"use strict"; const status = (function() { const treeEl = $("#tree"); const $changesToPushCountEl = $("#changesToPushCount"); async function checkStatus() { const resp = await $.ajax({ url: baseApiUrl + 'status', type: 'POST', contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify({ treeLoadTime: noteTree.getTreeLoadTime(), currentNoteId: noteEditor.getCurrentNoteId(), currentNoteDateModified: noteEditor.getCurrentNoteLoadTime() }), statusCode: { 401: () => { // if the user got logged out then we should display the page // here we do that by reloading which will force the redirect if the user is really logged out window.location.reload(true); }, 409: () => { // 409 means we need to migrate database, reload will take care of it window.location.reload(true); } } }); if (resp.changedTree) { const treeResp = await noteTree.loadTree(); console.log("Reloading tree because of background changes"); // this will also reload the note content await treeEl.fancytree('getTree').reload(treeResp.notes); encryption.decryptTreeItems(); } $changesToPushCountEl.html(resp.changesToPushCount); } setInterval(checkStatus, 5 * 1000); return { checkStatus }; })();