"use strict"; const searchTree = (function() { const $tree = $("#tree"); const $searchInput = $("input[name='search-text']"); const $resetSearchButton = $("#reset-search-button"); const $doSearchButton = $("#do-search-button"); const $saveSearchButton = $("#save-search-button"); const $searchBox = $("#search-box"); const $toggleSearchButton = $("#toggle-search-button"); $resetSearchButton.click(resetSearch); function toggleSearch() { if ($searchBox.is(":hidden")) { $searchBox.show(); $searchInput.focus(); } else { resetSearch(); $searchBox.hide(); } } function resetSearch() { $searchInput.val(""); getTree().clearFilter(); } function getTree() { return $tree.fancytree('getTree'); } async function doSearch() { const searchText = $searchInput.val(); const noteIds = await server.get('search/' + encodeURIComponent(searchText)); for (const noteId of noteIds) { await noteTree.expandToNote(noteId, {noAnimation: true, noEvents: true}); } // Pass a string to perform case insensitive matching getTree().filterBranches(node => noteIds.includes(node.data.noteId)); } $searchInput.keyup(e => { const searchText = $searchInput.val(); if (e && e.which === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE || $.trim(searchText) === "") { $resetSearchButton.click(); return; } if (e && e.which === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) { doSearch(); } }).focus(); $doSearchButton.click(doSearch); $saveSearchButton.click(async () => { const {noteId} = await server.post('search/' + encodeURIComponent($searchInput.val())); await noteTree.reload(); await noteTree.activateNode(noteId); }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'ctrl+s', e => { toggleSearch(); e.preventDefault(); }); $toggleSearchButton.click(toggleSearch); return { toggleSearch }; })();