"use strict"; const Entity = require('./entity'); const dateUtils = require('../services/date_utils'); const repository = require('../services/repository'); const sql = require('../services/sql'); /** * Branch represents note's placement in the tree - it's essentially pair of noteId and parentNoteId. * Each note can have multiple (at least one) branches, meaning it can be placed into multiple places in the tree. * * @property {string} branchId - primary key * @property {string} noteId * @property {string} parentNoteId * @property {int} notePosition * @property {string} prefix * @property {boolean} isExpanded * @property {boolean} isDeleted * @property {string} utcDateModified * @property {string} utcDateCreated * * @extends Entity */ class Branch extends Entity { static get entityName() { return "branches"; } static get primaryKeyName() { return "branchId"; } // notePosition is not part of hash because it would produce a lot of updates in case of reordering static get hashedProperties() { return ["branchId", "noteId", "parentNoteId", "isDeleted", "prefix"]; } constructor(row = {}) { super(row); // used to detect move in note tree this.origParentNoteId = this.parentNoteId; } /** @returns {Note|null} */ async getNote() { return await repository.getEntity("SELECT * FROM notes WHERE noteId = ?", [this.noteId]); } async beforeSaving() { if (this.notePosition === undefined) { const maxNotePos = await sql.getValue('SELECT MAX(notePosition) FROM branches WHERE parentNoteId = ? AND isDeleted = 0', [this.parentNoteId]); this.notePosition = maxNotePos === null ? 0 : maxNotePos + 10; } if (!this.isExpanded) { this.isExpanded = false; } if (!this.isDeleted) { this.isDeleted = false; } if (!this.utcDateCreated) { this.utcDateCreated = dateUtils.utcNowDateTime(); } super.beforeSaving(); if (this.isChanged) { this.utcDateModified = dateUtils.utcNowDateTime(); } } // cannot be static! updatePojo(pojo) { delete pojo.origParentNoteId; } } module.exports = Branch;