# !!! Don't try to build this Dockerfile directly, run it through bin/build-docker.sh script !!! FROM node:16.18.0-alpine # Create app directory WORKDIR /usr/src/app # Bundle app source COPY . . COPY server-package.json package.json # Install app dependencies RUN set -x \ && apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-dependencies \ autoconf \ automake \ g++ \ gcc \ libtool \ make \ nasm \ libpng-dev \ python3 \ && npm install \ && apk del .build-dependencies \ && npm run webpack \ && npm prune --omit=dev \ # Set the path to the newly created webpack bundle && sed -i -e 's/app\/desktop.js/app-dist\/desktop.js/g' src/views/desktop.ejs \ && sed -i -e 's/app\/mobile.js/app-dist\/mobile.js/g' src/views/mobile.ejs \ && sed -i -e 's/app\/setup.js/app-dist\/setup.js/g' src/views/setup.ejs \ && sed -i -e 's/app\/share.js/app-dist\/share.js/g' src/views/share/*.ejs # Some setup tools need to be kept RUN apk add --no-cache su-exec shadow # Add application user and setup proper volume permissions RUN adduser -s /bin/false node; exit 0 # Start the application EXPOSE 8080 CMD [ "./start-docker.sh" ] HEALTHCHECK CMD sh DockerHealthcheck.sh