"use strict"; const log = require('./log'); const rp = require('request-promise'); const sql = require('./sql'); const migration = require('./migration'); const SYNC_SERVER = 'http://localhost:3000'; let syncInProgress = false; async function sync() { try { syncInProgress = true; if (!await migration.isDbUpToDate()) { return; } const lastSynced = parseInt(await sql.getOption('last_synced')); const resp = await rp({ uri: SYNC_SERVER + '/api/sync/changed/' + lastSynced, headers: { auth: 'sync' }, json: true }); try { sql.beginTransaction(); for (const treeItem of resp.tree) { delete treeItem['id']; await sql.insert("notes_tree", treeItem, true); log.info("Syncing notes_tree " + treeItem.note_id); } for (const audit of resp.audit_log) { delete audit['id']; await sql.insert("audit_log", audit, true); log.info("Syncing audit_log for noteId=" + audit.note_id); } for (const noteId of resp.notes) { const note = await rp({ uri: SYNC_SERVER + "/api/sync/note/" + noteId + "/" + lastSynced, headers: { auth: 'sync' }, json: true }); console.log(noteId); await sql.insert("notes", note.detail, true); await sql.remove("images", noteId); for (const image of note.images) { await sql.insert("images", image); } for (const history of note.history) { delete history['id']; await sql.insert("notes_history", history); } } sql.commit(); } catch (e) { sql.rollback(); throw e; } } catch (e) { log.error("sync failed: " + e.stack); } finally { syncInProgress = false; } } setInterval(sync, 60000); setTimeout(sync, 1000);