import Branch from "../entities/branch.js"; import NoteShort from "../entities/note_short.js"; import Attribute from "../entities/attribute.js"; import server from "./server.js"; import NoteComplement from "../entities/note_complement.js"; /** * TreeCache keeps a read only cache of note tree structure in frontend's memory. * - notes are loaded lazily when unknown noteId is requested * - when note is loaded, all its parent and child branches are loaded as well. For a branch to be used, it's not must be loaded before * - deleted notes are present in the cache as well, but they don't have any branches. As a result check for deleted branch is done by presence check - if the branch is not there even though the corresponding note has been loaded, we can infer it is deleted. * * Note and branch deletions are corner cases and usually not needed. */ class TreeCache { constructor() { this.initializedPromise = this.loadInitialTree(); } async loadInitialTree() { const resp = await server.get('tree'); // clear the cache only directly before adding new content which is important for e.g. switching to protected session /** @type {Object.} */ this.notes = {}; /** @type {Object.} */ this.branches = {}; /** @type {Object.} */ this.attributes = {}; /** @type {Object.>} */ this.noteComplementPromises = {}; await this.loadParents(resp); this.addResp(resp); } async loadParents(resp) { const noteIds = new Set( => note.noteId)); const missingNoteIds = []; for (const branch of resp.branches) { if (!(branch.parentNoteId in this.notes) && !noteIds.has(branch.parentNoteId) && branch.parentNoteId !== 'none') { missingNoteIds.push(branch.parentNoteId); } } for (const attr of resp.attributes) { if (attr.type === 'relation' && === 'template' && !(attr.value in this.notes) && !noteIds.has(attr.value)) { missingNoteIds.push(attr.value); } } if (missingNoteIds.length > 0) { const newResp = await'tree/load', { noteIds: missingNoteIds }); resp.notes = resp.notes.concat(newResp.notes); resp.branches = resp.branches.concat(newResp.branches); resp.attributes = resp.attributes.concat(newResp.attributes); await this.loadParents(resp); } } addResp(resp) { const noteRows = resp.notes; const branchRows = resp.branches; const attributeRows = resp.attributes; for (const noteRow of noteRows) { const {noteId} = noteRow; const oldNote = this.notes[noteId]; if (oldNote) { for (const childNoteId of oldNote.children) { const childNote = this.notes[childNoteId]; if (childNote) { childNote.parents = childNote.parents.filter(p => p !== noteId); delete this.branches[childNote.parentToBranch[noteId]]; delete childNote.parentToBranch[noteId]; } } for (const parentNoteId of oldNote.parents) { const parentNote = this.notes[parentNoteId]; if (parentNote) { parentNote.children = parentNote.children.filter(p => p !== noteId); delete this.branches[parentNote.childToBranch[noteId]]; delete parentNote.childToBranch[noteId]; } } } const note = new NoteShort(this, noteRow); this.notes[note.noteId] = note; } for (const branchRow of branchRows) { const branch = new Branch(this, branchRow); this.branches[branch.branchId] = branch; const childNote = this.notes[branch.noteId]; if (childNote) { childNote.addParent(branch.parentNoteId, branch.branchId); } const parentNote = this.notes[branch.parentNoteId]; if (parentNote) { parentNote.addChild(branch.noteId, branch.branchId); } } for (const attributeRow of attributeRows) { const {attributeId} = attributeRow; this.attributes[attributeId] = new Attribute(this, attributeRow); const note = this.notes[attributeRow.noteId]; if (!note.attributes.includes(attributeId)) { note.attributes.push(attributeId); } if (attributeRow.type === 'relation') { const targetNote = this.notes[attributeRow.value]; if (targetNote) { if (!targetNote.targetRelations.includes(attributeId)) { targetNote.targetRelations.push(attributeId); } } } } } async reloadNotes(noteIds) { if (noteIds.length === 0) { return; } noteIds = Array.from(new Set(noteIds)); // make noteIds unique const resp = await'tree/load', { noteIds }); await this.loadParents(resp); this.addResp(resp); for (const note of resp.notes) { if (note.type === 'search') { const searchResults = await server.get('search-note/' + note.noteId); if (!searchResults) { throw new Error(`Search note ${note.noteId} failed.`); } // force to load all the notes at once instead of one by one await this.getNotes( => res.noteId)); const branches = resp.branches.filter(b => b.noteId === note.noteId || b.parentNoteId === note.noteId); searchResults.forEach((result, index) => branches.push({ // branchId should be repeatable since sometimes we reload some notes without rerendering the tree branchId: "virt" + result.noteId + '-' + note.noteId, noteId: result.noteId, parentNoteId: note.noteId, prefix: this.getBranch(result.branchId).prefix, notePosition: (index + 1) * 10 })); // update this note with standard (parent) branches + virtual (children) branches this.addResp({ notes: [note], branches, attributes: [] }); } } } /** @return {NoteShort[]} */ getNotesFromCache(noteIds, silentNotFoundError = false) { return => { if (!this.notes[noteId] && !silentNotFoundError) { console.log(`Can't find note "${noteId}"`); return null; } else { return this.notes[noteId]; } }).filter(note => !!note); } /** @return {Promise} */ async getNotes(noteIds, silentNotFoundError = false) { const missingNoteIds = noteIds.filter(noteId => !this.notes[noteId]); await this.reloadNotes(missingNoteIds); return => { if (!this.notes[noteId] && !silentNotFoundError) { console.log(`Can't find note "${noteId}"`); return null; } else { return this.notes[noteId]; } }).filter(note => !!note); } /** @return {Promise} */ async noteExists(noteId) { const notes = await this.getNotes([noteId], true); return notes.length === 1; } /** @return {Promise} */ async getNote(noteId, silentNotFoundError = false) { if (noteId === 'none') { console.log(`No 'none' note.`); return null; } else if (!noteId) { console.log(`Falsy noteId ${noteId}, returning null.`); return null; } return (await this.getNotes([noteId], silentNotFoundError))[0]; } getNoteFromCache(noteId) { return this.notes[noteId]; } getBranches(branchIds, silentNotFoundError = false) { return branchIds .map(branchId => this.getBranch(branchId, silentNotFoundError)) .filter(b => !!b); } /** @return {Branch} */ getBranch(branchId, silentNotFoundError = false) { if (!(branchId in this.branches)) { if (!silentNotFoundError) { console.error(`Not existing branch ${branchId}`); } } else { return this.branches[branchId]; } } async getBranchId(parentNoteId, childNoteId) { const child = await this.getNote(childNoteId); return child.parentToBranch[parentNoteId]; } async getNoteComplement(noteId) { if (!this.noteComplementPromises[noteId]) { this.noteComplementPromises[noteId] = server.get('notes/' + noteId).then(row => new NoteComplement(row)); } return await this.noteComplementPromises[noteId]; } } const treeCache = new TreeCache(); export default treeCache;