"use strict"; const sql = require('./sql'); const utils = require('./utils'); const sync_table = require('./sync_table'); const Repository = require('./repository'); const BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES = [ 'run_on_startup', 'disable_versioning', 'calendar_root' ]; async function getNoteAttributeMap(noteId) { return await sql.getMap(`SELECT name, value FROM attributes WHERE noteId = ?`, [noteId]); } async function getNoteIdWithAttribute(name, value) { return await sql.getValue(`SELECT notes.noteId FROM notes JOIN attributes USING(noteId) WHERE notes.isDeleted = 0 AND attributes.isDeleted = 0 AND attributes.name = ? AND attributes.value = ?`, [name, value]); } async function getNotesWithAttribute(dataKey, name, value) { const repository = new Repository(dataKey); let notes; if (value !== undefined) { notes = await repository.getEntities(`SELECT notes.* FROM notes JOIN attributes USING(noteId) WHERE notes.isDeleted = 0 AND attributes.isDeleted = 0 AND attributes.name = ? AND attributes.value = ?`, [name, value]); } else { notes = await repository.getEntities(`SELECT notes.* FROM notes JOIN attributes USING(noteId) WHERE notes.isDeleted = 0 AND attributes.isDeleted = 0 AND attributes.name = ?`, [name]); } return notes; } async function getNoteWithAttribute(dataKey, name, value) { const notes = getNotesWithAttribute(dataKey, name, value); return notes.length > 0 ? notes[0] : null; } async function getNoteIdsWithAttribute(name) { return await sql.getColumn(`SELECT DISTINCT notes.noteId FROM notes JOIN attributes USING(noteId) WHERE notes.isDeleted = 0 AND attributes.isDeleted = 0 AND attributes.name = ? AND attributes.isDeleted = 0`, [name]); } async function createAttribute(noteId, name, value = null, sourceId = null) { const now = utils.nowDate(); const attributeId = utils.newAttributeId(); await sql.insert("attributes", { attributeId: attributeId, noteId: noteId, name: name, value: value, dateModified: now, dateCreated: now, isDeleted: false }); await sync_table.addAttributeSync(attributeId, sourceId); } module.exports = { getNoteAttributeMap, getNoteIdWithAttribute, getNotesWithAttribute, getNoteWithAttribute, getNoteIdsWithAttribute, createAttribute, BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES };