This shouldn't happen.`); return; } const noteList = []; for (const branch of childBranches) { const note = await branch.getNote(); const title = (branch.prefix ? (branch.prefix + " - ") : "") + note.title; const node = { noteId: note.noteId, parentNoteId: branch.parentNoteId, branchId: branch.branchId, isProtected: note.isProtected, title: escapeHtml(title), extraClasses: getExtraClasses(note), refKey: note.noteId, expanded: note.type !== 'search' && branch.isExpanded }; const hasChildren = (await note.getChildNotes()).length > 0; if (hasChildren || note.type === 'search') { node.folder = true; if (node.expanded && note.type !== 'search') { node.children = await prepareBranchInner(note); } else { node.lazy = true; } } noteList.push(node); } return noteList; } async function expandToNote(notePath, expandOpts) { assertArguments(notePath); const runPath = await getRunPath(notePath); const noteId = treeUtils.getNoteIdFromNotePath(notePath); let parentNoteId = 'root'; for (const childNoteId of runPath) { const node = getNodesByNoteId(childNoteId).find(node => node.data.parentNoteId === parentNoteId); if (childNoteId === noteId) { return node; } else { await node.setExpanded(true, expandOpts); } parentNoteId = childNoteId; } } async function activateNode(notePath) { assertArguments(notePath); const node = await expandToNote(notePath); await node.setActive(); clearSelectedNodes(); } /** * Accepts notePath and tries to resolve it. Part of the path might not be valid because of note moving (which causes * path change) or other corruption, in that case this will try to get some other valid path to the correct note. */ async function getRunPath(notePath) { assertArguments(notePath); const path = notePath.split("/").reverse(); path.push('root'); const effectivePath = []; let childNoteId = null; let i = 0; while (true) { if (i >= path.length) { break; } const parentNoteId = path[i++]; if (childNoteId !== null) { const child = treeCache.getNote(childNoteId); const parents = await child.getParentNotes(); if (!parents) { messaging.logError("No parents found for " + childNoteId); return; } if (!parents.some(p => p.noteId === parentNoteId)) { console.log(now(), "Did not find parent " + parentNoteId + " for child " + childNoteId); if (parents.length > 0) { console.log(now(), "Available parents:", parents); const someNotePath = await getSomeNotePath(parents[0]); if (someNotePath) { // in case it's root the path may be empty const pathToRoot = someNotePath.split("/").reverse(); for (const noteId of pathToRoot) { effectivePath.push(noteId); } } break; } else { messaging.logError("No parents, can't activate node."); return; } } } if (parentNoteId === 'root') { break; } else { effectivePath.push(parentNoteId); childNoteId = parentNoteId; } } return effectivePath.reverse(); } async function showParentList(noteId, node) { assertArguments(noteId, node); const note = treeCache.getNote(noteId); const parents = await note.getParentNotes(); if (!parents.length) { throwError("Can't find parents for noteId=" + noteId); } if (parents.length <= 1) { $parentList.hide(); } else { $parentList.show(); $parentListList.empty(); for (const parentNote of parents) { const parentNotePath = await getSomeNotePath(parentNote); // this is to avoid having root notes leading '/' const notePath = parentNotePath ? (parentNotePath + '/' + noteId) : noteId; const title = getNotePathTitle(notePath); let item; if (node.getParent().data.noteId === parentNote.noteId) { item = $("").attr("title", "Current note").append(title); } else { item = link.createNoteLink(notePath, title); } $parentListList.append($("
  • ").append(item)); } } } function getNotePathTitle(notePath) { assertArguments(notePath); const titlePath = []; let parentNoteId = 'root'; for (const noteId of notePath.split('/')) { titlePath.push(getNoteTitle(noteId, parentNoteId)); parentNoteId = noteId; } return titlePath.join(' / '); } async function getSomeNotePath(note) { assertArguments(note); const path = []; let cur = note; while (cur.noteId !== 'root') { path.push(cur.noteId); const parents = await cur.getParentNotes(); if (!parents.length) { throwError("Can't find parents for " + cur); } cur = parents[0]; } return path.reverse().join('/'); } async function setExpandedToServer(branchId, isExpanded) { assertArguments(branchId); const expandedNum = isExpanded ? 1 : 0; await server.put('tree/' + branchId + '/expanded/' + expandedNum); } function setCurrentNotePathToHash(node) { assertArguments(node); const currentNotePath = treeUtils.getNotePath(node); const currentBranchId = node.data.branchId; document.location.hash = currentNotePath; recentNotes.addRecentNote(currentBranchId, currentNotePath); } function getSelectedNodes(stopOnParents = false) { return getTree().getSelectedNodes(stopOnParents); } function clearSelectedNodes() { for (const selectedNode of getSelectedNodes()) { selectedNode.setSelected(false); } const currentNode = getCurrentNode(); if (currentNode) { currentNode.setSelected(true); } } function initFancyTree(branch) { assertArguments(branch); const keybindings = { "del": node => { treeChanges.deleteNodes(getSelectedNodes(true)); }, "ctrl+up": node => { const beforeNode = node.getPrevSibling(); if (beforeNode !== null) { treeChanges.moveBeforeNode([node], beforeNode); } return false; }, "ctrl+down": node => { let afterNode = node.getNextSibling(); if (afterNode !== null) { treeChanges.moveAfterNode([node], afterNode); } return false; }, "ctrl+left": node => { treeChanges.moveNodeUpInHierarchy(node); return false; }, "ctrl+right": node => { let toNode = node.getPrevSibling(); if (toNode !== null) { treeChanges.moveToNode([node], toNode); } return false; }, "shift+up": node => { node.navigate($.ui.keyCode.UP, true).then(() => { const currentNode = getCurrentNode(); if (currentNode.isSelected()) { node.setSelected(false); } currentNode.setSelected(true); }); return false; }, "shift+down": node => { node.navigate($.ui.keyCode.DOWN, true).then(() => { const currentNode = getCurrentNode(); if (currentNode.isSelected()) { node.setSelected(false); } currentNode.setSelected(true); }); return false; }, "f2": node => { editTreePrefix.showDialog(node); }, "alt+-": node => { collapseTree(node); }, "alt+s": node => { sortAlphabetically(node.data.noteId); return false; }, "ctrl+a": node => { for (const child of node.getParent().getChildren()) { child.setSelected(true); } return false; }, "ctrl+c": () => { contextMenu.copy(getSelectedNodes()); return false; }, "ctrl+x": () => { contextMenu.cut(getSelectedNodes()); return false; }, "ctrl+v": node => { contextMenu.pasteInto(node); return false; }, "return": node => { noteEditor.focus(); return false; }, "backspace": node => { if (!isTopLevelNode(node)) { node.getParent().setActive().then(() => clearSelectedNodes()); } }, // code below shouldn't be necessary normally, however there's some problem with interaction with context menu plugin // after opening context menu, standard shortcuts don't work, but they are detected here // so we essentially takeover the standard handling with our implementation. "left": node => { node.navigate($.ui.keyCode.LEFT, true).then(() => clearSelectedNodes()); return false; }, "right": node => { node.navigate($.ui.keyCode.RIGHT, true).then(() => clearSelectedNodes()); return false; }, "up": node => { node.navigate($.ui.keyCode.UP, true).then(() => clearSelectedNodes()); return false; }, "down": node => { node.navigate($.ui.keyCode.DOWN, true).then(() => clearSelectedNodes()); return false; } }; $tree.fancytree({ autoScroll: true, keyboard: false, // we takover keyboard handling in the hotkeys plugin extensions: ["hotkeys", "filter", "dnd", "clones"], source: branch, scrollParent: $("#tree"), click: (event, data) => { const targetType = data.targetType; const node = data.node; if (targetType === 'title' || targetType === 'icon') { if (!event.ctrlKey) { node.setActive(); node.setSelected(true); clearSelectedNodes(); } else { node.setSelected(!node.isSelected()); } return false; } }, activate: (event, data) => { const node = data.node.data; setCurrentNotePathToHash(data.node); noteEditor.switchToNote(node.noteId); showParentList(node.noteId, data.node); }, expand: (event, data) => { setExpandedToServer(data.node.data.branchId, true); }, collapse: (event, data) => { setExpandedToServer(data.node.data.branchId, false); }, init: (event, data) => { const noteId = treeUtils.getNoteIdFromNotePath(startNotePath); if (noteMap[noteId] === undefined) { // note doesn't exist so don't try to activate it startNotePath = null; } if (startNotePath) { activateNode(startNotePath); // looks like this this doesn't work when triggered immediatelly after activating node // so waiting a second helps setTimeout(scrollToCurrentNote, 1000); } }, hotkeys: { keydown: keybindings }, filter: { autoApply: true, // Re-apply last filter if lazy data is loaded autoExpand: true, // Expand all branches that contain matches while filtered counter: false, // Show a badge with number of matching child nodes near parent icons fuzzy: false, // Match single characters in order, e.g. 'fb' will match 'FooBar' hideExpandedCounter: true, // Hide counter badge if parent is expanded hideExpanders: false, // Hide expanders if all child nodes are hidden by filter highlight: true, // Highlight matches by wrapping inside tags leavesOnly: false, // Match end nodes only nodata: true, // Display a 'no data' status node if result is empty mode: "hide" // Grayout unmatched nodes (pass "hide" to remove unmatched node instead) }, dnd: dragAndDropSetup, lazyLoad: async function(event, data){ const noteId = data.node.data.noteId; const note = getNote(noteId); if (note.type === 'search') { data.result = loadSearchNote(noteId); } else { data.result = await prepareBranchInner(note); } }, clones: { highlightActiveClones: true } }); $tree.contextmenu(contextMenu.contextMenuSettings); } async function loadSearchNote(searchNoteId) { const note = await server.get('notes/' + searchNoteId); const json = JSON.parse(note.detail.content); const noteIds = await server.get('search/' + encodeURIComponent(json.searchString)); for (const noteId of noteIds) { const branchId = "virt" + randomString(10); branchMap[branchId] = { branchId: branchId, noteId: noteId, parentNoteId: searchNoteId, prefix: '', virtual: true }; setParentChildRelation(branchId, searchNoteId, noteId); } return await prepareBranchInner(searchNoteId); } function getTree() { return $tree.fancytree('getTree'); } async function reload() { const notes = await loadTree(); // this will also reload the note content await getTree().reload(notes); } function getNotePathFromAddress() { return document.location.hash.substr(1); // strip initial # } async function loadTree() { const resp = await server.get('tree'); startNotePath = resp.start_note_path; instanceName = resp.instanceName; if (document.location.hash) { startNotePath = getNotePathFromAddress(); } return await prepareBranch(resp.notes, resp.branches); } $(() => loadTree().then(branch => initFancyTree(branch))); function collapseTree(node = null) { if (!node) { node = $tree.fancytree("getRootNode"); } node.setExpanded(false); node.visit(node => node.setExpanded(false)); } $(document).bind('keydown', 'alt+c', () => collapseTree()); // don't use shortened form since collapseTree() accepts argument function scrollToCurrentNote() { const node = getCurrentNode(); if (node) { node.makeVisible({scrollIntoView: true}); node.setFocus(); } } function setBranchBackgroundBasedOnProtectedStatus(noteId) { getNodesByNoteId(noteId).map(node => node.toggleClass("protected", !!node.data.isProtected)); } function setProtected(noteId, isProtected) { getNodesByNoteId(noteId).map(node => node.data.isProtected = isProtected); setBranchBackgroundBasedOnProtectedStatus(noteId); } async function getAutocompleteItems(parentNoteId, notePath, titlePath) { if (!parentNoteId) { parentNoteId = 'root'; } const parentNote = treeCache.getNote(parentNoteId); const childNotes = await parentNote.getChildNotes(); if (!childNotes.length) { return []; } if (!notePath) { notePath = ''; } if (!titlePath) { titlePath = ''; } // https://github.com/zadam/trilium/issues/46 // unfortunately not easy to implement because we don't have an easy access to note's isProtected property const autocompleteItems = []; for (const childNote of childNotes) { if (childNote.hideInAutocomplete) { continue; } const childNotePath = (notePath ? (notePath + '/') : '') + childNote.noteId; const childTitlePath = (titlePath ? (titlePath + ' / ') : '') + getNoteTitle(childNote.noteId, parentNoteId); autocompleteItems.push({ value: childTitlePath + ' (' + childNotePath + ')', label: childTitlePath }); const childItems = await getAutocompleteItems(childNote.noteId, childNotePath, childTitlePath); for (const childItem of childItems) { autocompleteItems.push(childItem); } } return autocompleteItems; } function setNoteTitle(noteId, title) { assertArguments(noteId); getNote(noteId).title = title; getNodesByNoteId(noteId).map(clone => setNodeTitleWithPrefix(clone)); } async function createNewTopLevelNote() { const rootNode = $tree.fancytree("getRootNode"); await createNote(rootNode, "root", "into"); } async function createNote(node, parentNoteId, target, isProtected) { assertArguments(node, parentNoteId, target); // if isProtected isn't available (user didn't enter password yet), then note is created as unencrypted // but this is quite weird since user doesn't see WHERE the note is being created so it shouldn't occur often if (!isProtected || !protected_session.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) { isProtected = false; } const newNoteName = "new note"; const result = await server.post('notes/' + parentNoteId + '/children', { title: newNoteName, target: target, target_branchId: node.data.branchId, isProtected: isProtected }); setParentChildRelation(result.branchId, parentNoteId, result.noteId); branchMap[result.branchId] = result; noteMap[result.noteId] = { noteId: result.noteId, title: result.title, isProtected: result.isProtected, type: result.type, mime: result.mime }; noteEditor.newNoteCreated(); const newNode = { title: newNoteName, noteId: result.noteId, parentNoteId: parentNoteId, refKey: result.noteId, branchId: result.branchId, isProtected: isProtected, extraClasses: getExtraClasses(result.note) }; if (target === 'after') { await node.appendSibling(newNode).setActive(true); } else if (target === 'into') { if (!node.getChildren() && node.isFolder()) { await node.setExpanded(); } else { node.addChildren(newNode); } await node.getLastChild().setActive(true); node.folder = true; node.renderTitle(); } else { throwError("Unrecognized target: " + target); } clearSelectedNodes(); // to unmark previously active node showMessage("Created!"); } async function sortAlphabetically(noteId) { await server.put('notes/' + noteId + '/sort'); await reload(); } async function noteExists(noteId) { return !!treeCache.getNote(noteId); } function getInstanceName() { return instanceName; } function getBranch(branchId) { return branchMap[branchId]; } $(document).bind('keydown', 'ctrl+o', e => { const node = getCurrentNode(); const parentNoteId = node.data.parentNoteId; const isProtected = treeUtils.getParentProtectedStatus(node); createNote(node, parentNoteId, 'after', isProtected); e.preventDefault(); }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'ctrl+p', e => { const node = getCurrentNode(); createNote(node, node.data.noteId, 'into', node.data.isProtected); e.preventDefault(); }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'ctrl+del', e => { const node = getCurrentNode(); treeChanges.deleteNodes([node]); e.preventDefault(); }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'ctrl+.', scrollToCurrentNote); $(window).bind('hashchange', function() { const notePath = getNotePathFromAddress(); if (getCurrentNotePath() !== notePath) { console.log("Switching to " + notePath + " because of hash change"); activateNode(notePath); } }); if (isElectron()) { $(document).bind('keydown', 'alt+left', e => { window.history.back(); e.preventDefault(); }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'alt+right', e => { window.history.forward(); e.preventDefault(); }); } $createTopLevelNoteButton.click(createNewTopLevelNote); $collapseTreeButton.click(collapseTree); $scrollToCurrentNoteButton.click(scrollToCurrentNote); return { reload, collapseTree, scrollToCurrentNote, setBranchBackgroundBasedOnProtectedStatus, setProtected, getCurrentNode, expandToNote, activateNode, getCurrentNotePath, getNoteTitle, setCurrentNotePathToHash, getAutocompleteItems, setNoteTitle, createNewTopLevelNote, createNote, setPrefix, getNotePathTitle, removeParentChildRelation, setParentChildRelation, getSelectedNodes, sortAlphabetically, noteExists, getInstanceName, getBranch, getNote }; })();