import treeService from './tree.js'; import noteTypeService from './note_type.js'; import protectedSessionService from './protected_session.js'; import protectedSessionHolder from './protected_session_holder.js'; import utils from './utils.js'; import server from './server.js'; import messagingService from "./messaging.js"; import infoService from "./info.js"; import treeCache from "./tree_cache.js"; import NoteFull from "../entities/note_full.js"; import noteDetailCode from './note_detail_code.js'; import noteDetailText from './note_detail_text.js'; import noteDetailFile from './note_detail_file.js'; import noteDetailSearch from './note_detail_search.js'; import noteDetailRender from './note_detail_render.js'; const $noteTitle = $("#note-title"); const $noteDetailComponents = $(".note-detail-component"); const $protectButton = $("#protect-button"); const $unprotectButton = $("#unprotect-button"); const $noteDetailWrapper = $("#note-detail-wrapper"); const $noteIdDisplay = $("#note-id-display"); const $labelList = $("#label-list"); const $labelListInner = $("#label-list-inner"); let currentNote = null; let noteChangeDisabled = false; let isNoteChanged = false; const components = { 'code': noteDetailCode, 'text': noteDetailText, 'file': noteDetailFile, 'search': noteDetailSearch, 'render': noteDetailRender }; function getComponent(type) { if (components[type]) { return components[type]; } else { infoService.throwError("Unrecognized type: " + type); } } function getCurrentNote() { return currentNote; } function getCurrentNoteId() { return currentNote ? currentNote.noteId : null; } function getCurrentNoteType() { const currentNote = getCurrentNote(); return currentNote ? currentNote.type : null; } function noteChanged() { if (noteChangeDisabled) { return; } isNoteChanged = true; } async function reload() { // no saving here await loadNoteToEditor(getCurrentNoteId()); } async function switchToNote(noteId) { if (getCurrentNoteId() !== noteId) { await saveNoteIfChanged(); await loadNoteToEditor(noteId); } } async function saveNote() { const note = getCurrentNote(); note.title = $noteTitle.val(); note.content = getComponent(note.type).getContent(); treeService.setNoteTitle(note.noteId, note.title); await server.put('notes/' + note.noteId, note.dto); isNoteChanged = false; if (note.isProtected) { protectedSessionHolder.touchProtectedSession(); } infoService.showMessage("Saved!"); } async function saveNoteIfChanged() { if (!isNoteChanged) { return; } await saveNote(); } function setNoteBackgroundIfProtected(note) { const isProtected = !!note.isProtected; $noteDetailWrapper.toggleClass("protected", isProtected); $protectButton.toggle(!isProtected); $unprotectButton.toggle(isProtected); } let isNewNoteCreated = false; function newNoteCreated() { isNewNoteCreated = true; } async function handleProtectedSession() { await protectedSessionService.ensureProtectedSession(currentNote.isProtected, false); if (currentNote.isProtected) { protectedSessionHolder.touchProtectedSession(); } // this might be important if we focused on protected note when not in protected note and we got a dialog // to login, but we chose instead to come to another node - at that point the dialog is still visible and this will close it. protectedSessionService.ensureDialogIsClosed(); } async function loadNoteToEditor(noteId) { currentNote = await loadNote(noteId); if (isNewNoteCreated) { isNewNoteCreated = false; $noteTitle.focus().select(); } $noteIdDisplay.html(noteId); await handleProtectedSession(); $; noteChangeDisabled = true; try { $noteTitle.val(currentNote.title); noteTypeService.setNoteType(currentNote.type); noteTypeService.setNoteMime(currentNote.mime); $noteDetailComponents.hide(); await getComponent(currentNote.type).show(); } finally { noteChangeDisabled = false; } setNoteBackgroundIfProtected(currentNote); treeService.setBranchBackgroundBasedOnProtectedStatus(noteId); // after loading new note make sure editor is scrolled to the top $noteDetailWrapper.scrollTop(0); await loadLabelList(); } async function loadLabelList() { const noteId = getCurrentNoteId(); const labels = await server.get('notes/' + noteId + '/labels'); $labelListInner.html(''); if (labels.length > 0) { for (const label of labels) { $labelListInner.append(utils.formatLabel(label) + " "); } $; } else { $labelList.hide(); } } async function loadNote(noteId) { const row = await server.get('notes/' + noteId); return new NoteFull(treeCache, row); } function focus() { const note = getCurrentNote(); getComponent(note.type).focus(); } messagingService.subscribeToMessages(syncData => { if (syncData.some(sync => sync.entityName === 'notes' && sync.entityId === getCurrentNoteId())) { infoService.showMessage('Reloading note because of background changes'); reload(); } }); $(document).ready(() => { $noteTitle.on('input', () => { noteChanged(); const title = $noteTitle.val(); treeService.setNoteTitle(getCurrentNoteId(), title); }); noteDetailText.focus(); }); // this makes sure that when user e.g. reloads the page or navigates away from the page, the note's content is saved // this sends the request asynchronously and doesn't wait for result $(window).on('beforeunload', () => { saveNoteIfChanged(); }); // don't convert to short form, handler doesn't like returned promise setInterval(saveNoteIfChanged, 5000); export default { reload, switchToNote, setNoteBackgroundIfProtected, loadNote, getCurrentNote, getCurrentNoteType, getCurrentNoteId, newNoteCreated, focus, loadLabelList, saveNote, saveNoteIfChanged, noteChanged };