"use strict"; const sql = require('./sql'); const sqlInit = require('./sql_init'); const log = require('./log'); const ws = require('./ws.js'); const syncMutexService = require('./sync_mutex'); const repository = require('./repository'); const cls = require('./cls'); const syncTableService = require('./sync_table'); const optionsService = require('./options'); const Branch = require('../entities/branch'); class ConsistencyChecks { constructor(autoFix) { this.autoFix = autoFix; this.unrecoveredConsistencyErrors = false; this.fixedIssues = false; } async findIssues(query, errorCb) { const results = await sql.getRows(query); for (const res of results) { logError(errorCb(res)); this.unrecoveredConsistencyErrors = true; } return results; } async findAndFixIssues(query, fixerCb) { const results = await sql.getRows(query); for (const res of results) { try { await fixerCb(res); if (this.autoFix) { this.fixedIssues = true; } else { this.unrecoveredConsistencyErrors = true; } } catch (e) { logError(`Fixer failed with ${e.message} ${e.stack}`); this.unrecoveredConsistencyErrors = true; } } return results; } async checkTreeCycles() { const childToParents = {}; const rows = await sql.getRows("SELECT noteId, parentNoteId FROM branches WHERE isDeleted = 0"); for (const row of rows) { const childNoteId = row.noteId; const parentNoteId = row.parentNoteId; childToParents[childNoteId] = childToParents[childNoteId] || []; childToParents[childNoteId].push(parentNoteId); } function checkTreeCycle(noteId, path) { if (noteId === 'root') { return; } if (!childToParents[noteId] || childToParents[noteId].length === 0) { logError(`No parents found for note ${noteId}`); this.unrecoveredConsistencyErrors = true; return; } for (const parentNoteId of childToParents[noteId]) { if (path.includes(parentNoteId)) { logError(`Tree cycle detected at parent-child relationship: ${parentNoteId} - ${noteId}, whole path: ${path}`); this.unrecoveredConsistencyErrors = true; } else { const newPath = path.slice(); newPath.push(noteId); checkTreeCycle(parentNoteId, newPath); } } } const noteIds = Object.keys(childToParents); for (const noteId of noteIds) { checkTreeCycle(noteId, []); } if (childToParents['root'].length !== 1 || childToParents['root'][0] !== 'none') { logError('Incorrect root parent: ' + JSON.stringify(childToParents['root'])); this.unrecoveredConsistencyErrors = true; } } async findBrokenReferenceIssues() { await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT branchId, branches.noteId FROM branches LEFT JOIN notes USING (noteId) WHERE branches.isDeleted = 0 AND notes.noteId IS NULL`, async ({branchId, noteId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const branch = await repository.getBranch(branchId); branch.isDeleted = true; await branch.save(); logFix(`Branch ${branchId} has been deleted since it references missing note ${noteId}`); } else { logError(`Branch ${branchId} references missing note ${noteId}`); } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT branchId, branches.noteId AS parentNoteId FROM branches LEFT JOIN notes ON notes.noteId = branches.parentNoteId WHERE branches.isDeleted = 0 AND branches.branchId != 'root' AND notes.noteId IS NULL`, async ({branchId, parentNoteId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const branch = await repository.getBranch(branchId); branch.parentNoteId = 'root'; await branch.save(); logFix(`Branch ${branchId} was set to root parent since it was referencing missing parent note ${parentNoteId}`); } else { logError(`Branch ${branchId} references missing parent note ${parentNoteId}`); } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT attributeId, attributes.noteId FROM attributes LEFT JOIN notes USING (noteId) WHERE attributes.isDeleted = 0 AND notes.noteId IS NULL`, async ({attributeId, noteId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const attribute = await repository.getAttribute(attributeId); attribute.isDeleted = true; await attribute.save(); logFix(`Attribute ${attributeId} has been deleted since it references missing source note ${noteId}`); } else { logError(`Attribute ${attributeId} references missing source note ${noteId}`); } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT attributeId, attributes.value AS noteId FROM attributes LEFT JOIN notes ON notes.noteId = attributes.value WHERE attributes.isDeleted = 0 AND attributes.type = 'relation' AND notes.noteId IS NULL`, async ({attributeId, noteId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const attribute = await repository.getAttribute(attributeId); attribute.isDeleted = true; await attribute.save(); logFix(`Relation ${attributeId} has been deleted since it references missing note ${noteId}`) } else { logError(`Relation ${attributeId} references missing note ${noteId}`) } }); await this.findIssues(` SELECT noteRevisionId, note_revisions.noteId FROM note_revisions LEFT JOIN notes USING (noteId) WHERE notes.noteId IS NULL`, ({noteRevisionId, noteId}) => `Note revision ${noteRevisionId} references missing note ${noteId}`); } async findExistencyIssues() { // principle for fixing inconsistencies is that if the note itself is deleted (isDeleted=true) then all related entities should be also deleted (branches, attributes) // but if note is not deleted, then at least one branch should exist. // the order here is important - first we might need to delete inconsistent branches and after that // another check might create missing branch await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT branchId, noteId FROM branches JOIN notes USING (noteId) WHERE notes.isDeleted = 1 AND branches.isDeleted = 0`, async ({branchId, noteId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const branch = await repository.getBranch(branchId); branch.isDeleted = true; await branch.save(); logFix(`Branch ${branchId} has been deleted since associated note ${noteId} is deleted.`); } else { logError(`Branch ${branchId} is not deleted even though associated note ${noteId} is deleted.`) } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT branchId, parentNoteId FROM branches JOIN notes AS parentNote ON parentNote.noteId = branches.parentNoteId WHERE parentNote.isDeleted = 1 AND branches.isDeleted = 0 `, async ({branchId, parentNoteId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const branch = await repository.getBranch(branchId); branch.isDeleted = true; await branch.save(); logFix(`Branch ${branchId} has been deleted since associated parent note ${parentNoteId} is deleted.`); } else { logError(`Branch ${branchId} is not deleted even though associated parent note ${parentNoteId} is deleted.`) } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT DISTINCT notes.noteId FROM notes LEFT JOIN branches ON notes.noteId = branches.noteId AND branches.isDeleted = 0 WHERE notes.isDeleted = 0 AND branches.branchId IS NULL `, async ({noteId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const branch = await new Branch({ parentNoteId: 'root', noteId: noteId, prefix: 'recovered' }).save(); logFix(`Created missing branch ${branch.branchId} for note ${noteId}`); } else { logError(`No undeleted branch found for note ${noteId}`); } }); // there should be a unique relationship between note and its parent await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT noteId, parentNoteId FROM branches WHERE branches.isDeleted = 0 GROUP BY branches.parentNoteId, branches.noteId HAVING COUNT(1) > 1`, async ({noteId, parentNoteId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const branches = await repository.getEntities( `SELECT * FROM branches WHERE noteId = ? and parentNoteId = ? and isDeleted = 0`, [noteId, parentNoteId]); // it's not necessarily "original" branch, it's just the only one which will survive const origBranch = branches[0]; // delete all but the first branch for (const branch of branches.slice(1)) { branch.isDeleted = true; await branch.save(); logFix(`Removing branch ${branch.branchId} since it's parent-child duplicate of branch ${origBranch.branchId}`); } } else { logError(`Duplicate branches for note ${noteId} and parent ${parentNoteId}`); } }); } async findLogicIssues() { await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT noteId, type FROM notes WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND type NOT IN ('text', 'code', 'render', 'file', 'image', 'search', 'relation-map', 'book')`, async ({noteId, type}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const note = await repository.getNote(noteId); note.type = 'file'; // file is a safe option to recover notes if type is not known await note.save(); logFix(`Note ${noteId} type has been change to file since it had invalid type=${type}`) } else { logError(`Note ${noteId} has invalid type=${type}`); } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT notes.noteId FROM notes LEFT JOIN note_contents USING (noteId) WHERE note_contents.noteId IS NULL`, async ({noteId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const note = await repository.getNote(noteId); // empty string might be wrong choice for some note types (and protected notes) but it's a best guess await note.setContent(note.isErased ? null : ''); logFix(`Note ${noteId} content was set to empty string since there was no corresponding row`); } else { logError(`Note ${noteId} content row does not exist`); } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT noteId FROM notes JOIN note_contents USING (noteId) WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND content IS NULL`, async ({noteId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const note = await repository.getNote(noteId); // empty string might be wrong choice for some note types (and protected notes) but it's a best guess await note.setContent(''); logFix(`Note ${noteId} content was set to empty string since it was null even though it is not deleted`); } else { logError(`Note ${noteId} content is null even though it is not deleted`); } }); await this.findIssues(` SELECT noteId FROM notes JOIN note_contents USING (noteId) WHERE isErased = 1 AND content IS NOT NULL`, ({noteId}) => `Note ${noteId} content is not null even though the note is erased`); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT noteId, noteRevisionId FROM notes JOIN note_revisions USING (noteId) WHERE notes.isErased = 1 AND note_revisions.isErased = 0`, async ({noteId, noteRevisionId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const noteRevision = await repository.getNoteRevision(noteRevisionId); noteRevision.isErased = true; await noteRevision.setContent(null); await noteRevision.save(); logFix(`Note revision ${noteRevisionId} has been erased since its note ${noteId} is also erased.`); } else { logError(`Note revision ${noteRevisionId} is not erased even though note ${noteId} is erased.`); } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT note_revisions.noteRevisionId FROM note_revisions LEFT JOIN note_revision_contents USING (noteRevisionId) WHERE note_revision_contents.noteRevisionId IS NULL`, async ({noteRevisionId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const noteRevision = await repository.getNoteRevision(noteRevisionId); await noteRevision.setContent(null); noteRevision.isErased = true; await noteRevision.save(); logFix(`Note revision content ${noteRevisionId} was created and set to erased since it did not exist.`); } else { logError(`Note revision content ${noteRevisionId} does not exist`); } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT noteRevisionId FROM note_revisions JOIN note_revision_contents USING (noteRevisionId) WHERE isErased = 0 AND content IS NULL`, async ({noteRevisionId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const noteRevision = await repository.getNoteRevision(noteRevisionId); noteRevision.isErased = true; await noteRevision.save(); logFix(`Note revision ${noteRevisionId} content was set to empty string since it was null even though it is not erased`); } else { logError(`Note revision ${noteRevisionId} content is null even though it is not erased`); } }); await this.findIssues(` SELECT noteRevisionId FROM note_revisions JOIN note_revision_contents USING (noteRevisionId) WHERE isErased = 1 AND content IS NOT NULL`, ({noteRevisionId}) => `Note revision ${noteRevisionId} content is not null even though the note revision is erased`); await this.findIssues(` SELECT noteId FROM notes WHERE isErased = 1 AND isDeleted = 0`, ({noteId}) => `Note ${noteId} is not deleted even though it is erased`); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT parentNoteId FROM branches JOIN notes ON notes.noteId = branches.parentNoteId WHERE notes.isDeleted = 0 AND notes.type == 'search' AND branches.isDeleted = 0`, async ({parentNoteId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const branches = await repository.getEntities(`SELECT * FROM branches WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND parentNoteId = ?`, [parentNoteId]); for (const branch of branches) { branch.parentNoteId = 'root'; await branch.save(); logFix(`Child branch ${branch.branchId} has been moved to root since it was a child of a search note ${parentNoteId}`) } } else { logError(`Search note ${parentNoteId} has children`); } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT attributeId FROM attributes WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND type = 'relation' AND value = ''`, async ({attributeId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const relation = await repository.getAttribute(attributeId); relation.isDeleted = true; await relation.save(); logFix(`Removed relation ${relation.attributeId} of name "${relation.name} with empty target.`); } else { logError(`Relation ${attributeId} has empty target.`); } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT attributeId, type FROM attributes WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND type != 'label' AND type != 'label-definition' AND type != 'relation' AND type != 'relation-definition'`, async ({attributeId, type}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const attribute = await repository.getAttribute(attributeId); attribute.type = 'label'; await attribute.save(); logFix(`Attribute ${attributeId} type was changed to label since it had invalid type '${type}'`); } else { logError(`Attribute ${attributeId} has invalid type '${type}'`); } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT attributeId, attributes.noteId FROM attributes JOIN notes ON attributes.noteId = notes.noteId WHERE attributes.isDeleted = 0 AND notes.isDeleted = 1`, async ({attributeId, noteId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const attribute = await repository.getAttribute(attributeId); attribute.isDeleted = true; await attribute.save(); logFix(`Removed attribute ${attributeId} because owning note ${noteId} is also deleted.`); } else { logError(`Attribute ${attributeId} is not deleted even though owning note ${noteId} is deleted.`); } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT attributeId, attributes.value AS targetNoteId FROM attributes JOIN notes ON attributes.value = notes.noteId WHERE attributes.type = 'relation' AND attributes.isDeleted = 0 AND notes.isDeleted = 1`, async ({attributeId, targetNoteId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { const attribute = await repository.getAttribute(attributeId); attribute.isDeleted = true; await attribute.save(); logFix(`Removed attribute ${attributeId} because target note ${targetNoteId} is also deleted.`); } else { logError(`Attribute ${attributeId} is not deleted even though target note ${targetNoteId} is deleted.`); } }); } async runSyncRowChecks(entityName, key) { await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT ${key} as entityId FROM ${entityName} LEFT JOIN sync ON sync.entityName = '${entityName}' AND entityId = ${key} WHERE sync.id IS NULL AND ` + (entityName === 'options' ? 'isSynced = 1' : '1'), async ({entityId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { await syncTableService.addEntitySync(entityName, entityId); logFix(`Created missing sync record for entityName=${entityName}, entityId=${entityId}`); } else { logError(`Missing sync record for entityName=${entityName}, entityId=${entityId}`); } }); await this.findAndFixIssues(` SELECT id, entityId FROM sync LEFT JOIN ${entityName} ON entityId = ${key} WHERE sync.entityName = '${entityName}' AND ${key} IS NULL`, async ({id, entityId}) => { if (this.autoFix) { await sql.execute("DELETE FROM sync WHERE entityName = ? AND entityId = ?", [entityName, entityId]); logFix(`Deleted extra sync record id=${id}, entityName=${entityName}, entityId=${entityId}`); } else { logError(`Unrecognized sync record id=${id}, entityName=${entityName}, entityId=${entityId}`); } }); } async findSyncRowsIssues() { await this.runSyncRowChecks("notes", "noteId"); await this.runSyncRowChecks("note_contents", "noteId"); await this.runSyncRowChecks("note_revisions", "noteRevisionId"); await this.runSyncRowChecks("branches", "branchId"); await this.runSyncRowChecks("recent_notes", "noteId"); await this.runSyncRowChecks("attributes", "attributeId"); await this.runSyncRowChecks("api_tokens", "apiTokenId"); await this.runSyncRowChecks("options", "name"); } async runAllChecks() { this.unrecoveredConsistencyErrors = false; this.fixedIssues = false; await this.findBrokenReferenceIssues(); await this.findExistencyIssues(); await this.findLogicIssues(); await this.findSyncRowsIssues(); if (this.unrecoveredConsistencyErrors) { // we run this only if basic checks passed since this assumes basic data consistency await this.checkTreeCycles(); } return !this.unrecoveredConsistencyErrors; } async showEntityStat(name, query) { const map = await sql.getMap(query); map[0] = map[0] || 0; map[1] = map[1] || 0; log.info(`${name} deleted: ${map[1]}, not deleted ${map[0]}`); } async runDbDiagnostics() { await this.showEntityStat("Notes", `SELECT isDeleted, count(1) FROM notes GROUP BY isDeleted`); await this.showEntityStat("Note revisions", `SELECT isErased, count(1) FROM note_revisions GROUP BY isErased`); await this.showEntityStat("Branches", `SELECT isDeleted, count(1) FROM branches GROUP BY isDeleted`); await this.showEntityStat("Attributes", `SELECT isDeleted, count(1) FROM attributes GROUP BY isDeleted`); await this.showEntityStat("API tokens", `SELECT isDeleted, count(1) FROM api_tokens GROUP BY isDeleted`); } async runChecks() { let elapsedTimeMs; await syncMutexService.doExclusively(async () => { const startTime = new Date(); await this.runDbDiagnostics(); await this.runAllChecks(); elapsedTimeMs = Date.now() - startTime.getTime(); }); if (this.fixedIssues) { ws.refreshTree(); } if (this.unrecoveredConsistencyErrors) { log.info(`Consistency checks failed (took ${elapsedTimeMs}ms)`); ws.sendMessageToAllClients({type: 'consistency-checks-failed'}); } else { log.info(`All consistency checks passed (took ${elapsedTimeMs}ms)`); } } } function logFix(message) { log.info("Consistency issue fixed: " + message); } function logError(message) { log.info("Consistency error: " + message); } async function runPeriodicChecks() { const autoFix = await optionsService.getOptionBool('autoFixConsistencyIssues'); const consistencyChecks = new ConsistencyChecks(autoFix); await consistencyChecks.runChecks(); } async function runOnDemandChecks(autoFix) { const consistencyChecks = new ConsistencyChecks(autoFix); await consistencyChecks.runChecks(); } sqlInit.dbReady.then(() => { setInterval(cls.wrap(runPeriodicChecks), 60 * 60 * 1000); // kickoff checks soon after startup (to not block the initial load) setTimeout(cls.wrap(runPeriodicChecks), 20 * 1000); }); module.exports = { runOnDemandChecks };