import libraryLoader from "./library_loader.js"; import bundleService from "./bundle.js"; import toastService from "./toast.js"; import server from "./server.js"; import noteDetailService from "./note_detail.js"; import keyboardActionService from "./keyboard_actions.js"; const TPL = `
`; class NoteDetailCode { /** * @param {TabContext} ctx */ constructor(ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; this.codeEditor = null; this.$component = ctx.$tabContent.find('.note-detail-code'); this.$editorEl = this.$component.find('.note-detail-code-editor'); this.$executeScriptButton = ctx.$tabContent.find(".execute-script-button"); keyboardActionService.setElementActionHandler(ctx.$tabContent, 'RunActiveNote', () => this.executeCurrentNote()); this.$executeScriptButton.on('click', () => this.executeCurrentNote()); } async render() { await libraryLoader.requireLibrary(libraryLoader.CODE_MIRROR); if (!this.codeEditor) { CodeMirror.keyMap.default["Shift-Tab"] = "indentLess"; CodeMirror.keyMap.default["Tab"] = "indentMore"; // these conflict with backward/forward navigation shortcuts delete CodeMirror.keyMap.default["Alt-Left"]; delete CodeMirror.keyMap.default["Alt-Right"]; CodeMirror.modeURL = 'libraries/codemirror/mode/%N/%N.js'; this.codeEditor = CodeMirror(this.$editorEl[0], { value: "", viewportMargin: Infinity, indentUnit: 4, matchBrackets: true, matchTags: {bothTags: true}, highlightSelectionMatches: {showToken: /\w/, annotateScrollbar: false}, lint: true, gutters: ["CodeMirror-lint-markers"], lineNumbers: true, tabindex: 100, // we linewrap partly also because without it horizontal scrollbar displays only when you scroll // all the way to the bottom of the note. With line wrap there's no horizontal scrollbar so no problem lineWrapping: true, dragDrop: false // with true the editor inlines dropped files which is not what we expect }); this.onNoteChange(() => this.ctx.noteChanged()); } // lazy loading above can take time and tab might have been already switched to another note if (this.ctx.note && this.ctx.note.type === 'code') { // CodeMirror breaks pretty badly on null so even though it shouldn't happen (guarded by consistency check) // we provide fallback this.codeEditor.setValue(this.ctx.note.content || ""); const info = CodeMirror.findModeByMIME(this.ctx.note.mime); if (info) { this.codeEditor.setOption("mode", info.mime); CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(this.codeEditor, info.mode); }; } } show() { this.$; if (this.codeEditor) { // show can be called before render this.codeEditor.refresh(); } } getContent() { return this.codeEditor.getValue(); } focus() { this.codeEditor.focus(); } async executeCurrentNote() { // ctrl+enter is also used elsewhere so make sure we're running only when appropriate if (this.ctx.note.type !== 'code') { return; } // make sure note is saved so we load latest changes await noteDetailService.saveNotesIfChanged(); if (this.ctx.note.mime.endsWith("env=frontend")) { await bundleService.getAndExecuteBundle(this.ctx.note.noteId); } if (this.ctx.note.mime.endsWith("env=backend")) { await'script/run/' + this.ctx.note.noteId); } toastService.showMessage("Note executed"); } onNoteChange(func) { this.codeEditor.on('change', func); } cleanup() { if (this.codeEditor) { this.codeEditor.setValue(''); } } scrollToTop() { this.$component.scrollTop(0); } } export default NoteDetailCode;