"use strict"; const noteService = require('../../services/notes'); const treeService = require('../../services/tree'); const repository = require('../../services/repository'); const utils = require('../../services/utils'); const TaskContext = require('../../services/task_context'); async function getNote(req) { const noteId = req.params.noteId; const note = await repository.getNote(noteId); if (!note) { return [404, "Note " + noteId + " has not been found."]; } if (note.isStringNote()) { await note.getContent(); if (note.type === 'file') { note.content = note.content.substr(0, 10000); } } await treeService.setCssClassesToNotes([note]); return note; } async function createNote(req) { const params = Object.assign({}, req.body); // clone params.parentNoteId = req.params.parentNoteId; const { target, targetBranchId } = req.query; const { note, branch } = await noteService.createNewNoteWithTarget(target, targetBranchId, params); await treeService.setCssClassesToNotes([note]); return { note, branch }; } async function updateNote(req) { const note = req.body; const noteId = req.params.noteId; return await noteService.updateNote(noteId, note); } async function deleteNote(req) { const noteId = req.params.noteId; const taskId = req.query.taskId; const last = req.query.last === 'true'; // note how deleteId is separate from taskId - single taskId produces separate deleteId for each "top level" deleted note const deleteId = utils.randomString(10); const note = await repository.getNote(noteId); const taskContext = TaskContext.getInstance(taskId, 'delete-notes'); for (const branch of await note.getBranches()) { await noteService.deleteBranch(branch, deleteId, taskContext); } if (last) { await taskContext.taskSucceeded(); } } async function undeleteNote(req) { const note = await repository.getNote(req.params.noteId); const taskContext = TaskContext.getInstance(utils.randomString(), 'undelete-notes'); await noteService.undeleteNote(note, note.deleteId, taskContext); await taskContext.taskSucceeded(); } async function sortNotes(req) { const noteId = req.params.noteId; await treeService.sortNotesAlphabetically(noteId); } async function protectSubtree(req) { const noteId = req.params.noteId; const note = await repository.getNote(noteId); const protect = !!parseInt(req.params.isProtected); const taskContext = new TaskContext(utils.randomString(10), 'protect-notes', {protect}); await noteService.protectNoteRecursively(note, protect, taskContext); taskContext.taskSucceeded(); } async function setNoteTypeMime(req) { // can't use [] destructuring because req.params is not iterable const noteId = req.params[0]; const type = req.params[1]; const mime = req.params[2]; const note = await repository.getNote(noteId); note.type = type; note.mime = mime; await note.save(); } async function getRelationMap(req) { const noteIds = req.body.noteIds; const resp = { // noteId => title noteTitles: {}, relations: [], // relation name => inverse relation name inverseRelations: { 'internalLink': 'internalLink' } }; if (noteIds.length === 0) { return resp; } const questionMarks = noteIds.map(noteId => '?').join(','); const notes = await repository.getEntities(`SELECT * FROM notes WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND noteId IN (${questionMarks})`, noteIds); for (const note of notes) { resp.noteTitles[note.noteId] = note.title; resp.relations = resp.relations.concat((await note.getRelations()) .filter(relation => noteIds.includes(relation.value)) .map(relation => { return { attributeId: relation.attributeId, sourceNoteId: relation.noteId, targetNoteId: relation.value, name: relation.name }; })); for (const relationDefinition of await note.getRelationDefinitions()) { if (relationDefinition.value.inverseRelation) { resp.inverseRelations[relationDefinition.name] = relationDefinition.value.inverseRelation; } } } return resp; } async function changeTitle(req) { const noteId = req.params.noteId; const title = req.body.title; const note = await repository.getNote(noteId); if (!note) { return [404, `Note ${noteId} has not been found`]; } if (!note.isContentAvailable) { return [400, `Note ${noteId} is not available for change`]; } note.title = title; await note.save(); } async function duplicateNote(req) { const {noteId, parentNoteId} = req.params; return await noteService.duplicateNote(noteId, parentNoteId); } module.exports = { getNote, updateNote, deleteNote, undeleteNote, createNote, sortNotes, protectSubtree, setNoteTypeMime, getRelationMap, changeTitle, duplicateNote };